Almost had me back Mepps and devs. Still could……

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BabyBoyzim, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    This update to the game looks great aside from the clamping, which I will reserve the right to change my mind after I read reviews when it’s live. That said this update almost pulled me back from a few year layoff from the game. Not sure what it would take to lure other players that used to be big spenders and every day, all day players of the game, but for me it’s kinda simple. Account bound skill points. Or at the very least a benefit for monthly subs where maybe you get a token to ‘unlock all’ sp earned on an alt (account bound cannot be sold). I feel this is right since the reason I left was alts were too expensive to keep up and it got boring playing one toon. Not going to get long winded but is this a possibility? Especially when you consider artifacts and leveling them prices…..

    Alts. Make them affordable and playable.
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  2. OracleWillTeleportYouOut New Player

    Agreed. Grinding for the first time can make a nice goal. Alts are necessary to experience what the game has to offer. Power difference between low sp low artifacts low augments and maxed is insane. Probably about 2x numbers for most characters. One group does elite content easily while the other is struggling to do regular usually.

    I hope at the very very least stat clamps bring people closer and offers a decent content experience so enjoying a character doesn't require running endgame with most of the grind done.

    Also **** not being able to run a proper rotation due to lacking power stat boosts in particular. Absolutely shouldn't be the default experience you need to grind through.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ifor one am hyped for the clamp! Been vouching for it (and had the community shoot the idea down) for years
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  4. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Also, I know from experience that friends in the past that I influenced to try the game loved it until they made an alt. ‘I have to do ‘x’ feat again? Hit how many treasure chests? Nah I’m good.’ Then when they saw the price it would take me to unlock 400ish sp on an alt, they quit even faster.

    ‘But you don’t have to pay and just earn them again on another alt!’

    True, but it would be nearly impossible with the lack of population to get into old content, nevermind the fact that it is extremely time consuming to do certain feats that due to declining population would require standing around for hours waiting for a bounty group for older content that will more than likely never come since they moved on. Last point, this is a staple in the game I currently play along with many others, Elder Scrolls Online since launch. It’s a pleasant experience and their audience is massive and growing like crazy. Never a wait for ques, there are way too many people to play with. It’s like night and day from here.

    I miss dc. I miss the ‘golden era’ which imo was just before Origin Crisis. I miss packed WT and instant ques, and all the old/now defunct leagues and players. They can get us back, it will just take some eating of humble pie from the devs. Alts will keep people in the game longer too. You would think that with a dying population you would want the people you have left to stay playing as long as possible. Give them reasons to stay in game instead of running on their main and dipping out.
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  5. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Depends how it’s done. I won’t bash it until I see how it’s implemented by lurking here as I have since I quit the game.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the solowing, Dec 20, 2014

    Ive been asking for Stat clamping for a VERY long time xD
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    While I can appreciate your stance and feelings, I don't think lurking is going to be the best way to go in this situation.

    From the sounds of things actually playing it will be one of the better (if not best) ways of knowing whether or not the clamping is going too far. Plus by participating in the testing process and giving as much feedback as possible players can help get things to a place where both players AND devs are happy with how things sit in the game. And it sounds like there's going to be a LOT to test.

    Ultimately it is your own call to make. But I just feel this is one of those times where participation is going to be a better choice than just observation.
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  8. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    We probably argued back then lol. Like I said I’ll see how it plays out. I’m sure there will be more than enough reviews for me to read here soon hahaha. This is more or less about alts and giving people something to make them viable to play.
  9. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Fair enough. I’d have to find a ps5 to get my main account back. Can try on switch I suppose and see if it’s worth another ps purchase. (Went to series s)
  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I believe they're are either working on the clamping or a new revamp to weapons and powers and enemy stats to make stats in dcuo feel more useful more so like an rpg. Dcuo isn't an rpg it's missing a few things in the enemy stats and character stat tree. This all.makes dcuo very easy to beat especially elite and experienced players. The idea would be to make placement of stats matter and feel the difference. right now there is none of that not even with a few new pieces of gear you'll still get slapped hard and still take forever to ko stuff. All that makes it hard to want to farm alts I definitely get burnt-out with 2 or 3 alts before stats revamp I could run 16 toons. With that said I think the developers understand, they just have alot to deal with and a small team right now. But dcuo is growing big time so keep supporting so they can make dcuo good again. Stats revamp killed my love for dcuo atleast pvp was fun and so was pve. Now I have to use artifacts just to enjoy the game when it use to be about the powers. Full arts on all toons and I still feel burnt out after 3 alts. Stats revamp with stats clamping both just doesn't feel right for the time iv put into my characters
  11. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    :( what about my sp suggestion? This is turning into a clamp-off, not what I intended.
  12. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Didnt even know u were still around Roll, hope you’ve been well
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Solowing 2 months into the clamp if it goes bad....
    Personally I'm hoping for the best....but prepping for the worst.
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  14. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    If you have access to the test server, you'll find out quicker AND be able to help guide the devs on the correct path.

