New Stats Clamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeitySupreme, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm one of the max CR folks, with maxed Artifacts and Augments plus high SP. My league has all the monthly buffs. I am sooo glad that all of my hard work grinding, paying for my membership, buying replays to get the best gear is now being stat clamped to the lowest denominator. How dare I worked hard to get to end-game and become successful with all these unfair benefits.

    All I see are wonderful benefits for new / lower CR players but punishment for the max CR folks. I truly truly hope that someone can articulate how any of this is positive thing for those of us at Max CR because the way I see it, I am being penalized for doing what I was suppose to do and becoming powerful.

    What incentive do I even have now to try to get better gear anymore or level anything for that matter. It will all just be stat clamped to the lowest common denominator.
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It depends on how the clamping in question is implemented.

    I heard SWTOR did it awfully.

    But then FF14 and GW 2 executed it very well where the playerbase don't seem to mind.

    That being said, I'm still all for them allowing a portal route for folks to solo run the old content without being clamped.
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  3. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    ^ this. They don't understand their customers.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Because all content is not created equal. There are groups that can't beat the LB in Bombshell because they don't know how to stay out of the black holes and ditch the ring when they get it. There are groups that can't beat BBS because they can't stand on a circle and pop simultaneous buttons...then hold block on LB when a skull appears next to Brainiacs name. Some groups don't know how to stand in a straight line at the end of GOM, or how to stay away from the essence in ToTD...or quit lunging the Forge Spirit in HoH (not to mention...beware the dog). Heck, WV will be falling into clamping next DLC and people still often wipe groups by busting out of the cages...and that's pretty much current content people should all know the mechanics on. Many of these things don't matter as much today, as it only takes a few competent team members to eek out a win if the rest of the group fails. That's being removed with clamping (potentially....I'll save final judgment till after it's in).

    The point is that once people are 'topped' off with what they feel is a good amount of source...the only new benefit from the change...they will pick the 'easy' or 'quick' runs to go refill the source tank each week. Meaning we are right back where we started with some runs, except when you DO get in, facerolling or running short handed will no longer be an option as it is today.
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  5. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I foresee a need for mechanics guides for all old content again. Somebody needs to put that together. I'm in the camp of folks looking forward to running the content as it was meant to be run. We'll still be OP, but not so OP that we one-shot everything and don't actually get to PLAY the game.

    Personally, I think it's going to be MUCH easier to get a lot of old feats because more people will be running older content on the Quick Play option - so you'll actually get a group when you need to run stuff.

    I understand the desire to be OP. But now that this game is owned by an actual gaming company, I trust them to make this change work in a gaming context. Old DCUO, when it was owned by an investment company, I wouldn't trust. The new owners - I will trust them until they show me otherwise. But I'm also going to give them a couple of years to turn this giant ship around. I don't expect 10 years of code to be fixed overnight.
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I don't know are people intentionally misreading stuff or what, but what you have described is not the case. Older content will be stat clamped (i.e. anything more than a year old, roughly). You still need to have a certain CR to play the new content. New content is not stat clamped. I presume since you're at max CR you want to play the newer content, correct? Then you still have to get new gear. How do you mean you're being stat clamped to the "lowest denominator?" If you go into a clamped raid that has an entry requirement of, for example, CR 56 you are not being stat clamped to CR 56. Mepps has already said that you will still feel powerful, just not in the sense that you can one shot everything like currently.

    The fact of the matter is we do not yet know how clamped we will be. We likely won't know until it hits test, or maybe if there is a stream before it hits test that details it more. We all should be reserving judgement until that happens and we can see it for ourselves. We're all entitled to voice our opinions on the matter, but until we know the full extent of the clamping everything we are saying in regards to how clamped we will be is conjecture.

    I'm not sitting here saying "wow, this is amazing. This is the best thing to ever happen!" because, like many, I also have concerns. I have just decided to put my concerns to the back of my mind until I get to try it out for myself.
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  7. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Bro give me the rewards i and do the old stuff with broken gear:)
  8. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    Why would I even go back to old content now?.. the only reason endgame players even go back is for feats/SP...but if everything is going to be clamped why even grind for that SP?

    Think about it..why would I spend even more time in an old instance to try to get something that's effectively been made irrelevant?

    More time in instances + harder to get missed feats + stat clamping making those feats basically worthless = why would I even play it
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm sorry, all of this stat clamping talk has me very angry right now and perhaps causing me to not think correctly or clearly. It has me questioning everything now. Why am I going to work had anymore for better gear than blue or purple at end game now? It doesn't matter now if I finish leveling up my Brutal Logic Wings - what's the point?

