Raise the broker cap

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryazan, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    With the release of the new booster booster bundle, it has become blatantly obvious that the current broker cap of 999 million is not enough for the US PS/PC server. With the rampant amount of cash roaming around, items are being constantly priced above what is possible to be put in the broker. Furthermore, if something is sold through the trade window, there is no broker tax in play there, meaning no money sink to help mitigate the problem.

    The broker overall needs an UI revamp and the max price value increased.
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  2. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    no thanks stuff is overpriced on the broker as it is
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No they should lower the trade cap to match the broker cap.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont know about you, but im having fun undercutting the life out of people. Stuff sells here nigh instantly knocking 5 million off the lowest price
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  5. Not Lowtie Level 30

    Raise it
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  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Well many might not like it, but I have another idea...

    Since the devs tried to cap everyone's escrow before, it didnt fix the problem, and many people that had more than the cap felt like their money was stolen, even though the glitches led to all of this inflation.

    So, my solution...
    Increase the value of cash, and deflate the market.

    1. Close broker for one day, returning all items to sellers and their 5% fee.

    2. Deflate the money. 1 billion becomes 1 million.
    So, if you have 1 billion, it becomes a million, a million becomes 100k etc.

    3. Reopen broker.

    This will solve the problem without taking money away, and maintain the value each player has in relation to others. It also would give the broker many years more of use, unless there is another money glitch.

    I know this will be controversial, but just simply raising the broker limit only allows the exponential inflation to continue. More importantly, we need the broker to function to prevent scammers. I personally wont gamble 1 billion or more on a private trade.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    5 mil...heh. I undercut someone selling a 200 million dollar collection by 80 mil the other day. I'll routinely see people trying to artificially inflate things by buying all the stock of a million dollar item and re-listing at 40, 50 or 60 million...I love nothing more than to then roll it down to 999,999 on them....if I have 2, I'll put both up at 999,999 and 899,999. I hope they eat every bit of those listing fees.

    That having been said, having the cap raised would allow for MASSIVE undercuts when some yahoo tries to list 10B dollar items. Good times. And it gets some of the surplus dirty money out of the game...trades do not.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Feel free to ask for this (many have) but it won't solve anything. All it will do is remove a few 000s everywhere. So something that costs 1.5 B today will cost 1.5 mil, the guy who has 10mil and comes out with 10k still can't afford it (...your math is off. 1 mil would decrease by 1000 as well, keeping things even....so 1 mil=1k....not 100K...that's reducing by 10x only). If you don't decrease it evenly, just expect everyone to keep 999,999,999 on every toon so they only lose that 10x....not 1000x

    And you'd only gamble over 2B in a trade....that's the trade cap.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  10. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Idk About All That Too Many Over Priced Items & Not Everyone Has Billions

    But What They Should Do Is Make Money Able To Send Threw Email

    Kinda Hard Having One Toon With The Most Of Your Cash
    You Have To Start All Over You Kno
  11. AV Loyal Player

    The broker cap being so low creates a three-prong issue:

    1. Things worth too much to list, as you said.
    2. No tax, as you said.
    3. No time limit to sell and DRASTICALLY reduced competition.

    Point three means that, for anything that's worth too much for the broker, any player can just buy something for what it's actually worth en masse then manipulate the market. Being unable to list an item for what it's worth on the broker basically breaks the economy immediately. Even if they introduced tax on cash trades, it wouldn't fix the anti-competitive potential of people buying low and selling high with practically zero competition on items with any kind of scarcity. Not being able to broker something basically removes all of the risk involved with a player attempting to gouge (and makes gouging too easy).
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  12. Trykz Dedicated Player

    They have done a cash cull before. It’s not impossible that they could do it again. If they would just allow for more cash sinking into artifacts, instead of only daily rewards and real life money, people would be sinking all their cash into arts. I know f*** all about economics though , who’s the money man in here lol.
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  13. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Yeah my bad, but you get what I meant. As long as its across the board it's fair.

    Others mentioning capping cash again, that doesnt change the value, and therefore it wont help. It only destroys money in the hands of the most rich. Also, last time, a dev gave a league a heads up, and they all spread their money across all 16 characters in their accounts. They then consolidated it back afterwards and were in the position to manipulate the market right away.

    Just raising the cap of the broker, will only allow for higher and higher prices, ad people hoarding billions.

    Changing the values would help on all fronts. Rich people still have the same value they had, but it will be like the first couple years when a million felt like a million.
  14. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    We're still gonna have the same problems with prices with this method .. We'd just be at a lower cash rate.
  15. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    It's not like it will get any better from here onward if unchanged.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I agree, the broker cap needs to be raised to increase competition within the higher valued items, which are slowly but steadily just increasing with every capsule and bundle.
  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    No raise needed, reduce the Trade cap to match the Broker if anything. I wouldn't mind the Trade cap being slightly lower than the Broker either, since Broker is much more convenient and friendlier to use but the price for it is being taxed when using it.

    The current situation makes no sense, they allow players to completely duck the Taxing system while raising the prices freely.
  18. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    You dont solve inflation by allowing people to overprice items. I cant believe thats actually a suggestion.

    Lets roll down that rabbit hole for a sec:
    - Broker allows people to price items for crazy amounts
    - People price items for crazy amounts, because now they can
    - People find that the only way to afford anything at all now is to be forced to spend months farming to save up for one item, be forced to pay for TCs or booster bundles to acquire items to sell to make any kind of profit, or be forced to go against DCUO's ToS and use Goldsellers like Egpal risking Account Termination
    - New Players become even more segregated than before just because they weren't "lucky enough" to be around for any previous Money Glitch
    - In a few years time, this exact thread pops up again, except now its asking for the cap to be a Trillion

    I mean no offence but being brutally honest is a requirement right now. Suggestions like this are incredibly narrow minded, with no consideration for its impact on the game nor on how it would easily negatively effect new players. Not could, would. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Well, we live in a World where the top 1% somehow got more rich during the pandemic while everyday folks face evictions and skip meals just to get by. And some of you want to bring that kind of rationale into the game? The rich get more rich and everyone else is inconsequential? Great plan.

    Here's a better one:
    Broker and Trades have a cap of 1 Million maximum. Inflation solved.

    If anyone would like to try to argue why that couldn't work without accidentally or obviously revealing you pay Goldsellers, i'm all ears. Though I wouldnt recommend going down the path of "whats fair". If you're in agreement with the Thread suggestion, you either dont care about what's fair to anyone but yourself, or you haven't thought it through enough to know.
  19. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Making the trade cap be the same as the broker cap we have now will not fix the inflation, players will only be required extra steps in order to complete a full transaction, this is already happening now with the current trade cap of 2.2 billion. Non BB items such as Void and Phoenix material already go over that limit, and the players are still selling them for over the limit. Not to mention it must be incredibly easy to scam, or like how some of the kids say, getting finessed with someone only paying part of the value of the item and then running away (or someone just running away with the initial money without giving the item). And sure, this fear of a potential scam can discourage some, but we are still seeing those items go over the limit anyway.
  20. Beat Active Player

    Im conflicted on this.

    On one hand I do think the broker max should be raised but on the other hand I agree with your idea. Could fix the economy possibly.