Devastator too hard

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nangaf, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How can Batman play the sax if he got no lips?o_O
  2. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    We're already making him hit the spikes to remove it, so no significant difference really.
  3. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I don’t know. I’m on the fence here. I don’t think things should be nerfed on a whim. But I also recognize and have experienced the ridiculousness of a random que pug group. It isn’t as easy as telling the op to “get good” when there are 3 other players in the group messing up mechanics or aren’t properly equipped. And this isn’t just an early episode problem either. It happens all the time. Should there be an artifact/augment threshold on top of CR before people can get into anything higher than Event? I know it sounds ridiculous, but I’m not really sure what else the devs can do, because I don’t want to see them nerf content, and I also understand some of the grievances the op has here
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I think for the players who are finding this more difficult than they like, should refrain from playing Regular, get better Gear, learn the mission by playing the Event version, and after all that go back to the Regular version.
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I don't think it needs a nerf but I do think the mechanics need a bit of a tweak. Not sure what but its kind of sloppy.
  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i dunno. to be honest. when there are enough people there, they all seem the same to me, if you dodge and move out of the AOE and Targeted attacks, i think there HnP bars are all the same stats, just different attacks. how many people did you have with you each time it was hard to complete
  7. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Seeing as how I just went in there on Elite for the first time with no experience or instruction other than "don't hit the spores for a feat" and we got the no death feat as well at the same time in PUG... I think he needs to be buffed. That's cuh-razy.
  8. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    On my very first run of this alert, I went in as dps. We had a healer and a troll, and 2 dps. It was challenging, the healer wasn't the best, but kept us alive. On Devastator, we wiped once, figured out what needed to be done, wiped again because it was difficult for the healer to keep us up. I switched to a loadout (I use to solo bounties) to help heal/shield the group, and we made it just fine.

    I think we're at a point where people either need to gear up and get more sp/higher artifacts, or take a back seat until you can. I don't mean to sound rude, but we can't keep calling for nerfs to create an environment where 150sp and level 80 artifacts are going to plow through the content (that's what "event mode" is for).

    Event mode = easy mode: not geared enough.
    Regular mode = regular: challenging for a bit.
    Elite mode = harder: real challenge mode.

    Pick your mode wisely.
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  9. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Question: What do people do after the next episode comes out and event mode is gone? I don’t know if you’re aware but only the other day we had a thread about the Scarlet Speedster solo. I’ve never been comfortable with the “do event for easy mode” argument because it’s temporary.
  10. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Doing event for easy mode is temporary, correct.
    Being undergeared for the 1 day old Episode is also something that should be temporary.
    Considering if you put those 2 together they cancel each other out, we're kind of left with nothing to discuss as the problem fixed itself over time.
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    But what if gear alone isn’t enough isn’t sufficient? A lot of damage from mechanics scales to max health and ignores defence and often shields too. Not to mention the C word.
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  12. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    True but the Devs job isn't to play the game for someone. Everyone has to learn the mechanics themselves, you and me included. If theres no risk of failure then the alert/raid/content becomes bland and boring. I fully agree with adjustments if they're necessary, but they just plain aren't with this alert. Just so you know this isn't supposed to be some "holier-than-thou" post btw, I KO'd in the Devastator phase myself today. The difference is I acknowledge that the Episode literally just dropped, that it'll start as an uphill battle, but doing so will make my toon stronger.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Just ran it in elite for the 1st time. It’s way too easy. Hopefully we can talk them into a buff. That’s how the regular one should feel with a bit less health on the bosses.
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    At this point when the Event Mode of a DLC is gone, that always means that the next DLC has dropped. Lower level players who are not at level with the new DLC and who desire to play the previous DLC's missions should run the current DLC's missions, get the better gear drops, and then they should be able to survive the Regular mode of the previous DLC's missions.

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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Gear is not a magic solution that instantly removes any difficulty. There are so many attacks that scale to your stats, and again, the C word. I thought you of all people would understand all this, Tiffany. I’m genuinely surprised you’re taking this stance.
  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I feel like being under-geared and low on stat points, should also be "temporary." During the last DLC, I was able to get (since I've taken a couple long breaks) caught up on SP a little: I got 101 sp extra just this last dlc. That's not even me playing all day every day like some people can. I was also able to get 1 character from 270 to 358 in less than that time (shave about 1 month off of the previous DLC's time).

    So if people are having trouble getting through the regular modes, perhaps they need to run easy so they can get some marks/death coins, and some gear, then go hard mode on trying to get their stat points up so regular isn't like an elite challenge to them.

    I'm developing less and less pity for players who refuse to work on getting their character up, when it's very easy to actually do it. So instead of them focusing on getting to top Cr (only), maybe they should curve some focus to getting stat points as well?
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  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Stats are not everything. There are attacks that scale to your max health and sometimes even ignore shields. I’m betting this gas mechanic is based on Doomsday’s death spores from the Death Of Superman episode, which did exactly that and has inherited this tendency.
  18. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I'm a noob myself, but Devastator isn't hard. It's like people are saying, this chump is all mechanics. Having a heal is nice, but not mandatory. With every teammate working together, you can near skip the gas phase of his attacks. If not, just block it out, it's not very hard. Then when it's out, he's a breeze till death.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I am referring to the situation we currently have with new players who are now at level with Ep. 42, where the event version has now shifted to Ep. 43. The player who is not at level to play the Regular version of Ep. 42 can still play the Event version of Ep. 43, which will drop better green green that scales so that they can be strong enough to run the Regular version of Ep 42 missions.

    Unless I am misunderstanding what we are talking about. The Event version of missions are always available for the next DLC to drop and open for all to participate in to get XP and better gear.
  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    Really? I went into elite with 3 random guys and we did it 1st time blind with like 1 death, i came out thinking "what is this rubbish", no flex btw, it just seemed really easy and the mechanics seemed simple to understand and react to.