Stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solace Man, Jun 13, 2022.

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  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Isn't that kinda the point?....

    You're not supposed to easily beat bosses... AT FIRST.

    You get stronger....They don't.

    It's called "progression"... That's the point of the game. Without it, the game is pointless..
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  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    There were probably better ways to do this....

    And, therein lies the rub...

    To what degree has this really been affective.... and to what degree has it alienated others?

    Is it really worth it?

    I know, as a grown man with a good income, I spend a lot less on this game (which used to be a considerable amount) because, as I find myself just spinning my wheels doing end-game dailies, I'm not as interested in making progress on a game that no longer really allows me to make progress.

    (Well, that, and the RNG has just gotten atrocious... but, that's another discussion, I suppose)
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    It's not... but: GETTING TO THAT POINT... IS.

    And beating up on opponents that once gave you a hard time... is pretty darn satisfying. :)
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  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    There is an inherent contradiction in here....

    "clamping" doesn't really aid in "feat hunting" and "completion".
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Question for you?... If you're not interested in one shotting things.. then, why not just run content without end-game armor?
    There's your challenge.

    And THAT is probably the real issue...

    Taking away the rewards for doing old content is probably what was killing old content in the first place.
  6. KG88 New Player

    As a fairly new player I completely agree with this. Ive dedicated way to much play time attempting 1 Tier 2 raid feat. I understand wanting a challenge but not being able to complete stuff sucks. The older raid feats just feel impossible because I'm definitely not able to do them with a random group and building a group is not realistic or takes way to long. I try LFG occasionally with no luck, but I understand skilled/high level players aren't exactly clamoring to run Paradox wave...So for me at least, a good amount of the older raid feats are not happening.
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  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Clamped content is still easy enough.
    With a functional brain and some gamesense mechanics there shouldn't be a problem.

    Want feats? Well earn them.
    Getting everything handed out in this game just leads to a really low average skill. (Also SP =/= skill)
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  8. KG88 New Player

    Not wanting handouts but 1 simple feat that would be easily done with a capable group taking 3+ weeks and many attempts is intense. I can also tell you from the dozens of failed raids, there is already and probably always has been a very low average skill level in this game. But I'd like to note that I'm not complaining about the stat clamp and understand its purpose, I'm just saying there's certain content that I personally am less likely to complete because of it. If an easy feat hasn't been completed in 3 weeks what about the harder ones.
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  9. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I've been reading a bit about this Stat clamping. We have people right in this thread talking about earning feats, also about no loot locks. Well first off, I've read in other threads about people feeling they stole many feats before the clamp. I'm gonna guess yall don't want us to have this easy sp gain like they had. Lastly, who cares about a stupid source mark for 2 for running an alert? Shove them 2 marks and give me the feats! Go ahead and slam me now people with the feats complete.
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  10. KG88 New Player

    But its not even about "easy sp gain" and getting that sp as quick as possible. There's no problem with having to put some work into something. But when something simple cant be achieved in a reasonable time its beyond frustrating, which for me has been old raid feats. Good thing there's plenty of other things for us newer players to do to gain sp other than waste our limited time with old raid feats.
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  11. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I agree completely. Some feats are insane to get. Old raids take good players to get now. There's not much room for errors in these runs. Best advice, find a league with good players that will run them with you. Pugging is near impossible to get feats with, unless it's accidental.
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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    Let's unpack:

    "Still easy enough" isn't a valid argument..
    1) It's not the playing at the level that I "worked" hard to play at...
    2) If you still think it's easy... then, what's the harm in play at level, where it should be.
    "Easy is okay... we just don't like eeeeasy easy" o_O


    It's not about being "handed out".
  13. Darkwalker Active Player

    Free CR skips, of which there have been a lot, invalidate this argument. Last free CR skip was to 310 if memory serves. You could then go in and solo practically every piece of early content that doesn't require a group mechanism if clamping wasn't a thing. Zero challenge, all those feats handed to you on a platter.
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player


    That is a completely different discussion.... and not what is really being discussed here.

  15. Darkwalker Active Player

    How so? Your argument is that player have had to earn the strength to blast through feats and so by one way or another, the feats have still be earned.

    I postulate that the CR skip invalidates this argument. Players have been freely given the means to reach high levels of power for no cost or effort and therefore, if the stat clamp wasn't in place, these players could get a huge number of feats with little to no effort.

    You can ignore the point as it largely invalidates your argument but doesn't prevent it from being true.
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Progression like SP, augments, and art stats which all have full piercing?

    Progression still exists no matter how much you want to deny it.

    Getting to that point is not challenging either. Gear is extremely easy to get. A player can start playing and be at EG within a few days. So how’s that challenging?

    It does however play a role in Player skill level.

    Ok… the game is running as intended. If I want to make it more challenging I can still do that by removing things that allow stats Piercing. However aoe
    Thing that has been asked may times was if you’d be ok with having clamp optional for 0 rewards (including feats) and the answer has always been the same.

    It is about being handed feats. If a feat is to hard than get easier feats to get stronger. Level your augments or upgrade your arts and come back when you have better stats. If it’s still not doable than see where things are going wrong. Maybe you are doing something wrong or maybe those you go in with are doing something wrong. Maybe you as a player need to improve and not your toon.
  17. KidKretz Committed Player

    i will drop this here.

    Just failed a raid where I was top DPS, i rez'd 4 ppl ( i think that was the most) and when ppl died they just left. we had a few min lvls 88 a couple in betweeners and just a couple max lvls 118, and i was the last one alive.

    now, you guys want me to believe that these ppl are happier now that the raid failed because it gets to be played the way it was compared to before the clamp, where i could just carry the raid on my back and give a guarantee win. I JUST CANT BUY THAT STORY! if it was true, wouldnt they stay and get the full experience?

    just shows me that ppl are not happy with the current state of omni. yes, they dont want guaranteed wins, yes we are not going back to the olden days, i get that. But they DO want to win, they DON'T want to fail, and they ARE NOT staying and learning the mechanics, which is another argument for the clamp that "ppl will have to do mechanics now." they are not, they are just bailing and looking for easier paths to gear up.
  18. The Con Dedicated Player

    Why can't some feats just become easier as you get stronger?

    There are feats that are designed not to be accomplished on the first day of a DLC (defeat 1,000 enemies in an raid).... They are designed to be broken over time, and your ability to survive them (DON'T DIE feats)....

    The rest is you denying reality too many times for you to be taken seriously, ie - too many people have pointed out that having to be nerfed or reset at a lower level doing lower content.. IS HAVING THEIR PROGRESSION BEING NEGATED for you to just go "Nuh uh!.. Me say so!" - :confused:
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So what is your suggestion, fpr people who dont want to learn mechanics, but want to complete content easily?
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  20. The Con Dedicated Player

    *double sigh*


    SP skips are best used to level up ALT CHARACTERS... not mains. (Granted some do up their mains this way.... BUT THAT IS A SEPERATE ISSUE):

    Alts can have feats bought with replay badges because THOSE FEATS WERE ALREADY WON BY THE MAIN CHARACTER.

    This is about having your character weakened going into older content... NOT HAVING A CHARCTER ARTIFICALLY ADVANCED.

    Sorry if you don't understand the difference.
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