A friendly wager

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Edge, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Assuming two things;

    The PS4 launch of DCUO is on schedule.


    The first players download the game onto their system by noon.

    At what time will the first shout go up "need roles for Paradox, CR 100+, SP 150+, must have mic and PS4"
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  2. General Zod 10000 Post Club

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  3. Myrdin69 New Player

    never, t6 will launche before that, the shout would rather be cr120+ 160sp+
  4. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    T6 is coming out before next Friday?
  5. Myrdin69 New Player

    before it happens ...

    hope so :(
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  6. Future Nostalgia New Player

    A bit off topic, but will the PS4 get a test server?
  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I would doubt it, the same corporate restrictions would hold it back.
  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm guessing the first week or two will be working out the bugs and kinks on the PS4....

    I would agree we will be seeing that shout though in the near future. The rendering on the PS3 is brutal many times and I have an SSD in my PS3.
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  9. Poo New Player

    Ummm...? The new game update will be live b4 PS4 launch.
  10. Future Nostalgia New Player

    What are the 'corporate' restrictions? And why aren't they the same for PC? I thought there were hardware limitations with the PS3 that prevented a test server....
  11. Myrdin69 New Player

    a test server require many update which sony refuse if i remember correctly, anyway it is not a limitation problems
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    PSN is very strict and fickle. You have to jump through hoops to get updates onto it regularly. It would cost SOE more money trying to support a PS test server than it would just cost us as a consumer.

    PSN is also the same reason why PC and PS players aren't on one server.
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  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    To add to what Bumbling said, the delay between submitting something, and getting it approved is also problematic. By the time something is approved for the PS3, an updated patch is ready to go up for PC, making the build on the PS3 version outdated by the time it launches.
  14. LV~ New Player

    I would put my internet money on about an hour after launch.
  15. Radium Devoted Player

    I'll be honest, I want to run an all PS4 Nexus and Paradox group just to see if there are any render issues between everyone.
  16. Potent New Player

    All of this is hogwash that they spit down our throats.

    Final Fantasy has had almost weekly updates and hotfixes since it's release.

    Final Fantasy is cross-platform between PS and PC.

    The truth is they are more worried about profit than creating an enjoyable play experience.

    Doing the above mentioned things would cut too much into their profits, so they opt not to.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Hence "fickle". I'm just telling you what they did. The devs have been honest and said, it comes down to money.
  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I plan on doing that after I try the t2 Oolong lsland to sey if I still freeze after I take a few steps.
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    On the test server the hotfixes come almost daily, sometimes twice a day.
  20. Potent New Player

    I'm sure if Square wanted to do daily hotfixes, they very well could.

    You see, the issue lies within having to REDOWNLOAD a 124 MB client EVERY TIME we have a patch.(Which is why they "have" to go through the PSN, blah blah blah)

    I've not redownloaded a file from PSN since I installed the CLOSED BETA of Final Fantasy XIV on my Playstation.

    Because they do not use the PSN as their client distributor, the FFXIV Launcher itself downloads a new client if there is one.

    So once again. It is hogwash.