OP items should have two white mod slots.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Siramez, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. Siramez Well-Known Player

    It is very annoying to keep changing between two mods for my OP neck as I am playing DPS and Healer all the time. I think OP items should have two slots but how they work would be:

    First slot would be Damage Slot
    Second slot would be Support slot

    this is to ensure that we would not stack the same mods together for bigger stat increase or better bonuses.

    They would categorise white mods into damage and support categories (max damage being damage category and regenerative shielding being support category for hands), as well as please rework the entire leg mods and maybe some mods too.

    I am aware that there are certain mods that may be too good together like Fortified Assault and Fortified Blocking, however those two mods I have mentioned will be in Support category so you cannot use them both.

    I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here.

    Thanks for reading. (please don't be toxic)
    • Like x 20
  2. 0siris New Player

    Good idea !
    I thought similar to this

    My idea was that they should do the same with white mods like they did back then when they removed stat mods and gave us augments. So for example: remove white mods from gear and give us an extra tab like for augments where we can put white mods and save them in armory. so we can save the mod we need depend what role we playing. that would solve the OP gear mod problem and also you dont need to put a mod in your gear everytime you equip another gear piece (through cr raising), your mod would always be active :)
    And maybe a reminder or warning message that your base generator are at 0% and mods are inactive would be nice, i always forget this lol
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  3. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    I like the suggestions except for this bit. Would prefer to have all the choices available in any role - something like max damage (hands) or berserker (back) still available for support role for example. Also, a whole bunch of mods are perfectly serviceable for both roles, and the slippery slope would be "Which mod belongs into which category?"

    Instead, those two proposed slots could simply be de/activated whenever you are in the appropriate role :)
  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I love the idea, please make it happen. Grinding for a second OP Item is a pain when you have to farm 3 sets of gear. (Feats)
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  5. Siramez Well-Known Player

    i also had this idea in mind, although this would create more technical issues lmao, but any ideas that would make us use both white mods please haha.
  6. Siramez Well-Known Player

    your idea also works!
  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Detaching them from the gear pieces themselves would be a much better improvement for sure. Either creating an additional tab from the inventory menu (or maybe replacing the base item tab, do we need this on the fly?) or adding a tab on the base generator would both be improvements IMO. Maybe they can add it to their list for 2022?
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  8. Caroline Dedicated Player

    When they give us an op item which requires you to change white mods, I usually open up multiple boxes and have them sit in my inventory.

    I'd change them depending on the role I'm doing, but yes, it's definitely annoying and your idea would make our lives much easier in that kind of situations.
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  9. Siramez Well-Known Player

    trust me i always have 50 of each in my inventory in case of something like this. OP back and OP hands werent a big of issue for me but OP neck have been since the neck mods are quite impactful.
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    This has been suggested countless times. At one point one of the devs chimed and and said something to the affect that two slots presented a lot of programming difficulty but they'd look in to solutions. Soon after we got the Metal 1 system which made it incredibly easy to get a 2nd OP item (essentially it cost about 40-50 marks). But there were also a lot of complaints (totally legit IMO) about the OP system being collections based and so they eventually reworked that to the current system which is monumentally better IMO for getting it initially. However, with the new system, the easy acquisition of a 2nd one went out the window. And that's where we are with that whole thing currently.

    Personally, I eventually leveled up a 2nd OP Hands from last DLC as the improved stealth is pretty crucial to my troll LO, but that was pretty late in to the DLC once all that stuff was dirt cheap and I had nothing better to spend marks on. Hopefully something better can be figured out.
  11. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    Upvoted, not that it will help. People have mentioned this (or similar) in the past. Same with changing mods to augments, it's been mentioned before.
  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    if 2 slots not feasible, then make white mods for both roles
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  13. Hotgirlzz Well-Known Player

    I think they should make them save to your armorys. So whatever mode you have in for dps is there when you switch armorys. Because switching from dps to another role in a boss fight who had time to switch the mode out to.
  14. ElSteele New Player

  15. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    They need to put all the white mods in the op items. Problem solved.
  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Pfft just make it simple. 2 slots on a OP item and slot how u want. Tac mods r hardly game breaking. I have went weeks w/out noticing mine had expired multiple times. Impact to game is minimal. The More complicated they make it, the more likely its screwed up.
    Just go live with 2 slots
  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Sammy! Is that you??
  18. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

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  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm wearing the DPS neck mod on my tank and haven't noticed a difference yet.
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  20. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player
