
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leloes, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Is there any reason to sub to this game? Anything extra that will get for subbing? Thanks!
  2. fm0987 Committed Player

    If your new to the game, subbing up isn’t as necessary it used to be. I’d say play for a while and see if you really want to commit.
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  3. fm0987 Committed Player

    Aside from access to all the powers, you get 500 loyalty points, some replays I think (dlc is all free now, used to be a sub perk), more inventory/ bank slots etc. Since the changes to membership benefits, it’s now more about the daily login rewards (members get more artifacts xp, stabilizers, ally favor, destiny tokens etc).
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I find the nth metal members perk pretty handy
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  5. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I agree with those above.
    Is it worth it? Yes
    Is it worth it to you the new player? Only you can decide that.
    It’s my opinion that all the bonuses you receive (far more in value than the $15 you spend) is worth the purchase yes.
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  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Let me add an addition to this
    Is it worth it for a legitimate endgame player that has multiple 200 artifacts? No, of course not. Theres almost no benefit at all till they out something of value or useable in the fate vender.
  7. Leloes Well-Known Player

    I was subbed to EQ2 but let it expire since I wasn't playing hardly at all. Living on SS I have to be very careful what I spend my money on. I'm kind of leaning towards starting to sub next month.
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Well, the great news is that if you need to drop the sub at any time, you won't be penalized for doing so. In other words, you'll still be able to play just fine. :)
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  9. Leloes Well-Known Player

    True. LOL
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  10. Trykz Dedicated Player

    You can play more than one character, in which case it’s all still relevant.
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    U can play more than 1 on a free acct too, i think 4 yes? Maybe thats changed i dont know lol
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  12. fm0987 Committed Player

    If you’re gonna sub, best at the end of month after you’ve claimed 21+ of daily login rewards, that way you get all the prior member rewards plus next month, as long as you’ve logged in those days
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  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    That’s a good point. Premium for sure has more available then I even play.
    Ok i recently joined the hoarder camp. So there’s always just saving them has it’s own merit? Lol
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  14. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    Free is 2.
    Premium is 6 (unless you pay for extra character slots).
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  15. Trykz Dedicated Player

    A toon for every role and a bank for every toon huzzah
  16. inferno Loyal Player

    You will always have access to 6 toons once you're premium. If you go legendary, you will have access to 16 toons and you will loose access to 10 if you unsub. Any toons you create while legendary will retain the power (outside of the free ones) your granted them, if you choose them as your six.
    I would advice to sub for a month to see the powers available to you. See which ones you might like to keep then unsub and just enjoy the game. As a new player, there is no huge gain to sub. Once you enter end-tier level, then you can start thinking about whether to sub more permanently. By that time you should have enough feel of the game and what you think you would need and whether subbing is even a necessity.
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  17. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Okay now I need a bit of help. I went to an area where there is a Christmas tree setup and, I think, all the heroes are there and I can't figure out how to get back to Gotham. Can't find any way to teleport myself out. What do I do?
  18. L T Devoted Player

    There is a teleporter That can take you to Gotham or anyplace else in the room south of you.

    Also, if you call up your map,there is a warp menu that will bring you to a limited number of places, Gotham included
  19. Leloes Well-Known Player

    Okay I'll check it out when I'm back in the game. Thanks!
  20. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I always recommend everyone sub for 1 month, sometime after reaching level 30. A few parts of the game are locked behind a paywall of subscription, but, you can also keep the perks after your sub runs out.

    If ya sub for a month....

    Upgrade your base to full size. It will stay this way after sub.

    Make alts using powers that were locked previously. If you lose your sub, you keep all of your characters, but you have to choose the 6 you want to play with and lock out the rest. can choose 6 characters with premium powers, or your favorites.

    Also, spending 5 dollars at any point puts you into premium status for more inventory, bank and broker slots which is more than the completely free to play setup. You keep this status indefinitely.
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