Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If you like i could vouch for all of that. Wouldnt bother me in the slightest if they stopped existing tomorrow.

    If you wanna steamroll, plenty of single player games out there, that allow you to streamroll waves of enemies all you want. But in a multiplayer experience, everyone has to have fun, not just you
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm so glad that someone else gets to dictate what I can have fun doing. Yes, you should get to have fun as well, but why does your fun have to involve me (or any random person)? Why does my fun have to involve you (or any random person)? Why can't a person or group of people decide what is 'fun' for know, like facerolling content OR having some artificial challenge? And don't say "because that wasn't intended", because was intended and still is...go run COU right now with a 355+ group.....they will faceroll it about as bad as we all could do in any T1-2-3 raid a few months ago pre clamp. I queued into a FVR run last week and we were out in 6-7 minutes (about 2 of which was cutscenes)....with randoms. That's pretty face-rolly if you ask me. Where's your uproar on that? What about the poor guy who's first run in there it was? How come his 'fun' doesn't matter? What's that? Those people should build a group so they can run it how they want? But isn't getting 8 people together an issue that prevents that? Yes....seems like someone said that before pre clamp too....Not sure who though? Hmmm, it will come to me....
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  3. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Look, I totally get what you're saying. This isn't my first MMO and I've spent plenty of time in many others running new and old players through all kinds of content. I've lead guilds, clans, and leagues before no problem. But how you want to play DCUO shapes your approach to this.
    I'm now much older than I was compared to back then and don't have the time like I used when college and working a meaningless job was the primary responsibilities in life at the time. Fast forward 20 years or so and it's now a career, family, and everything in between that make up responsibilities and I'm not the only one in the boat either.
    What little time I do have for the things I enjoy, I need to manage carefully. So if I decide to play DCUO but am gated by what I think is unnecessary or bloated timesink or just simply a waste a time, I'm not even going to bother and that's unfortunate because that's how I view accessing older content with how restrictive the stat clamp is. Omnibus doesn't really help much either.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  5. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    You're not a dev!
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    XD typical Catastroflare, don't address anything.

    You cant even address your own hypocrisy, nor your own contradictions. But you certainly don't miss a change for a personal insult.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Who said i was? But why would anyone spend time developing something when they know it'll see very little use?

    If players are admitting theirs no reason to run a unclamped version with no real rewards. Who would spend development resources on creating it if players are admitted that they wouldnt run it either?
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its been 3 months already?
  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Ok, think it’s time for a break. Close it down, please!
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Your responses inside a quote really do make it hard to respond to you. Better to segment the quote and responses really. I'm not going back and snipping the stuff out I want to respond to to make it cohesive.

    It all boils down to one person's opinion on how the game should be played and what is intended. No one person's opinion is wrong....for them. For a long while we had unclamped 'easier' runs. Now it's clamped 'challenging' runs. People have liked or hated either of those....and that's fine. The one thing that has NOT changed is the 8 man (4 man for alerts) requirement that means you HAVE to involve random people that might not want what you want. That is what I've always objected to and quite honestly it's what you were objecting to pre just didn't realize or want to admit it.

    Wanting everything stripped out if a 'choice' was offered is only because you know deep down no one wants the same thing you removing rewards is another way to FORCE everyone to play the way you believe is best. It's still your opinion....and you are entitled to have it....just as I am entitled to mine or anyone else can have theirs. Mine just leaves more options for everyone...yours does not.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Not reading thru this whole disaster to catch up but wanted to comment on this response. They spent development resources on something a lot of us aren’t using/ partaking in. I ran clamped like 5x and I only go to HoL for like 5secs a week and I never really use the new menu thingy
    From my, and I’m sure others perspectives, the clamp and all the latest updates were completely unnecessary. I’ll still say I don’t care what happens with it all but it 100% changed how I play the game. One, I play far less, 2 I no longer run any content outside of the newest dlc and 3, I play other games more for the 1st time in at least 5 years.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I have a question, if players get a unclamped version for feats. Once they get the feat/investigation/style. Why would players even go back when the incentive is gone?
  15. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    That is an excellent point.
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  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    For fun? Everyone here is agreeing with you on certain aspects but you can’t seem to get that some people enjoy just smashing and face rolling for no apparent reason. They aren’t your enemy, they’re just other players also looking to have fun. I used to enjoy random old elites that I had closed out completely. I maybe got a source mark for it. Some useless other stuff to delete. Had fun. I don’t anymore and bought any new feats added recently to old content because I have no desire to go run that same raid I ran 100s of times at content 5 years later to fall for the dropped bait tactic. I again get why they did it and I hope it’s working out for the game. I don’t think it is from where I’m sitting because I don’t personally know anyone running any clamped content. We all stopped and only run the 1 raid a week now. My usual circle is small, 10 people basically. All 10 would run multiple toons thru all the raids and now we all pretty much went to 2 toons, newest raid only, no point in resets after the 1st week.
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  17. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    And the other reason is chase items. There was a reason people ran PANOE, ZOOE, DME every week. Devs were on the right track with adding pets to old content. Overall, more carrot and less stick.
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  18. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I answered a research about the new episode and they asked about stat-clamp. I think they can re-evaluate that point.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I have no problem with players wanting to faceroll content without rewards. But the rewards part is where the impasse is. Its a choice but not a choice players are going to like. And i stand by that because i do believe their needs to be resistance for relevant rewards. The only things id change my mind for is if bosses themselves dropped extremely low low rate exclusive drops that must be rolled for group-wide. And once you got the exclusive item, their is no reason why a player outside of personal satisfaction would return to do unclamped.
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  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    It helped I’m sure which to me says that the clamp isn’t being greatly received. If there wasn’t a new drop in the jld alert, I’d have never gone in unless someone needed stake well done. Clamped, they’re on their own lol. Same with the raid feats. Getting them unclamped was a pain, all set helping anyone now. If there was an option, I’d go help unclamped and it still would not be easy. Optional with the way it was is the answer. Clamped gives source payouts. Easy enough. Not sure I see what the issue is other than what’s already going on (players choosing the fast ones). But no one uses Omni to get source, walk ins and premades are too easy. I will say if it became an option that I would 100% never run clamped but I’m already 99% never running clamped anyway. If it was an option, I’d go back to my farming old elites on the weekends. Hell, just male elites unclamped and like it used to be and I’d be back to playing hours a day on the weekends instead of wake up, run dailies and get the raid done and log off. I did turn my membership back on but strictly for storage space.
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