Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I agree, but if it is. Feats need to be its name-sake. Not a timed exclusive. People want to use Feats as a player measuring stick.

    Now it is actually is.
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  2. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    He wants to be the next Darkseid, they all do..

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  3. The Con Dedicated Player


    Some of us need them.:D
  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    Oh noes!!... A standard internet comeback from somebody who's probably being more ironic than he'd care to admit...

    Is it here where I write back that my mom doesn't know... but, yours does? ;)
  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Feats are tied to sp..... They have ALWAYS been a measuring stick.
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Now it takes 2 brain cells for raid feats
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  7. The Con Dedicated Player

    I guess that rules you out from getting any....
  8. The Con Dedicated Player



    Just want to be the character that I played (worked) to be.
  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    honestly, I can't see them ever doing that, man. the best you can hope for is that they adjust the clamp a little to make it a bit more forgiving on those that are struggling, but I can't see them reeling any of this back in. right now, you have two options, I believe. the first is to accept what's happening & get on with it. the second is to walk away. that's about it, really. I get it, of course I do, it's a blow, & I totally get why you feel the way you do ( though I don't personally care about the clamp, I was one of those who was opposed to the removal of marks from endgame, I do feel sympathy for those, like yourself, who are having a difficult time adjusting ), but this is what DCUO is now. this is the game. try to work within it. try to make it work for you. if you can't, I don't know what else to tell you.
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  10. FiredUp FarCar New Player

    I asked my mother, had to drive to the retirement home, she said she doesn't know you and if you're on the internet or not,
    If you're legit interested I can drop her your ingame tag, she'd love to play the clamped content with you
  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    Some are.

    We play a progress-based game... Some feats are DESIGNED to be achieved after you gained the strength to accomplish them.

    Some just become inherently easier as you get stronger.

    Is this really a foreign concept to you?
  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    I know... I was there.

    She told me to hide under the bed.
  13. FiredUp FarCar New Player

    I know your mother type jokes are supposed to be funny, but dude that's where the bed pan and catheter bag drains to,
    You poor lad, I like the dedication though, she's deserves to be treated like a princess,
    Go you!!
  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    Oh.... Don't get all serious on me. You're the one who brought up parents in a meaningless insult.
  15. FiredUp FarCar New Player

    insult? what insult? It was a genuine concern, cause some of the things your were saying were quite childish, though if my mother approves of you, then so do I, you do you bro, if you don't wanna play the game using the mechanics and just smash and bash everything that's fine. we all grow at our own pace
  16. The Con Dedicated Player

    Irony noted.

    NOW, WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO.... THAT is the point.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Name any situation in life where you get fully rewarded for putting in very little effort???
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  18. Minotaur38 Active Player

    The new episode, where all you people who are for clamping, and building your toons faster. Yea, you all just project, and it's getting old. You all get handouts on rare collections, building your toon faster, etc. Sounds to me like the few who are for clamping, just want handouts, and without the grind.
    #NoClamping #EraseNewEpisode
  19. The Con Dedicated Player


    Have you met The Kardashians?
  20. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Hold my beer.
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