Stat clamping, first experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. nawanda Loyal Player

    I’ve been away from home for a week, and got my first opportunity to play the new system this evening. I am an established player who has subscribed continuously since early 2015 and my character is on the top 100 for skill points on the EU server.

    Following the instructions in my journal, I found myself in the Deep Desires solo. It took me 8 minutes. I got 1 source mark and two pieces of junk gear. No real change there.

    Next, following the instructions in my journal, I ended up in a Brainiac’s Bottle Ship instance that had been open 65 minutes, and where the group was at last boss. Because the devs never thought to allow us to scroll since they changed the scoreboard UI a couple of years ago, I can’t say how many players had previously been in the instance.

    My CR was clamped to 204. There was a mix of 204s and other players. There was one player in each support role. The group wiped twice as everyone except me ignored the mechanics (block skill, break the pods).

    On the second attempt I was killed through block by Brainiac’s skull attack.

    I left the instance and turned my PS5 off.

    I’m not a game developer, but a maxed out player should not be dying in old, non-elite content to a boss attack when they have correctly blocked it. Just reading the endless list of fixes that have been introduced in the past week in these forum threads is absolutely depressing. The quality control of DCUO is pathetic. I’m so fatigued with everything that is released being broken and unplayable.

    This game is at a crisis point at this stage. A massive row back or a massive improvement is needed - quickly.
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    They are needing feedback that’s the best thing you can do for them to make adjustments as needed. So they can test out and see if they have similar issues. The good thing is it sounds like mechanics are necessary in this instance again but if you got killed through block then they def need to check that out.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    If something is over hitting then report it, there's going to be some outliers, it's best to do that than simply quit after one negative experience.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player


    Not trying to trivialize this persons experience but

    I’m sitting at 320 cr as a dps with 370 sp I quit playing this game religiously years ago and just come back for casual fun once in a while.

    Thus far I’ve noticed nothing so out of whack it couldn’t be beatable so long as there was communication

    I’m even noticing I’m out damaging most the other dps in the groups I’m in even tho most have better gear and sp than me(which is very telling once you put everyone on even playingfield)

    Most don’t know how to really utilize their rotations/clipping/ etc….to me (this is just my opinion) it seems they are so used to just either being carried through new content or only really running group content to get feats after they way over gear for it and aren’t usd to running old content and not being the big baxk breaker they were before.

    Nothing I’ve played was premade or pug from
    Lfg it’s all just blind queue

    The only instance I have ran that was bad was the one where you fight etrigan (I don’t know the name of the alert) I joined in just before etrigan at the turrets they had been in there 45 mins … I explained how to complete it snd then it wasn’t long til we were at the last vampire boss and done.

    Powering through isn’t the way anymore bring roles learn mechanics and practice your rotations

    I don’t see why these are negative things but people seem to not want to do these things
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Your 1st mistake, using omnibus
    Your 2nd mistake, using omnibus instead of reading LFG and asking yourself why everyone wants fos3
    Your 3rd mistake, using omnibus
    Your 4th mistake, yea u guessed it, using omnibus lol

    All kidding aside, dont use omnibus, there is no incentive as evidenced by you “x” min worth of omnibus time that got you exactly 1 source mark by my count. Fun the bounties or fos3 spans and get 10 or more in just 2-3 min a pop
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  6. Starblast Well-Known Player

    It's also worth noting to play instances you find enjoyable. GOM, Olympus. Gates, many of the AF2/Sons of Trigon alerts/raids are doable. plus...since people can now leave you can just queu up and play it again without being loot locked there is both sometimes a need for a role that can maybe help or they can just start over. Also, many solos like the instance where Supergirl fights Xanadu you also get the Death of Superman rewards and it's a pretty quick instance. So, if you don't have all of your enhanced main man styles and superman posters/etc. you can get them. and don't forget you can exchange the marks from that event now for source marks and buy those styles from that vendor. Origin Crisis stuff I am not going to comment on. lol. I won't lie....those alerts are kinda long.
  7. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    You will find your experience to be in the majority.

  8. Proxystar #Perception

    You were in a bad group, people that skipped the content need time to learn.

    There is nothing wrong with the difficulty of this content by the way - your group was simply BAD because when a picture tells a thousand words, or in this case a video, I'm just gonna leave this here.

    That was also queued via the OMNIBUS system.
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  9. nawanda Loyal Player

    So we are saying there’s a new DLC and I’m making some critical error in following the journal for it? Seriously?
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  10. nawanda Loyal Player

    As much as I find the contrarian nature of your posts interesting, there’s a bit more to my post than Brainiac one-shotting my character through block. There’s the fact that the instance had been open 65 minutes, and the issue of forcing (please don’t use the ‘nobody is forcing you to do anything’ argument - I was following the journal for the new DLC) experienced players into content with newer players who don’t follow mechanics and clamping them. I can only imagine the pain that other experienced players went through earlier in the raid to get those doors opened.

    This system should not have been released until every instance had been extensively tested. There are so many endgame players who have gone into this not wanting to play old content, that is the minimum they should be able to expect from such an unpopular game change. We are at a point where the development team practicality never fail to disappoint when it comes to pushing out broken content. Telling people to report it and keep playing, yes, great, well done, but the point is I hadn’t played for a week and lost motivation to play half an hour into a new DLC.
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Obviously theres large joking aspect to what i typed but really yes, at its core yes.
    The marks you will get for completing is vs the time it will take to do so are far less than if u dont do it at all an just spam FOS3 for the same
    Ammount of time.
    Poor design i know, dont shoot the messenger. I didnt create omnibus, im just one of the many that figured out fast its useless for endgame players and doesnt net rewards to make it remotely worth doing.
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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It was said several times, even before the clamp hit test that there were a few formerly tier 7 raids that were way out of whack if done at anything even approaching at level. I believe Brainiac Bottle Ship was mentioned by name. Having to do free QA for the developers at every turn is bad enough, but when they don’t even listen it really sucks.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    out of whack? really, watch the video I posted above... out of whack? The experience isn't remotely the same as described in the OP, so that indicates to me, the experience of the OP doesn't stem from the content itself, but the players within it and that isn't intended with any malice.
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  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    So one group gets through and that discounts years of feedback that this instance is borked? Because people have said this instance has been broken since revamp.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    If I can do it with relative ease, then you're going to have to be much more specific about what is broken in the instance and why, not just "I couldn't do it..."

    I've demonstrated already that it can in fact be done with ease, if you present some meaningful evidence, such as a comparative video showing something different, do you think that would help further the discussion?
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Word of the week
    Definition - broken beyond rework
    Use in a sentence. “Jim and Pam were trying to play mouse trap but the game pieces were borked
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont see it, sitting asking players in shout in "Hall of Legends" about their opinions on it.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont understand where your difficulty comes from, i mean people have been saying "Roll, you dont play" for years. But i jumped back into the game on update day, and ive had no such issue to such degree as you do.

    The clamp just exposed those who were relying on stats, rather then relying on skill.
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  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    First of all, it’s not my feedback. I haven’t been in that instance since before revamp, let alone clamp.

    I keep telling you, I’m not anti-clamp. I just have concerns that I don’t think have been addressed properly yet. But if people for it continue to post such ignorant, ableist statements as your last sentence, then I might start to turn against it.

    I am trying to be understanding, trying to find a compromise that works for everyone. But belittling people on the other side of the debate will make it very difficult for me.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

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