Reduced sourcemarks in fos3, why?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by STsource, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No doubt....and out of those runs, how many drop people after 2nd boss? Most runs I'm in at least 1 or 2 people drop out. Pretty good for the 'eco-system' there.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So what do you suggest for a new player who want to actually play the game? Sit there and watch their own raid boss die in a matter of swings? What if they aren't having fun watching you turn their raid into a spectator sport?

    To be honest, what incentive could they give you? You have rare styles/ Marks/ Allied Marks/ Nth Metal/ and Feats. The incentive is already there.

    If content takes 4 months to make, it can take under 2 hours to finish on launch day. How long is the content supposed to last before you grow bored of it? 4 months later you never want to touch that old content again. So every 4 months only 1 DLC exists at a time in DCUO for you? If it is. MMORPGs may not be your cup of tea.

    Consistent Dopamine hits are more a Mobile Game aspect.

    MMORPGs are more of a slow burn of enjoyment.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If people drop its not enough to make me notice it as a particular problem, yet.

    Not like Happiness Home, 1 boss raid runs.
  4. zNot Loyal Player

    What about the Solos in Wonderverse that give 3 marks (using 2 augments that grant 1x more mark from completing wonderverse content)per run every in around 2 minutes or less? I never did FoS3 spamm how is this method compared to that? And since its a solo theres no annoying Q time
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Shhhh. Don't you know how detrimental it is if you spam WV? What about all the other players....oh wait.....what about the queues that won't pop for....oh wait.

    Meh, they'll fix it anyway. On 2x weeks it used to drop double on the 'bonus' marks too. (so 6 per run....GOOD LORD!), now it's just the main mark.
  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    This has become the major problem of this change hasn't it? It's exposed the inequities of the mark drops. While I maintain there were better ways to handle it, I suspect a hornet's nest of problems has now opened, I suspect in short measure, the dev team will regret making this change.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You’re late! This is the 18th page already, where have you been?
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I doubt they will regret it, but it could definitely turn into a game of 'whack-a-mole'. In the end, if they address all the 'outliers', when all things are evenly paid, it will really only punish those who are NOT spamming or running optimal....which will encourage more players to spam vs run 'naturally' for source.

    If it kept going to it's ultimate conclusion and every run is 'fixed' they will have removed the incentive for many to run the content that they want us to run. BUT....this is now the path we are on. As a wise man once said....
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’d run more old stuff if every run gave out one of those weekly boxes. Source marks just don’t matter enough once you’re over the 5k area. Once you’re into 10k or more, you really stop caring about them. But I do like those boxes. Not enough that I run Omni even once a week but if I remember, I enjoy the boxes. Omni with friends is a good time still if enough people are on and have nothing else to do. Omni pug life, yeah boxes would entice far more than source. Still think loot locks going away is the real issue with it all.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've said this from day 1. Omni=reward box....nothing else. A few marks more or less won't change that for me. Custom for feats, farming or 'challenge', if you are looking for those things.

    And main has more than 15k alone....what do I need MOAR source for?
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    HH was 2 bosses, but yeah...worse. Gom can be finished 1 or 2 down for the most part. I was just pointing it out that 'THE ECO SYSTEM', was being impacted....slightly negative is still negative.
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You may not have noticed that this is a forum for discussing game-play, not a forum to comment on your feelings about other commenters.
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  13. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Your perspective is a bit off.. For one, my complaints were for end game players..
    Dopamines are triggered for everything we complete.. So we are being fed consistent dopamines every mission ,Duo, alert,raids,bounties, etc, regardless.. How much fulfilling dopamines we get is entirely based on the side quest reward you're chasing as well aka SOURCE MARKS(EXAMPLE).
    Better incentives that value my real life time.. Meaning better payouts for donating my REAL LIFE time.. I've been playing DCUO for 11 years(slow burn is irrelevant), so i'm quite aware of how traditional MMORPGs are but i can guarantee you, that they're new paths to take for MMORPGS that DCUO has YET to scratch the surface.. But i digress..

    Everything i stated regarding dopamines and time vs rewards is completely valid.
  14. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Oh okay, thanks for educating me kind sir :)
  15. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    A bunch of posts on other threads just gave me a chuckle and made certain things I've heard previously make more sense, so lemme repost this:

    "Lol, a few posts here just reminded me of how RDR2O does it... The longer you take, the bigger the payout (with a maximum, over there it's a timer). "Hey everyone, come farm X raid and slow burn last boss for 20 mins for maximum marks" XD

    I crack myself up. But dang perhaps missions really should be 1 min per 1 source mark, cause either way players will STILL have to sink that amount of time in lmao"

    I'm starting to not really see a way to exploit that unless speed hackers ACTUALLY hack speed (as-in mission timer). Of course, there will have to be limits at play, but the way I see it, even slogging a mission on purpose is still putting in the minutes. If you are trying to spam, does "let's stand at last boss until timer hits 10 minutes so we get 10 sm before defeating" really sound like spam at that point? XD
  17. LipstickHeroine Active Player

    I thought that I was done contributing, for lack of a better word, to this topic, however...

    My recent experiences in Survival Mode and in dealing with random groups through the Omnibus in trying to get it done has caused me to again recall how this change reflects on the lack of empathy for those of us who use random Omnibus groups for the vast majority of our content completion.

    Over the past two days since it's drop I've tried dozens of times to gain any advancement in SM. I've now succeeded in beating round one, twice. Similarly, when using Omnibus and being dependent on random groups to gain marks via raids, it is often an exercise in wasted effort and time.

    This makes gaining marks, which are essential to progression an extremely arduous task. As someone who never abused the system and deliberately started or entered a FoS or Doom raid for its easy completion time, I just want to again, out of mild frustration, express how detrimental any reduction of marks, and the deliberate isolation of more friendly timed content from players can be.

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  18. Dene Devoted Player

    This could actually work, but using averages

    Many years ago.. When I used to do Quality Control/Assurance at my Job, we had to find a defining time for each task to determine an average time - this would lead us to know who was excelling and who was too slow.

    I cannot recall the EXACT formula but it was something like I tested 20 different people doing this one task.. i'd then average out the times, add 10% and then round up or whatever and that would create a plausible "acceptable" time for the task and ppl's quantity aspect of their role/tasks would be measured by that - fall below average and we'd monitor you etc etc - not a perfect system but it helped a lot

    Anyway.. my point is that the Devs could do something similiar - look at last 100x a raid was run (by the most common Cr running the raid, this would assume piercing point etc), record the average time and allocate source marks based on that . Not a perfect system but would highlight a few things, i'm sure.
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