USPC Justice Girls [HERO] and Justice Girls Dark [VILLIAN]

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Failia, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Failia New Player

    Welcome to our new recruitment thread!

    Beginning with roots from City of Heros (CoH), our founding members were all previous previous advocates for justice from Justice Girls in CoH. With the unfortunate closing of that innovative superhero experience, our numbers become the home for a number of refugees from CoH, from both former Justice Girls from there as well as other leagues.

    We have both a Hero and Villian league.

    Joining us is simple. Simply follow the link below and click on "Apply to The Justice Girls" on the left.

    We don't have many requirements. We only ask:
    1) You're over the age of 18 years
    2) Your character has to be female

    The player need not be female (take it from me ;))
    Apply today and take part in an experience that has been around since DCUO started!
    • Like x 5
  2. Failia New Player

    This is what I get for posting this so early. Onto Page 6 lol. Lot of good leagues open for recruiting. I hope everyone finds what they need.
    • Like x 1
  3. Glardian New Player

    First USPC Hero league I've found yet.
  4. Failia New Player

    The first one you've found? There's lots around so I'm confused lol
  5. roxy spaulding Active Player

    failia, you forgot to mention that our heroes have kittens and our villians have cookies.
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  6. Snow New Player

    You forgot to mention my weather forecast. It will NOT Snow tommorow.
    • Like x 1
  7. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    I actually just made a Hero(First time Hero really). Been looking for a league. Not sure if you take lowbies, I'm experienced on Villain side though somewhat xP

    I'll check out your site.
  8. Snow New Player

    Yes we take lowbies. Like Falia mentioned, we don't have many restrictions.
  9. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Thanks, I've sent in an application. I won't be on til tomorrow though I'm off to bed now actually.

    Might just pop into the custom channel and ask for an invite then if that's fine! (What it said on the site hahah)
  10. Failia New Player

    Something I should mention so there isn't any misunderstandings.

    We try to avoid inviting people that have names that someone consider offensive and/or sexual in nature. I apologize if your application is rejected for such a reason. Thanks for understanding!
    • Like x 1
  11. Failia New Player

    Been a while since I've updated this but Justice Girls is still open for business!
  12. ShivelleTir New Player

    Hi, I saw one of your members in the game and decided to look you all up. Seems cool I will try to apply :)
  13. Failia New Player

    Well, I don't bump this often enough. Looking for an all female character league for that female hero or villain? Then look us up!
  14. Lord Azar New Player

    I have a low lvl character already in Justice Girls that I haven't played in some time. Her name is Koko Puffs. I am finally getting back into the game now that I have a little more time and would like to have my lvl 30, HighLady Lightness join for some higher lvl adventures with some fun people. Is there anyone in particular I should look for in-game?
  15. Failia New Player

    Your best bet would be to ask in our shared group "justicegirls" for a league invite. There should be at least one person that could invite you.

  16. Failia New Player

    An update:

    Given the recent league management issues with leagues that are a certain size, Justice Girls is currently unable to invite new members. If you are looking for an invite, submit an application on our forums and we'll get to you as soon as we're able. Currently, the resolution on league invites is looking to be with DLC 9. That's currently scheduled during the first to middle of February.

  17. Failia New Player

    With the launch of DLC9 today, we're happy to announce that we can proceed with league invites. Thank you for your patience!