Unofficial Stat Clamp/Omnibus "Outliers" Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Please post here for suggestions to point out, improve, or fix existing instances/feats that may not be working as intended due to the clamp.

    I'll start with Clocktower Elite, where numerous attempts on the feat "Repulsed Bots Elite" have failed due to the ORCL Pulse Bots consistently 1 shotting the entire group as soon as they come out, with no time to interrupt. I could be wrong, and my group just sucks, but as an example is why I have created this thread.
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  2. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    We beat it last week just fine. Are you using the head mods?
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah of course, but they don't prevent against the bots (just reduced damage from her exoblast attack), also seeing as the feat is to not defeat them during the fight.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

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  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    didn't the other guy just do one of these?
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I think the stat clamp should be completely removed but i would be happy with it being optional rather than forced on us.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Youre not considering the ramifications of doing that.
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  8. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Nah, he was semi-sarcastically pointing out what ISN'T broken, this thread is for stuff that IS. If he does happen to find stuff that actually IS, I'd sincerely hope that he would post it in this thread after.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Is this the only outlier then? CTE?
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I wouldn't call it the "only" outlier, as there's obviously numerous instances that don't get routinely looked at, but it's obviously something RaVnoc has pointed out should be investigated that isn't working properly and I'd agree with him, it should/could be looked at.

    I haven't been through and tested a lot of EEG elite content, but have seen other people report this one in the past.

    While we're at it, I think you should tone back the "Stake Well Done" feat in the JLD Alert.

    I think it's probably unrealistic to expect EEG groups to beat Vampire Lord (last boss) in 50 seconds, less people have things like the Pyres now days so he should either have his health reduced or the duration to beat him (50 seconds) should be increased.
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  12. Chewsy Well-Known Player

    Hi, not sure if these feats broke because of the clamp, but I’ve tried them all multiple times and they have had broken mechanics that have made them impossible/nearly impossible as of late:

    Shattered Gotham (elite): Raving Mad - We tried this raid multiple times and Shazam does not activate his cog fast enough to stop the madness meter from reaching 100% if we started the final boss fight above 50%. We had really good burn and it was still impossible because Shazam only activated once before it reached 100%.

    Darkseid’s War Factory (reg and elite): Omega Omega and Omega-13 - Both these feats are broken because Darkseid has a tendency to bug out and stop using Omega beams entirely during the final boss fight. We tried to do both elite and reg multiple times, and each time he bugged out and we have up after waiting 20+ mins for another Omega beam after it bugged. It is still unclear what caused it to bug out.
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  13. Stranger Committed Player

    I didnt run much Elite Omnibus, but i've noticed that in CoU Elite adds are not pullable at first boss.

    I remember this feat was always tough. Shazam can be "activated" once per 20 seconds to remove 20 madness. But the Meter count +1 / second. Which means u have to activated him in 1 second , the longer you need to talk to him the more points you loose. Another important Tatic was to count. When madness Meter is at 50 at the Beginn you start directly after the cog. So it appears at 70 again to be activated directly. If it is at 53 you count to 3 after the cog spawned, then Start the fight. So its 17 more seconds / + 17 madness = 70 madness for the cog to reappear.

    I hope you Kinda understood :-D
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  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Crown of Thorns Elite, last boss.

    Fellowship of the arcane elite, first boss.

    Shattered Gotham Elite, whole raid.

    Ultimate Soldier elite, temporal commander and both additional bosses during US fight.

    These 4 are an absolute nightmare. CT E last boss only, the first fight still takes the same coordination as previously.
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  15. nawanda Loyal Player

    I haven’t run all these since the clamp but I have run USe and it is much, much easier than it was at level. At level, the heal back mechanic was brutal. It was effectively impossible to take on all the bosses together and kill US first. Now, the DPS can focus US and kill him while the sub bosses are up. You can still pew-pew it to some extent. The mechanics still one-shot.

    I’m not getting into the whole clamp debate as it is endless, but if it’s easier than it was at level then to me, that isn’t an outlier.
  16. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I did not play it at level so that might be anecdotal for my part then.

    My last 3 experiences in there were with groups wanting to spawn the extra boss, and they were horrible. We had to two tank to get the complete, which I'm guessing was what happened at level too?
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, we actually attempted this one as well. Before the clamp, this feat could be accomplished just paying attention and doing the proper burn, now you can't really burn the boss and adds fast enough to make sure you can successfully get Captain Marvel's cleanse. This feat is definitely WAY harder to near impossible now than before. The instance is completable though, so not really issues on other parts.

    CTE is definitely an outlier. Especially the last room. Also, the polarizing effects don't always render, so players often don't know they are going to cause a wipe.

    If we are talking overall EEG, both Metal 1 and Metal 2 alerts still are disproportionate damage compared to other content of the like. The adds seem to have a lot more health than the bosses too.

    COUE, eye ball fight is very buggy. Sometimes it just doesn't do what it's telegraphing to do. We've attempted this instance several times and it just bugs out or the eye beams don't render or what not. All of the players save one, are PC and everyone was experiencing the same problems here. First boss seemed fine.

    With SM and other things going on, our league hasn't attempted other EEG Elite feats.
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  18. nawanda Loyal Player

    Yes, it had to be two tanked at level, but the group alternated between DPSIng US and the sub bosses and adds, careful not to trigger more than one sub-boss at a time, if attempting the feat. If more than one DPS went out, it was a wipe, because you needed at least 3 DPS for the whole fight, otherwise US healed back quicker than he could be burned. It was a very long fight.
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    The heal back now definitely does not feel like much. What was killing us was an overwhelming amount of things happening at once, mostly due to us not following your strategy and sub-bosses attacking simultaneously. I'm gonna try get a group later for this and see if us following what you suggested helps.
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  20. nawanda Loyal Player

    Honestly, you were probably burning the boss too fast, triggering US’s mechanics to overlap. An unintended consequence of the clamp, I guess. If you’re taking on all the bosses I would advise you to split damage evenly between US and everything else. People also need to be switched on though, he spawns lots of horrible stuff even when the burn is within the intended range. Also, try to lunge him when he points his gun straight up in the air. That will help. Good luck.
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