Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Celesis, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Celesis New Player

    Hello game developers! I had an idea or my opinion on maybe if possible changing the game graphics to looking more realistic and better for all us players who are actively enjoying the game. Please consider this change , it'll really be exciting to see new things change and come to the game for ps5 and PC players, we want more, more new power and movement, new fashions and to make our character look realer/realistic/3D than ever!
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    When it comes to all MMO's, they choose performance over quality. Not saying graphics can't be increased, but they usually make things a little less complex so it can reach a broader player base as well as lessen the load on their servers.

    I've looked at FF14 and it's pretty, (probably slightly higher quality than dcuo) but I wouldn't put it on the same level as some of the single player games that come out on a next Gen console, like the PS5.
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  3. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Considering its a almost 11 year old game, Oceans and the rest of the graphics/art team does a great job and the graphics look pretty for the genre and era of hardware/software the game came out.

    I'd say that Oceans is far and above better than the rest of the game team combined. And proof of that is the abundance of bugs and things that are broken on release, but she does a great job with everything that was her project.
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Setting aside the slight amount of silliness in asking for realistic looks in a game based off the comics (not any films), the devs have always given all platforms the same treatment as far as graphics goes. They could have gone with better graphics from the start for PC and just gone as far as the PS3 could go, but they didn't. And they seem to be keeping that strategy going today.

    So the game is always going to be limited by the graphics capabilities of the platform with the lowest specs (most likely the Switch right now). So more likely than not, any graphics updates will depend on what the Switch can handle.
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The games artistic direction was always to be based off the cartoons and comics.
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  6. PhilOsyfee Active Player

    Game Old. Code Old. Lots Of Work.
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  7. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I mostly don't mind the graphics, over the past few years/DLC's everything has looked pretty good.

    But I do think they need a HD texture overhaul on all the creation styles for sure, I recently created a new toon thanks to the CR advance and those styles are really.. well they show how old the game is. :D

    I'd imagine it would make a lot of us, vets and new players alike very happy to see all those styles, hair, skins, clothing, etc brought up to today's standards for the game.
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  8. Celesis New Player

    Yes i definitely agree with you with this one, it would be nice to see those changes if its possible to keep us players wanting to play more even. Just imagine hairstyles actually moving on its own as it being realistic. But who knows :)
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  9. Celesis New Player

    Its not silly if us players that are stating of wanting more in the game than what's already have been there for years. People are saying the game is old, why not try impressing us players more with changing things around a bit !
  10. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    :eek: it's made to not be realistic. It's a design decision. Cell shading style, like lots of comic books. I'd never use "realistic" to describe the game graphics. then or now. They are changing things. Old content is having to be remade over time to be able to alter it. Problems with acquisitions and not releasing a new game (MMO issues).
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  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Please state WHAT SYSTEM you're playing on (PC, PlayStation, XBox, or Switch) and what Server (US or EU.) This will help the Devs and others know which specific version of the game you're referring to. Thanks.

    P.S. The game's graphics are more detailed, with higher resolution graphics, on the PS4 version of the game, and presumably the Xbox version, as well. This is due to the fact that on the PC, there was some glitch or bug involving the High Texture Detail pack that has never been resolved after nearly 11 years. Meanwhile, that highest level of detail works just fine on PS4! :(
  12. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    How would you suggest they improve the graphics with the game on many platforms. You're assuming players have a powerful PC as powerful as a PS5. You just eliminated most of the player base.
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  13. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Imo I think the game's graphic is decent compared to other mmos. as a mmo player I value gameplay over graphics, but imo this game's graphics hasn't exceeds my limit on what a bad looking game looks like.
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  14. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    A full update isnt feasible, but we def need new assets and some upgrades to powers and character creation styles.

    When you compare Atlantis to Metropolis its ridiculous how even the trees on Metro are outdated. From buildings to roads it all looks like it came right out of 2010 (because well, it did).

    When you look at nature and fire or gadgets and then look at celestial or water the detail difference is pretty visible and the last ones were still capped by the ps3. The Switch can hold much better animations than that.
  15. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    It doesnt need to be better than the PS5, but most PCs are stronger than the Switch and Switch can run really heavy games capped at 30 fps. There is a lot of upgrading possible, no one is asking for photorealistic 4k with ray-tracing.
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  16. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    I always like to discuss this topic, but you arent asking anything that wasnt asked 100 times over the past few days, just to keep your expectations set.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sorry but i need my characters to have eyelids in 2020 xD
  18. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    How is that realistic?

  19. Toshknight Loyal Player

    learn how games are developed and then come back and try this OT again, yes with the ps5 update coming up, the game will have lots more virtual space to add more content, and polish it a tad, run better, but unless they totally re develop the game in another engine, the game is 10 plus years old, who knows how long they were developing it, and we did get a graphics polish for the ps4 update, but if the game was only on pc, it might have been a bit more accesable with graphics options, but since the game on this scale a MMO is on PC and has to be on console and PS3 at development, they have done a great job with what they have to work with,
    this is one of the most annoying subjects i see, with people that have no idea how games are made, they think you can just take a game that was created how many years ago, slap a new coat of paint on it, like its that easy just cause hardware is better,

    tons of variables besides the console thing as well. you have how much can be on screen on one time, how many items can fit in game, asset re use, this is a thread that should just be deleted totally. and the OP should go on YOUTUBE or GOOGLE and check out game development there are pleanty of knowledgable people that can tell you why the game and other games look the way they do when they are existing at the time of games like god of war , spiderman insomniac ,

    Do you know how long ago, this game was developed ?
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  20. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    The textures on updated NPCs looks awesome but as time goes on I hope they can achieve better overall Graphics because dcuo Deserves it