Character Creation

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leloes, Jan 16, 2022.

  1. Leloes Well-Known Player

    I was just wondering if I sub do I get more variety in the way I can create characters?
  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    you get a wider choice of powers. but cosmetically, the options remain the same.
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  3. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Wow....well that really, really sucks....
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I amended it. you do get more powers to choose from. &, remember, once that character's created, even if you decide to unsub, you'll get to keep that power, you just won't be able to create a new character with it.
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    You get access to paid powers.... skimming.... the Shield weapon.

    And this month you will get the Enhanced Future Warden style and the Peacemaker helmet from the Daily Rewards....

    And if you are not premium already.... that would make you Premium allowing you to get access to all your cash and allow you to play the Broker and get more styles that way.

    All I can think of right now. ;)
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  6. Leloes Well-Known Player

    That's the way it is with every MMO I've played. Though most give more characters spots.
  7. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Most MMOs I've played actually offer more for members that sub. Kinda sucks but oh, well....
  8. Wallachia Devoted Player

    And what are those MMOs, if you don't mind telling us?
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  9. Leloes Well-Known Player

    No, not all. EQ2, GW2, ESO, Final Fantasy 14, WoW....seems like there might be more but can't really remember...LOL
  10. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Oh, ok, you were a bit narrow in your question by focusing on just the character creation.

    The main DCUO website has a full list of the members perks (though it needs some updating as it still lists the daily vault access) but to answer this specifically, you do get more slots.

    You get a different amount of character slots depending on your type of account, Free get 2, Premium get 6 (think this is still correct) and Members get 16. Now you only have access to the 16 slots as long as you are a member but when your membership runs out you will have Premium status with its slot amount.

    Any characters above the Premium's number of slots will be inactive/locked (you get to choose which will be active) but you can always buy extra slots or just continue your memberships (which DI would prefer of course). The characters will just sit there waiting for their day to come.

    Sorry, this might be more info than you wanted but might as well get it all out now.
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  11. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm.. well.. Final Fantasy 14 is a straight up sub-only game though, isn't it? However, the game does have subscription milestone gifts, depending upon how many months you subscribe.
  12. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Actually free get three.
  13. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Not really, most styles are available for source marks or fate tokens in the game. Members get more marks and tokens, but other than that everyone has access to pretty much the same non-marketplace options.

    Membership gives you replays to unlock styles on alt characters and daybreak cash though, so you can start off the tutorial prettier if you have a higher cr main toon.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Cant really use subscription based MMOs either you remain free and are limited in every capacity, or you sub and get everything. No inbetween.
  15. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    wish we could get more spandex or such for character creation. or update the old ones.
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I wouldn't worry too much about your character's starting style. You get new styles all the time when you're levelling all the way through to the endgame, and this game probably has the best style set up of any MMO since there are no restrictions on when you can change your style or some styles only being able to be worn if you're a specific class/role/power. A lot of MMOs (*cough* Final Fantasy XIV *cough*) could stand to take a leaf out of DCUO's style system book.
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  17. Eve YouTuber

    Dying for some new styles in character creation. It's really not inviting enough to join the game with the current styles. God knows how some of the styles made it there in the first place :( I think they can deffo add some new basic styles there- they don't even need to add feats for them. But make the Character Creation more enticing and what to expect from styles you earn in the game, they are all so out of date. Nobody dress like that lol not even for Halloween...

    Also, more "Inspired" iconics will be cool aswell. They stopped after Oceans Master and Mera (With them adding Water Power) and Flash still using Fire instead of Electricity.