    I am very demoralized and hope for further explanation of the new way of doing things going forward.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm not reading through 6 pages but has anyone suggested having no stat clamp as a member perk?
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  11. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    So if you're leveling up alts, you would rather higher cr players to steamroll the content rather than feeling like you're contributing just alittle bit? smh
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That would hurt queues, which this is trying to fix.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because youll still be alot strong relative to your fellow players, but your fellow greenhorns will now get to contribute to the instance encounters.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Wow, can't believe I read through the thread. Interesting to see what might be stages of grief taking place, though (anger and bargaining at the very least).

    Anyhow, I think deep down folks had to know that if they were going to be opening up the whole game for rewards (as has been requested MANY times over the years), there would be a trade-off. Clamping is that trade-off.

    For those that are concerned about where you'll be sitting when clamped? Help test. Test the living daylights out of it when it hits the test server and give as much feedback as you possibly can. Whether you're inclined to do the number crunching to see how things sit or are like me and need to play the content to see if it feels right, all the feedback and info the devs can get will help get things into a good place before it launches. I'm not one to spend much time on Test before new content releases, but you can bet I'm going to be spending a fair amount of time checking the stuff I'm most familiar with to see how things sit.

    This also opens up a pretty decent opportunity for folks to actually step up and help newer players learn the game better. Easier to teach when you aren't in a situation where simply blocking an NPC is enough to knock them out. :D

    I think I'll just leave it at that for now. Anything else I might say could be more than a little snarky. LOL
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Take the 4 strongest 342 players in the game, put them in cr150 content today with at tier players. The 342s will decimate it while the at contents may die and stand outside or just barely contribute. Learn nothing, be handed everything.

    This change goes live: the 342s still out perform the at content group but they will actually want them alive and helping. The lowbies will get to feel useful, help even. We will still be much stronger than them. Sp will matter just as much as it does now. Possibly even more so.

    This is leveling the playing field. Not sure y'all have noticed, but it is very neccessary. We shouldn't be coming out of a raid having 15mil more damage than 2nd place while still having more pick ups and maybe even having to heal for half a boss or whatever but it happens everytime now. We shouldn't have a healer or troll or tank that doesn't have a clue because they've never had to learn their roll because they've always been carried. It's going to be rough for awhile. But long term, this really should help the quality and quantity of the player base
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You think stat clamping is going to make queues pop faster?
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  17. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    It remains to be seen, but I think yes, it will.
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Probably not but they mentioned something about a catch all que setup meaning we just que for all 8plyr raids. So maybe the exact raid you want doesn't pop but something sure will because we all like sources, we all want the new drops being added (I saw mentioned also), and we all want to level up pets (happens via old content depending on which pet). I don't see it hurting anything. It took just under an hour for fvr to pop for me yesterday. Qued as healer or dps. Legion never popped while I had it qued for more than an hour.

    Edit: USPS/PC around 5:30pm est. And I was watching lfg, no shouts about either except for 1 person needing a tank.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again, feats that are tied to just burn, speed or repetition...yes, you can get those. Let me know how 'right tool for the job' in NGN works out with a random group, or 'rainbows in the mist' in BN. How about the GOM/GOME combos for 2nd boss where Phoenix is last, or 'Bobbing for golden apples' in OLYE, 'chain linked' or 'no more no less' in Bombshell? All of which require controlled burn and co-ordination...which again, as the main result of the change is 'get me my source marks' I don't see that stepping up any. Oh a few may want to try...once...but how many attempts will a random queue in group want to try when they can just go queue for FOS3 or Lockdown and get the same marks with way less effort?

    I've always advocated for a way to limited queue...which (sans source marks) would be a better way to get into stuff you need, and easier to co-ordinate feats with a smaller group. Sorry...I guess I don't need source marks all that much that I can see the benefit of clamping with randoms over more group control. I'd take the control over mindless queuing and hoping for the best.

    And it's not so much a desire to 'Be OP''s a desire to get done what I want to get done in a timely fashion. If that's feats or loot drops, collections or briefings, this change will NOT help. If my main goal was getting source, I'd be 100% down with it.....but I've got plenty of that. The chance to have an 'authentic' run is maybe there, but we'll have to see how much the clamp is first.
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  20. shoegazer Well-Known Player


    Endgame players will just find the fastest instances to get their source marks and that will be it..stat clamping sure as s@$t isn't going to make me queue for older content more
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