    Just sayin'

    I was completely anti-stat clamp for a long time, but recent runs and events have turned me to the dark side. I now believe the advantages outweigh the negatives. I think it will be great *IF* it is done right. I will be logging into the test server, despite my dislike of testing, to try to help guide the devs as well. I hope lots of folks join in and help.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I can definitely see the appeal of more account progression. We have talked about this in a lot of different contexts over the years.

    Since the thread veered hard toward scaling, let me veer it back: scaling the content and quick play is expected to make queues for older content / whatever not-enough people are queuing for pop a lot easier and faster.
    • Now: You need an old feat from episode 8. You queue alone. No one joins. Sadface.
    • 41: You need an old feat from episode 8. You queue alone. Lots of other people hit quick play to get into the next available (or even random) instance: yours. Everybody joins. Happyface.
    Also, feat unlocking is inexpensive. I would think especially so for a big spender thinking of returning to the game to play alts?
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  16. Multiverse Creator League

    I hope... hope.... hope that it will work like you say.


    I remember....
    I remember when we got the First Season of PvP and when the Matchmaking system was supposed to match you VS a similar opponent.
    I remember how even though I was in cash gear.... the game kept on matching me VS opponents in FULL Vengeance gear match after match after match.
    Heck to make things worse I was a Mental Troll and the game kept on matching me VS Rage Tanks.

    I remember.

    Sadly there is a HUGE margin between Theory and what really happens in Reality.

    In theory.... Matchmaking seemed like a good idea for PvP.... especially since we would not get Marks if we lost a match.
    Matchmaking was supposed to prevent someone losing losing losing match after match after match.

    In Reality.... Not even close to what happened.

    I remember.

    I really HOPE that it works as you describe.

    But again....

    I remember.

    Guess at this point.... all we can do is wait and see. :I
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Inexpensive is subjective to be honest.

    $10 worth of replays would get you between 36-58 skill points. Assuming a person is buying sp to get a cr skipped toon up to around 400 (300 ish more from the base amount skip gives) a person would have to spend about $60 on replay badges. That’s a bit pricey. Now don’t get me wrong mepps. I’m not advocating for players fo do this. And you aren’t either. Just saying that inexpensive is subjective.

    There are ways to get feats fast and I do believe that the new update will actually help with getting a good amount of feats. But the game has been felt like it’s been moving away from alts.

    If you don’t mind me asking. What kind of talks have happened in regards to account progression?
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  18. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I get what you are saying and I understand your frustration and worry. And if Daybreak was still owned by an investment company trying to squeeze out as much profit as possible without looking at the long-term consequences, I would be right there with you. If the ownership had not changed, I would not be optimistic at all.

    As it is, I am leery of the changes and worried, but I have hope because the company that purchased Daybreak is an actual GAMING company, and I will absolutely give them the chance to do this right. If I'm wrong, if it goes bad, I will be extremely disappointed and probably will quit the game. But this time, THIS time, they have the chance to prove that this is a gaming company worth investing my time and joy in. I feel the plan they've laid out is promising, and I think if it's done right it will be fantastic. And I'm going to give them that chance.

    And if I can, I'll be adding my voice to help them make it work. Because I love this game and it's worth it to me - and for once I actually believe they will listen.

    I sincerely hope I'm right and your fears are groundless. Believe me, I'm right there with you - only I have a lot more hope this time than you do.
  19. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I would be happy if the materials i buy for 5000+ quarks were unlockable for all toons on my account instead of just 1 and i would like to see materials become preview-able before you buy them.
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    While I would like to be able to enthusiastically blame others or ownership or the weather...none of that has really ever been a factor. Is the concept solid and can we execute? That's always on us.

    We expect to refine and reconfigure things after we launch, though - it's just the nature of live game development. And it's not a failure that we have to do that; it is a success that we always will.
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