PS5 version is worse than ps4

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Siramez, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    Found the PS5 client following your instructions.... thanks. :)
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  2. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Yeah I think an external SSD would run games just fine. I think it's just more a 'Current Gen' issue than a Sony one, where modern games just prefer to run off an SSD rather than a HDD. That's generally how the faster loading times are attainable.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    There is an expansion 2tb western digital ssd that is certified by Sony and it seems to work great but it’s pricey
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  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Please try to get a change done on how we can access the next gen version on the Ps store. Currently its quite hidden. :)

    DCUO: Search for the game -> find it but it has the Ps4 tag -> 3 dots -> view product -> Ps5 version.
    Other games: Search for game -> Either both versions show up immediately with Ps4 or Ps5 tag, or it has no tag and when you hit download it asks if you want the Ps4 or Ps5 version.
  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I found it under free games it said dcuo ps5
  6. Nitewish New Player

  7. Patm82 Well-Known Player

    Im on USPS5 framrate slow and sluggish, specially turning, PS4 version runs alot smoother on PS5 than the PS5 version rite now, needs tweeks,
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  8. Patm82 Well-Known Player

    oh yea it crashed on me to
  9. ChaoticD New Player

    I can confirm as someone who has the PS5 application downloaded I find it unplayable at the moment. While I understand that they are working to resolve the frame rate issues, that's not the only issue I'm experiencing. Outside of the current frame rate problems that have left me unable to play the game longer than 5 minutes without feeling nauseated, the game has consistently crashed just from walking around and has more noticeable issues with draw distance pop up then I have seen on the PS4.
  10. ChaoticD New Player

    I posted this in another section of the forum, but I can't believe that the draw distance pop for a PS5 release in 2024 is this small in most of the open world zones. I haven't played the PC version so I don't have anything to compare it to but I was expecting some amount of improvement here.

    It's a bit further in some of the newer zones but still has some problems...

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  11. Atomic Sunset New Player

    Aye, I gave up on 76 and went back to 4. It was worse than Cyberpunk... well, almost as bad. Lol
  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Same here. :(
  13. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Then it's working as intended :)
    Mission accomplished.
  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    From the sounds of it, it seems more like it plays like a PS5 game on PS3. :p
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    PC renders the same way. It's part of the game now. I'm not sure when that changed, but I noticed within the past year or two exobits don't render as far away as they once did.
  16. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Only thing I have noticed that is different is in my toon skin.
    Crips colors and feels more like comic/animated dc films idk how to explains it lol.

    Other than that I was legit hoping for like at least mana/health bar style different
    Some UI changes

    But maybe in the future ? But hey!!! At least game is alive and have new plans and am happy lol
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  17. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    So is there an estimated time for fixing the lag and frame rate issues on the ps5 version? I mean… people get that it’d be a little buggy; but… lag and frame rate issues aren’t just a little bug, they’re two very significant issues, that turn people away.

    I truly don’t get the issue with keeping people up to date. Is there a massive process that needs to be undertaken in-order to post comments about fixes and updates etc?
    I just don’t get what the issue could be. Considering there are two devs currently assigned too it (part time or not)
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I would not expect a response at 5:30am, which is the current time where this game is developed. Maybe back when this game was new, that was more common, but as ownership has changed, more work/life balance was provided to employees for this game. I personally see that as a positive.

    We already had a response that they are aware of issues and are working to get them fixed. "Are we there yet!?!" likely will not make them go any faster.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I suspect the issue is that they actually target low-end PCs, the PS4, etc. and set up all to behave the same way to provide the best experience to all players. I remember a few games that would optimize play experience based on network quality and tone down the client's graphics to improve players connecting to one another. I suspect something similar is occurring here to cause less latency between the client and server.