Unofficial Stat Clamp/Omnibus "Outliers" Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Green Action Well-Known Player

    TSD E (all levels) It would be good to know when a sniper comes out, almost like Pokémon it could say in the chat box ( a sniper has emerged with the group of ads) letting players know there is a sniper and not have to scroll through them all, seeing how tsd e is old content you can now add these sort of things to them to help players that are clamped get through the first boss,

    you can also do it on the third boss as well since snipers are common there too, as well the fourth boss,
    it makes things a little more Efficient for time inside the raid, as well it would help for tanks as well.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Let's focus on Targeted Adjustments:

    What old instances does everyone feel could be looked into tweaking?
  3. Sollace Well-Known Player

    The clamp has been very poorly implemented; it was added without even checking its impact on the instances...
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I hope New Genesis Now will get looked at as a suggestion. Both Reg / Elite please.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    NGN doesn't have an Elite...that's just the reg that many times takes an hour + for 'reasons'.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    My bad! ~so embarrassed~
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Don't be. I'm not sure how many times I see shouts in LFG for "need roles for BNE" (Blackest Night ELITE), which also doesn't exist. Compared to runs like Necro, arti, ROE, DD, FOS3...NGN might SEEM like an elite run to many.
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  8. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    This MMO is the only one out here with this kinda stat clamp. It's dumb and should have never been put into place. People work hard to earn the ability to go back into previous content and put a beat down on the things that use to put the beat down on us. What's the point of advancing your toon with higher gear and stats, then only to be clamped down on it?! If you won't remove the clamp at least make it optional! When there was no clamp and the was an issue with burn, we'd just remove gear and that settled it. Super easy to do, effective, and no complaints.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    If you're looking for targeted adjustments to be made it would be helpful to actually highlight what is broken and why you think it is broken.

    If we take NGN as the example what are the actual problems and what would be your suggested fixes?

    For example
    1st boss whirling attack, has a skull but can still be difficult to see - suggestion put text on screen, include a 360 red circle on floor
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally I don't think the 1st boss is the issue. Yes, the boss has 2 attacks that are kind of easy to mix up, and as there is a carry function, it's easy to get caught while carrying the part and killed, but neither is un-reasonable.

    I'd lean towards the last boss push. A better, maybe audible tell, or a slight slowing of the cogs to work the walls up to prevent the push off. They could probably nerf the fixers a bit too...but that might go for all the HOP stuff with Apokoliptians in it.

    And if you think it's a request out of left field, run 5 random runs on the hero side with the push, and 5 with the villain side where it's not there. I'll guarantee 5 out of 5 times the hero run goes worse on that last boss. The few times I've landed in a villain run, even if we end up 2 or 3 manning the last boss, it gets done easier and quicker.....cause there's not push.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'll add another one. HH, last boss phase. Granny's drone could have it's shields reduced. Yes...a ST beast or prec DPS can probably do it solo...but in most random runs it takes 3 people jumping on it, especially if she starts up right near one of the busted lights (I doubt even gadgets prec can get it done if she spawns right on top of one). Figure out what a 'decent' single person output is and make the number something that 2 of those people with 20 or so seconds to get the job done (she stands at a light for about 5, so that's 15 seconds) or maybe a bit above so a 3rd person would be needed if 2 were a bit light.

    No one is saying remove the shield or make it 1 shottable. I'd say just make it reasonable for most people in a group of 2 can get it done without having to scream for a 3rd or 4th every time. If they 'ignore' the mechanic...they will still lose. Isn't that the point? To observe mechanics...not punish people for not being a ST beast?
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    I was just giving an example as to how a person could write their feedback in a focused way, that way its more likely to be acted on the devs, if anything in this thread even does.

    There's not a lot of point just saying "NGN" for example because the next question is only going to be "what about NGN" so you may as well focus the feedback in the first attempt :D
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually I agree about the drone, especially in the regular version.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I thought that's what I did in my response, regardless of if your example was an example or not.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh, sorry, was probably just me misunderstanding you, I thought you were saying that 1st boss wasn't an issue in response to me saying it was simply by way of example.. it's no problem, as you were lol :D
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Anyone find any more outliers?
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Doesn’t matter if we bring any up. Either it never gets looked at, that we know of by the devs , as I have not seen any communications on that front for the raid/alert we mention as being an outlier or in need of being looked. Then we have the other point of contention to deal with in others on here defending problematic raids/alerts not being a problem, it’s not the game it’s you, defense.

    I’ve given up all hope that anything we bring up even matters so why bother? Plus, it seems its all the devs can do to just keep up with the next current DLC.
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  18. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Yeah, the whole game past level 30. It takes too much effort to play anything due to the clamp.
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I have a difficult time figuring out what an outlier is since content adjustments are so inconsistent. Fortress of Solitude: Power Core used to be extremely difficult back when Tier 4 and even Tier 5 content was first released (not today's Tier 4 and Tier 5, but Hand of Fate and Origin Crisis episodes). That is now a cakewalk. I brought up Age of Justice: War Crimes (4 player operation) as a possible outlier, but people responded with tactics to minimize the difficulty that existed back when it was new. Why is Fortress of Solitude: Power Core a joke now (they reduced enemies after the drop-down portion, simplified the split so the NPCs can now beat the bosses without much help, made the final fight easier with the grounding mechanics doing less damage, etc.), but War Crimes still requires tactics? Because it's later in the game?

    Difficulty definitely seems to scale as players progress through the tiers, but then that doesn't hold true for certain instances. Is the scaling intentional? Are the easier instances the goal?

    It would help if we had some communication about what we should actually expect. Should everything be dumbed down to Tier 1 content difficulty, should it scale, how much should it scale, etc.?

    I've seen content where players can progress as if using speed hacking just by running top damage loadouts and end-game artifacts/augments/skill points/etc. There are times when I think someone must be speed hacking during an Omnibus run, and then I watch carefully and inspect the damage players, and it's merely because they're playing end-game type rotations with the appropriate gear. There are other times that content feels tedious and sluggish because we only have one such player or none, and that can result in wipes and a revolving door of players who do not know mechanics and cannot power through while ignoring them.

    I also have been unable to figure out whether the developers wanted mechanics to matter since some mechanics have been dumbed down to the point where they can be ignored, e.g. Nexus of Reality in Origin Crisis's final fight where the shields never coming into play. Again, without knowing what the developers intend, how do we even discuss potential outliers? We need communication, again.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    But you know it doesn't hurt to try :)

    Oh I'm well aware and you know it :p

    But since it's not going anywhere, may as well focus on the next best thing... on getting them to deliver what they literally promised... Targeted Adjustments of outlier instances.
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