I don't mean to be overly Critical but...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Belthazur, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Why is this and Nearly Every other episode Purely Recycled Content.. Ohh wow look we get to run the instances Backwards this time...Boring!!!

    Im sorry but we waited over 6 months for This??
    WTH is going on over there.

    Sincerely a Concerned Player.
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Considering the dev situation they had since quite some time, its not surprising to me. Teaching new staff may be over for now. Just because recently joined staff is able to create content now, doesnt mean they can go ahead and turn content thats been in the works for at least 3 months look like brand new stuff all of a sudden.

    If the dev situation is better now (wich is something i dont know), i would expect more content that looks fresh in the episodes after this upcoming one. :)
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I mean, if you squint hard enough all content is recycled. Same with each set of NPC's abilities and whatnot.

    Might help the devs if you explain what you consider recycled.

    I'm not one to hold back on critiquing content. I've not run everything in the new dlc, but there is a fair bit of new maps and new models added as well as a few new mechanics. It's not like Riddle with crime, where they just grabbed an old map and had us fight an old boss and called it a day. There was a lot of thought.

    Compared to some DLCs of past, there is a fair bit of reuse, but there is new as well. Considering what happened this year, I feel they did well to overcome adversity. And this DLC looks way better than the last two, which were almost carbon copy of each other.
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  4. JDIRS Well-Known Player

    The content has been fine but many of the accompanied game updates have been a bit lackluster. I think it might even be better just to have one new DLC/episode per year but actually have meaningful improvements or changes with it to shake things up. A lot of cool ideas seem to have been dropped or put off indefinitely, for example:

    Supercharge balancing - seemingly abandoned
    Added or improved armories - mentioned then nothing more
    Movement power adjustments - no near-term plans
    Iconic power adjustments - usually accomplished via artifacts, so there actually has been some progress with that, but the artifact meta still tends to necessitate a lot of uninteresting in-combat menu-ing
    Changes to artifact swapping - mentioned then nothing more
    Ally UI update - I guess this may be next, is it related to adding another ally slot or allowing for tactical ally swapping perhaps?
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  5. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Uhh You maight re-check that New Maps thing
    Open World Khandaq is Reskinned Khandaq Raid
    the Solo is merly the Reskinned Old Gotham Duo
    The Alert is ReSkinned Level 26 Solo
    First Raid is ReSkinned Justice League Dark Duo
    Second Raid is a ReSkinned Old Gotham Duo

    Im Merly saying with the Time they have had they could have at least given us some NEW Maps.
    the NPC's look nice but... We Paying Players Deserve More.
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  6. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    I would love to see new maps every time a new episode comes out. But you're expecting too much for a Double-A Studio. I was surprised they had the resources and man power for Altantis.
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  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    yeah, but not Metal. so, win, as far as I'm concerned.
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  8. Wzlinnkk54 Well-Known Player

    I've said this before and I'll say it again story wise oh we are in the batcave 3 episodes later we have to go back to the batcave dcuo players waaaaahhhh recycled content..... me no crap its the batcave why should it change? It's the batcave
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  9. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Didn’t watch the stream to save disappointment, is it all recycled that badly? Yawn.
  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    A lot of MMOs re-use assets for content. Even WoW's newest xpac reuses assets and just changes the colors. As DCUO Post said, we cant expect new Maps or things with every episode with this studio just due to their size. I certainly get and feel the disappointment and I too have issues with Episode structure and length and horrid replayability but they have always been clear with their direction. This Episode has reused assets. Next Episode we'll probably see a new map and new assets. Reusing Assets like this allows them more time to create new things that arent rushed.
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  11. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    My expectations are so low for this game. Ever since Sony sold off SOE (Daybreak Game)
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I don't mind revisiting old locations. The game is rife with locations that can be used for content. I would challenge the devs find the least used content and find a way to rework some of those maps. The low level Grodd mission on the villain side comes to mind. Great map and instance probably never seen by many new players...
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    They aren't 1:1 reskins and again, squint enough everything is a reskin and you will be miserable when you do. They put effort into making new content, it was not like the times of old where they literally just took Central City and plopped us in there again and again, because they didn't have time to reskin anything.

    I think we are all being a bit overly critical with how we look at this DLC, because it's been 5+ months since our last DLC. It probably isn't to the level they would have wanted, but it is FAR FAR better than Doomed and Death Metal. And FYI, I really don't like magic based content, but I'm looking forward to this DLC.
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  14. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    There is a theoretical limit to how many new assets they can add to the game, after all. I think they did a good job remixing what assets they had for this content.
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  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I look at it from a comics perspective, and how many times do we see characters going back to the same location? It happens all the time and frequently. I like seeing all new content as much as anyone, but I expect to revisit places.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'm not as offended by recycled instance maps as I am the outdoor maps. The 2 in a row in Doomed DC was kind of an annoyance, and we spend a LOT of time in the OW areas. Sometimes a reverse map does work ok.

    I only saw part of OC's stream on test, was there a LOT of reuse?
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  17. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    The open world is Kahndaq with a few minor changes and very different lighting. The solo is a remix with elements of the Desecrated Cathedral and some other stuff - it's not a direct reskin. The alert map has familiar assets but appears to be a new layout. I haven't done the raids yet.
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm not really concerned with them recycling maps because that's just a given that we would have to return to familiar places. I am concerned with recycled boss fights and predictable mechanics. Reused bosses need to have new tricks so the fight can feel fresh and new.
  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There is nothing wrong with using artwork from their library of assets. I would be more surprised if they didn’t. It is time efficient and all they have to do is tweak it for the new setting.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ey, don't forget the "Cross-Faction Grouping" system :)
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