Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Solid points. If they wanted it harder they could have done it anytime by removing changing gear. Some seem obsessed with forcing everyone else to do what they want where as we just want what we worked/paid for. It makes you wonder about the mentality behind the "stat clamp is glorious, all bow to the stat clamp" crowd.

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  2. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    Something I've noticed is that the Majority of Pro-Clampers are very "League or Click" orientated types. I believe its because they personnel resources to get the Content done regularly. I don't knock them for their stances, its all apart of "Networking".
    On the flip side though you don't see many Pugs or Soloist like the "Clamping" because they usually don't have that type of "Networking" on a Rolodex so its tough on them.
    Just wish Clamping would have been optional...
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  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Bash it for no reason? I left in 2016 and the bugs from then are still here now.

    PS, WTF is the while developing a new MMO project starting in 2020.

    I had expected DCUO to die soon after i left in 2016. Maybe DCUO 2.0 in DX 11 to replace it. Users fought Darkseid when I left. Where else could it go?? Multiverse, of course. randometimelines, of course. DCEU, get a timeline and don't stick to it. Work your way up to Marvel money. Earn it. F the universe template. ya got a good story?
  4. Lady Mystyk Active Player

    The same can be said about those who do not like stat clamp. You want it easy so you do not have to learn the mechanics. It just depends which side of the rock you are on.
  5. Shalayah Committed Player

    So what I’m getting from this is that your stats are why you’re a good player OP?
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    You earned the right to have content be easier, which it is. You did not earn the right to break mechanics and instances because you want to destroy a boss within a few seconds.

    There is a balance between absolutely trivializing content (like what we previously had) and trivializing a persons sense of feeling overwhelmingly powerful.

    if that isn't where this currently sits, then where is it, in your opinion, and no it cannot be back where it previously was.. How much stronger do you need to be than what you're currently feeling under an existing clamp?

    Do you think you need perform twice as well as you currently do? 1.5 times, three times? where exactly is your expectation?
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  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    As my mother always say:"you will Never be to Old to learn" ;):)
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  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I suppose it is a fine line between convenience and crutch.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Clearly their goal is to show up the Justice League and demonstrate their substantially superior power compared to the so-called might of the JLA. They wanna be able to say "Y'all got beat several times by Darkseid and only barely squeaked out a victory in the end?!? Hey Stupidman, Blunder Woman, Crapman and Aquachump, watch me yawn through this sub-two minute Darkseid beatdown. I might even toss around a Joker branded bouncy ball in the middle of the fight for just for s***s and giggles. Lowkey, y'all trash"
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    To be fair, if you learned and were able to deal with the mechanics of a particular piece of content at level, then there's an argument to be made that you shouldn't have to worry much about them (if at all) after that.

    I run my characters through content in turns, and for the most part they're all at the same point when I do so (same CR and SP totals, some might have a couple more powerful base mods or higher grade Artifacts). The first time I run a new piece of content on the first character in the rotation is usually the roughest, because I haven't learned the ins and outs of the piece of content and that's when I'm more likely to fall victim to the mechanics.

    By the fourth or fifth character? It's gotten easier even though I'm running different power sets and sometimes weapon usage. By the end of the rotation? I've got it down.

    Sometimes it's not all about power.
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Im of the minority for pro-clamp then. Im in a great league but never see them so i Q an pug everything.
    Pro-clamp has nothing to do with taking away hard work or wanting things harder.
    Its about the experience of everyone else who is NOT endgame. The old system was off putting to new(er) players. Thats potentially lost revenue and lost game life.
    One thing we ALL want is our game to be around as long as possible and the experience we all got to have should be had by the newer players too.
    Us steamrolling content ran contradictory to this philosophy thus they changed it.

    Now that said, we are NOT clamped in relevant content. Its a fair compromise IMO.
    Also, the idea of making clamping optional would not address the issue of player experince be ause who would honestly opt into it? Be real.

