Executive Producer, Creative Director, and Lead Designer

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BumblingB, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Now's my chance.

    Will send my Resume right now.

    With a bit of luck I will replace Panderus..... worse comes to worse.... I can replace the guy serving the coffee.
    Either way.... It's all good. ;) ;)
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    You could be Mepps' assistant! He really could use the help!
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This explains why the development update boiled down to: "we will have all the same seasonals, we have another episode coming up ("Shock To The System"), and will have another episode after that and another after that."

    The only thing resembling news in it was "we will work on a new emotes system," which, based on past experience, may or may not happen, depending on what future bosses want to do.

    Basically, the "update" boiled down to "we will continue to do what we do."

    No reflection on Mepps, who isn't the Big Boss and can't announce what doesn't exist, i.e., actual specific plans beyond "we'll refresh seasonals and do more episodes."

    It seems that at present, the chicken is on the headless side. :(

    It's not at all reassuring that we've seen such a stream of employee departures over the past year and a half or so. The lack of transparency about it doesn't help.

    For the first time ever, I'm genuinely worried about the long-term future of the game.

    (Did everyone notice that "Marvel's Avengers" just announced that they're ceasing support of the game, no new content or fixes will be coming, and the game will just be left as is forever and ever [until it's just closed at some point, eventually, obviously]?)
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  5. STsource Well-Known Player

    At this point i would welcome spytle back
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  6. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Community is already toxic. He wouldnt make a difference if he was the same as before he left lol. At least SOMEONE is driving the ship
  7. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Not really that surprising. To be in one of those positions you would obviously need a lot of experience and why would you go for a relatively niche and basically unknown game that is behind 2 generations of game engines, zero marketing, CEO limbo, more and more developers leaving and, to the dismay of many of you, a game that will not be around for much longer. Add to the fact that they are massively limited on what content they can add due to restrictions from WB, it all leaves a lot to be desired.

    People are pointing out to just upgrade the engine, there is more to a game than just graphics. There are plenty of games on UE4 that are in the game cemetery. Graphics didn’t save them.
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  8. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    People think its graphics that make a game good. Sure it would be nice to see some nicer power animations/effects but imo, the whole game just needs to be renewed, Optimised and so on for the future. If they wanna keep the game running for a longer period of time, 3+ years, then going about things like they are now, it wont last 2.
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  9. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Took a break and get back and more of the gang has left My GOD well a quick search on that site that every job has ex-employees and anyone can leave a review. I also would stress anyone can lie or even make an account just to make up something. But granted I believe in my double Gut and my heart these are real and from folks who use to work here. One of the things I've noticed that came up is this old engine and apparently it's hell trying to work in, it's to damn old and not worth the headache and stress these poor devs they have already hit the wall. It can't be done overnight but what is a person supposed to do when working with spaghetti old tech? How are new devs supposed to stay sane my god. Let's hope they are slowing building from the ground up with some of that cash from that canceled Marvel noodle doodle nonsense. .
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  10. Limey Committed Player

    Fortnite was upgraded to UE5 in December 2021, and it's on Switch. What makes you think Switch can't handle UE5?
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  11. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    This makes a lot of sense. It explains the horrible dev update. Just checked linkedin, he’s now with Jack. I guess this was the last of the exodus of the dev team leaving to work with jack.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    It's worth noting that Fortnite is an EpicGames title (pretty much their primary) and Unreal Engine is EpicGames engine.

    When they upgraded Fortnite from UE4 to UE5, they themselves also missed their own target in terms of how long it took, which should give people here at least an inkling of what sort of task would be involved with upgrading DCUO on UE3 to UE5 or even UE4 for that matter.

    It required significant resources on EpicGames' part, imagine what it would take for Dimensional Ink, never say never but players really shouldn't get their hopes up for an engine upgrade any time soon or realistically ever.

    As for the Switch, yes, UE5 can run on switch, although the systems lacks the necessary power and therefore advanced engine features are disabled.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Dude, if only I could say what I really thought of that guy, not Panderus (I genuinely wish him well) the other one lol.

    Never buying one of that companies video games, ever, it could be the gold plated utopia of video games and I still wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

    Not to mention it's probably some mobile phone game out to gouge the innocent anyway or he'll find some other franchise to decimate like Neverwinter, City of Heroes or Star Trek Online - I've already said too much lol

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  14. myandria Item Storage

    Agreed. Even if the devs have a plan to move the game to another game engine, that idea still has to be presented to WB/DC. The question at that time will be: 'Will WB/DC support the idea of moving the game to a newer game engine, knowing it will be a time consuming and costly task?'

    Having a new game engine does not mean that the character models will change; they may look cleaner, but that's about it. Why? Licensing Agreements and Rights; in my opinion, this is the main stifling point of creativity for this game. If the devs were to get UE5 and take full advantage of what it offers, that would change the way the characters look from what was originally approved and thus another approval process would be needed.

    It took many years for the iconic npc's to get a makeover; imagine how much longer it would take for a UE5 DC character makeover or access to a different DC character.
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  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Creative Director opening? My time has come!
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Trexlight Universe online, lets go!
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Go for it! You never know unless you try! On a lighter note, I just got told today at work I'm getting an assistant! YAY!
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  18. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    100% agreed
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ah yes....

    Where I work, as a condition of employment, I had to sign a Non-Compete Agreement which bars me from going to work for another marketing firm for 5 years after I leave the Company unless I go to work for a marketing firm located in another state who does not compete with the Company.

    I wonder if Dimensional Ink / Daybreak needs to implement this kind of contractual agreement as conditions of employment?
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, but like, that's your Perception, man. ;)
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