Eye of Gemini (EOG) misconception

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iEddyGaming, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The buff is also apllied by that aura (not the ring itself). But dont confuse the orange eog with the green. The green grants you resto and dom, while only the orange one grants might and prec!

    Since the orange eog ring isnt affected by this "bug" its granting it while inside the circle, just like the stored damage has to be done while standing inside the orange eog circle aswell.
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  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Welcome to the forums, ive seen several of your videos in my recommendations :) great to see a polite,knowledgeable person that doesn’t exploit helping the community out.
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  3. iEddyGaming Active Player

    Thank you Soul, once again. I actually did thank him in my second comment on this thread and also, again in my latest video about EOG. And it's alright if you are not subscribed and don't want to, in the future. :)
  4. iEddyGaming Active Player

    So I tested it out. I tried jump cancelling it, weapon tap to cancel animation, tried clipping it with priority heal/sheild/trinket.. nothing worked for me :D I think maybe because its channeling power? :confused: You NEED to figure out which button you pushed to cancel the launch and let us know haha
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not related to the thread but love your content Eddy, keep up the good job!
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  6. iEddyGaming Active Player

    Thank you Zoe :D
  7. Requake Dedicated Player

    Yes. Jump, block, non damaging ability (shield, weapon buff, ..).
  8. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    double jump, or you can clip it with other power/trinket that's for dash attack tho I've never used the other one
  9. iEddyGaming Active Player

    Oh my bad LT! I mistook Dash Attack for Dust Off. Yup, Dash Attack can be clipped but Dust off cannot be clipped. I tested Dust off after your comment. lol oops!
  10. Dark Nyghtwyng Level 30

    I could be wrong, but I believe that this was fixed recently. You now need to be in the circle to get supercharge, not standing by the individual.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    You're not wrong. This thread is 2 years old. It was accurate when it was posted, but now much if not most of what's in it is incorrect. See the testing section of the forums for what changed with EoG (a lot, actually).