Can't Sign into the Game on PS4

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NCR RANGER, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. NCR RANGER New Player

    even though I'm signed into PSN anyone else having this problem?
  2. Cirocband New Player

    Yep I am, I ended up playing on my PS3 until it gets fixed.
  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Same I just hopped on my PS3.
  4. NCR RANGER New Player

    Is the ps4 controller supported at least?
  5. Couzintony New Player

    Not for the ps3.... I don't know of any consoles where u can use the next gen stuff on the older model..
  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah it is. For some games like COD, Fifa, FFXIV I haven't tried DCUO though.
  7. NotFixingIT New Player

    FYI the talk on PSN forums is maintenance window has been extended to Midnight PST, meaning a full 24 hours since they started early last night, going to suck if I can't play again for the second night in a row when I get home tonight bleh.
  8. Raikken New Player

    I'm on the ps4 and I keep getting an error saying cannot connect to server, this is the same error that occurred when the ps4 first came out. Is there anyone else who has this problem or know why or when it will be fixed or anything? I don't see how this is the new console with more technical power and the game is still having more bugs. SOEs excuse has been that the ps3 cant handle the game, now the ps4 is out and theres still problems.
  9. Lota New Player

    SOE are having maintenance dude, im on ps4 to but cant get onto the game
  10. Solutha New Player

    It is a PSN issue. Having the same problem with Battlefield 4.
  11. Green Lantern New Player

  12. NCR RANGER New Player

    Oh damn, battlefield too? :(
  13. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    PSN was supposed to be back up by now.
  14. Solutha New Player

    It was haven't tried in about 2-3 hours. Kept getting a cannot connect to EA servers error. It may be working now.
  15. Lota New Player

    I just looked an i can go into the store, thats weird right? thought if SOE had maintenance we cant open the store
  16. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    Nope it's not working cause I still can't connect.
  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    official thread:
  18. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

  19. Krelnadra New Player

    It keeps on getting cant connect with sever

    If there was aupdate to download today the ps4 did not get it
  20. Badname8293 New Player

    fix it or il sue