    Census will never be reached. Theres too many angles. The approach i took was to try and be understanding of the big picture and the shelf life of the game and im in favor of any steps in prolonging that.

    The one who like and dont like clamping alike will all complain about how bad alot of players are an his is a step toward helping them get better and thats a good thing for everyone no matter how u slice it.

    And omnibus is trainwreck of an idea that we need to be better rewarded for if the devs think we are gonna subject ourselves to that lol.
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  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    By reading the posts, including the ones I have on ignore, which outright said they want they earned the right to steamroll...this pretty much sums it up.

    Imagine a world (or universe) of people with super abilities fighting in a world where everything is also super, but is all negated in favor of one to be single handedly destroyed with very little resistance(if any at all).

    This is the anti-clamper's creed in a nutshell:

    "To not want to be forced into the same boring old content, but to also want to be bored to tears by leveling everything to the ground because they have "gear" while complaining the next thing that can be face rolled and be bored with weeks later is not out soon enough." :rolleyes:

    Some are never satisfied, overly toxic, and worth dismissing.
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  13. Beat Active Player

    I believe it goes both ways, just how pro clampers have had their heads bigger, anti clampers now hate that they're not on top anymore.
    For example, someone who was once the top burner for Dps in their league that is now farming source marks with their league is gonna feel some type of way that they are now #2, or #3 since everyone is on a even playing field.

    They have this entitlement (I HAVE ALL 3 RANK 200 ARTIFACTS, I SHOULD BE ON TOP, NOT THE GUY WITH 180s!!!)

    I do agree with your statement, I'm just saying it goes both ways, pro clampers, and anti clampers.
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    Please... Don't tell me what I want. I know what I want.

    I want to progress past content that I mastered 8 years ago.
    It's not that I don't really want to take the same history test that I took in the 3rd grade over and over again.... It's just that I don't need to be at the same level of having to learn the information that I was when I first took the test.

    The only real reason that older content was trivialized is because they stopped rewarding those who still did it. I did FoS every week up until they stopped rewarding it with source marks.
    And.. YES... I did earn the ability to do it faster and more efficiently...

    I need to feel as strong as the equipment makes me...
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Well, that is a simple fix. Everyone switches to the broken dos powersets and uses whirling dervish. The only reason anyone that's always top spot of the board in current content and falls behind in clamped content is because they're using an inherently weaker powerset. At end game, we have differences in toons. In clamoed, much much less. So water vs munitions in end game, the water toon may have a slight edge in overall stats and pulls ahead. Clamped, munitions is a way better powerset so it automatically "wins".

    Anyone that thinks this is showing anything off other than imbalances is only lying to themselves to not feel like wet garbage
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  16. Shalayah Committed Player

    While I’m a pro clamper. I do agree that the clamp has revealed the imbalances in full. However I do think it’s easier to adjust a power when players are on a similar playing field than when they aren’t.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm pro clamper too lol. 100% behind its idea just not how it is implemented and that it isn't optional. But yeah, now would be the time for the devs to play the game a lot and see the imbalances and start fixing. They opened the can of worms and now the game needs a ton of work
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    If it was optional, I’d still choose run 99% of content clamped. It’s been cool not having to hold back, in case I kill something so fast I cause a bug. Plus because my characters are supposed to be closer to Batman in super weight, I don’t like it when enemies can’t even scratch me. I just don’t like being killed instantly because I got unlucky or made a single error.
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  19. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    The Get Good crowd needs to be carried by long time players to complete the dlcs, otherwise they would be using LFG like we have been doing for years to run their own tier content, instead of forcing the entire playerbase to cater to them & carry them.
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    None of my toons are gadgets. None of my toons tac swap. I even beat the solo on a 337 quantum alt with 120 artifacts and 160 sp.

    So no all that fancy stuff is not needed. If YOU need that to get through content than that’s a you problem.
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