My 10 suggestions for DCUO in 2022

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xibo, Dec 31, 2021.

  1. Tolly Committed Player

    It would be nice to have the jet pack, with a real jet pack move this time, for me that's what's missing in DCUO.
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Amazes me how many people don't understand that a public forum is not email and that posting invites response/discussion from any and every member of the forum. "Importance" has zero to do with it.
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Happy to give people a reminder. :)
  4. Tolly Committed Player

    Before thinking about 10 suggestions, I think we need one for the devs, to be a bit more attentive to what the players want from the game, to see a bit more ideas from the players than content mainly from the devs ;)

    Of course, I'm not telling the devs to fulfill all the requests, but at least find some balance between their ideas and the community's, of course, we know we shouldn't expect to have a new power by this way, but at least add some changes or features that are highly expected by the community.
  5. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Number 2 is my favorite. But I honestly don't know how they can do it. I mean, Kryptonians are pretty op, dunno how they would balance a power like that. Oooooo! Perhaps a power that's solely based on physical combos, but that's kinda what acrobat movement has.... Idk, you prolly Kno better than me.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The problem with this sort of "suggestion" is that it is 100% useless.

    Insofar as the devs can be helped, it's with concrete requests that are both easily doable and and useful. "Can we see an [WHATEVER] with two colors, but asymmetrical?" "Can the [X] in raid [Y] be made ten seconds faster?"

    That sort of thing. Specific things.

    Useless sorts of requests on the other hand: "Make the game better." "Be more attentive to players." "Listen to players more."

    These are completely and absolutely useless because they're utterly general, with no specifics that can be grasped or accomplished. There's no measure or indication of what success would be, let alone failure.

    Suggestions and requests are either about concrete specifics, or they're a waste of typing.

    It's the difference between you being told, say, "write something in pentameter" versus "write better."

    One is something you can go learn to do. The other gives you no clue as to how to accomplish it and no measure of what succeeding or failure would be. See the difference?

    In short, being concrete can be helpful. It's at least understandable.

    Being nothing but vague and general, on the other hand, is completely pointless.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What happened there?
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    To think some of these people are from the United States, and want to see opinions silenced lol.

    (Random Thought)
    I do wonder, if Circe was around today, how seriously would he have been taken nowadays?
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  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    one hundred squiddley per cent! I've have always wanted that, always. I would be seriously chuffed if my toon could walk around with whatever bow I've got equipped on their back.

    after that, some different character animations for when you're standing about, doing nothing, & new default stances that you can set.

    & lastly, some way to have our alts in our main's bases. they don't have to be interactable, but it would be nice to, say, for instance, have my sorceress toon standing there reading a book in front of the bookshelves in my main's base, or my main watching the telly in my sorceress' base ( yeah, they're a couple ), to have my military munitions toon working on Earth 3 Lex's ship in my atomic toon's base.

    now, I've no idea if any of that is doable or ever going to doable in this game, but I absolutively posilutely would drop real monies for any of it.
  10. Xibo Loyal Player

    Duos: Max of 2 players, but can be 1
    Alerts: Max of 4 players, but can be 3, 2 or 1
    Raids: Max of 8 players, but can be 7, 6, 5 and so on
  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    2) A surfboard, like Silver Surfer.

    3) A nunchaku.

    And another suggestion: More presence on YouTube, at least once a week and FNL coming back!
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  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    5) Because of laggy for Android, I'm ok with this but for MacOS, DCUO could develop a version for Mac users.
  13. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    There arent many Mac users out there who play games without boot camp or play games at all, they would need to do convert the DirectX stuff to OpenGL all the way to please like 10 people. Not sure its the best effort
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  14. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Yeah no... Bringing up a Marvel Character as a idea for a DC game is just... Please don't do that. U might as well bring up Spiderman and ask for a webslinging movement... Nahh, that was not a good example, sorry.

    Nunchucks could be an interesting new weapons, but it's pretty just a Dual Wield Variant... they'll make a dual wield nunchucks weapon style before making a completely new moveset... So nope. I don't think that's a good example either.
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  15. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Going into a duo by yourself, defeats the whole purpose of calling it a duo.... Period. Yes it can be done by yourself if your partner falls out, but that's an exception. The way they have these numbers is for Balance. Changing it would disrupt it
  16. Raizen Reaper Level 30

    They urgently need to increase the maximum value on the broker to 10bi. In style we need separate options for beard and hair. And the celestial power immediately needs a buff
  17. Wallachia Devoted Player

    For me it isn`t THAAAT needed because I have a red energy weapon set, so I can just roleplay my way of thinking that my lantern makes the weapons on the fly. However, I think it is very inconvenient that we don't have, like, sheathed swords, a change to brawler/martial arts stance, or to have a shield on the arm or on the back outside of combat. I mean, Wonderwoman has it, why can't we? I think it is very bizarre that shiled players have a different blocking stance, but the shield will just pop out of nowhere.

    Agreed. I believe we could have a whole new set of animations. In Champions Online, for example, I had a character named Rick Roll, who had very flashy powers and a dancing animation exactly like the one he does here: . It was a LOT of fun to do that. I wish they added a whole new set of animations and emotes.

    It is absolutely doable. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2 had something akin to that: it was possible to see your alts on the same lobby as your main, and, later, they also added the feature to add your alts to your group, so you could play missions having your other characters as your sidekicks.

    I know people will say "different games", but, hey, DCUO and DBXV have the exact same engine.
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  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    This reminds me of other things I wanted: new weapons.

    1. Boomerang Weapon. Be it either single or dual wield.
    2. Sword and shield together. I mean, why the heck not?
    3. Sais!!!!!!!
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  19. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    The argument is not only convincing, its powerful for anyone open-minded enough to entertain an opposing idea.

    See, its a part of the game that used to fun, and not its not. It's something he used to do when he was bored, now he doesn't. Since this is a game, its entire reason for existing is to entertain. When it stops entertaining, it fails. Those who advocate for changes that lessen the game's entertainment value, are advocating for the game's failure.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I bring this up often, and tbh, I really believe Mark Hamill would come back for this :) He is just that awesome! He has been known to even do voice acting for free! This could be a perfect nostalgia chance for him.
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