New Booster Bundle arrives next week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yikes, I love this game, but this was not a great idea.
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly.... when they made DLCs Free content.... that was to be expected.

    Pretty sure some some mentioned as much wayyyy back when. ;)
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  3. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    I mean.. thanks, I guess? Finally something that is both so utterly "meh" AND completely tone-deaf, that even I should be able to boycot it :)

    Anyways, EU reset is in an hour. Restart in 5. Next week's bonus?
  4. kallader Committed Player

    You know next gen update only mean they just able new console to play the game nothing else thy will not have a graphic update this is 2 totally different thing they will not do any graphic update at all and they never say they will
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  5. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    It means new consoles will run smoother on it as they are currently running the ps4 version on the PS5 which is not good. Its causing lag, crashes and other inconsistencies in the program making it shut down. Some while ago i heard it would brick a PS5 because of the mix of coding and how it all works.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I think we all would like to speak the manager at this point.
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  7. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    For a second there I was worried. Really glad it's delayed until next week. It just wouldn't be a Booster Bundle without a premium $200 bundle with a bonus style unlock.
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  8. HymanRosen New Player

    I pay my yearly subscription fee for DCUO, which is already more than I pay for any other game. I don't pay any other money for this game, nor do I ever intend to. I occasionally buy real-money stuff using the monthly $5 "rebate". I find it vaguely insulting that they to try to soak the already paying players for more money, but I guess it's a business model, scummy as it may be - it's the people who already paid who are most likely to pay again.

    Here's an idea, developers - how about you put the source code for the game up on github and let us players who are also programmers fix it for you? Yes, it would mean that we work for free at the job you want to be paid for, but they're firing you anyway, so why not go for it? We might make the game better enough so that it won't die.
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    You know what would be a good way to win people over this week and still win money from your customers… I don’t even have to say it others can tell you what a lot of people have been waiting for since June.
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I'm sorry but there's no way in hell that the Next Gen update is just a client update. This Next Gen update is nothing like the Playstation 3 or PlayStation 4 client update. This is something massive extremely massive for them to be taking years to pull off. We're talking about a massive update here not something like the PlayStation 4 client. And if it is something small we have a serious problem on our hands and we should all just completely delete our characters and find another game
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I don’t know how much clearer the devs have to be with you and the others who believe this is something bigger than it is.

    That have said from the get go it’s just to make it run smoother on next gen consoles no graphics updates no significant changes .. you guys are working yourselves up for a huge let down .. when it comes out .. please try not to get in an uproar if it’s not what you envisioned since they’ve been crystal clear about it from the word go
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  12. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I cant wait for your reaction to find out its only a client update. They wont do graphics because the engine limitations. They are busy making money for them to do anything like that.
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  13. Jaelia Committed Player

    Omg that skin literally is lava skin in a higher definition ….. smh please don’t make people pay for a skin we already have?
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  14. Joybird Committed Player

    I wonder if anyone is even reading this thread.
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  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Turns out Mepps was the glue that kept Dimensional Ink together maybe? ;)
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  16. Nezquick Level 30

    You guys did a hell of a job uniting the forums in light of your ignorance. Willfully ignorant too. We’ve said it before, & I’m here to shout into the empty void again. We want a road map. We want our PS5 client update that’s been pushed off for years, or simply tell us that you’re shutting the game down so we can move on. Instead, you release another cow in hopes of us splurging again. If you won’t tell us that the game is shutting down, or continue, then I’ll just cancel my membership and go elsewhere. What a sugar honey iced tea show. You guys just got a new exec producer for dcuo too? Like where is the transparency.. this is just sad. Anyways im about done with dcuo. Obviously you guys are too. Like just communicate, it’s not hard. Things are subject to change, that’s ALWAYS the case. Just let us know that an episode is coming next month or SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and not just RADIO SILENCEEEEEEEE. You guys literally dragged another employee from a different game to ENTERTAIN us for about a week, and then 0 communication. For such an established company, you guys act like amateurs. Where did dcuo go so wrong
    • Like x 18
  17. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    wouldnt say that. All he did was make posts and streamed releases. Didnt play the game, didnt interact with us much out of those obligations really.
    Not sure what he did behind the scenes because, well, it was behind the scenes obviously so i cant comment much on that
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  18. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Yeah we have had that skin for ages. and here we go. Take something old, shine it up, present it as brand new and stickin it straight up derrieres while trying to raid our wallets? Does think we are a bunch of roodypoo candy butt jabronis?
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  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I gotcha I was being facetious by the way. ;)
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Maybe they delayed it so that the skin now requires us to obtain 11 random ultra rare collections? Say hello to the first Booster Capsule.

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