Ingame cash -- time for a change?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apollonia, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    A 'sting' op would do the same thing. If the gold sellers knew that on occasion, that guy they are selling to is a dev, who can then monitor all transactions they make, including the eventual refill from whatever higher level account holds the bulk of them money, they'd be plenty paranoid.

    But I would slow many down...stop others.

    And I don't believe the selling of names or items is against the rules. What would they get 'turned in' for aside from if they were somehow duping the items?
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, not sure how if a dev watches chat for 20 min, pulls a few of the contacts that post there. Contact them offering to buy $10 worth of cash from each of the different companies who post....then after the 'mule' toon hands them their money, watch that toon's activity to see who feeds it money. Ban that account....that's going to hurt. Or let it simmer a bit until you see the even bigger fish...then ban them all.

    This isn't real life where to infiltrate a criminal organization we need to insert some UC guy for a year, gathering intel, building a case, then executing warrants and a criminal case. All the data is in their servers, they just need to know where to focus the monitoring at and take action. As every account who trades needs to sub for at least a month, whacking out those accounts at a minimum generates a new one who will also have to sub for a month at least. So win-win. We slow down gold sellers AND our sub count goes up by one or two (for a month).

    If nothing else, it will drive up their expenses, which will drive up their prices, which will deter many from using them. Eventually if the demand slows, some will throw in the towel and quit.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Something LT said is actually very underrated. Cash in this game just moves around. As more players play they get money which get added to the sum total of the server economy. There literally 0 way to stop this because there is no way to actually drain cash. The only thing draining cash are taxes. But other than that there is nothing. Née cash is being made by all players. The new money gets mixed in and the cycle continues.

    I still stand by my original point of the devs needing to actually IP ban gold sellers and maybe even temp ban players who sell names/accounts. However a cash drain will be desperately needed in the game or else things will always go back to how they are now.

    I’m going to refer to a game I play since it has a pretty good system. Warframe allows players to actually farm credits (cash) through various ways. Hunting eidolons (open world bosses). Doing an index (pvp/pve type thing) where a player will put up credits as an invest meant and if won will give back more credits with a multiplier based on difficulty. And other way. So the game has actual ways to farm cash. But it also has ways to drain cash too. Enhancing mods cost credits, crafting cost credits, research cost credits, they even have npcs you can hire for credits. If it exist than they probably cost credits too.

    Dc however doesn’t have anything like that. The biggest issue with adding something like that would be premium and free to play players have escrow which can limit what they have access too. So a true cash drain is almost impossible in dc. If they were to remove the escrow from players and added a way for anyone to farm cash than they could also add ways to drain cash too. Than the broker could also gain stability. The only stability that exist in the broker now in a stead increases in prices as time goes on.
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  4. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    “ i earned all my money legit” yea,,,, alright
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  5. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I do not support this.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Just wanted to say, I liked your post. ;)
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  7. L T Devoted Player

    I'm guessing the cash glitch involved mailing cash and the fix for that was to disable it altogether.

    I think it's more likely that cash trades will be disabled also, and everything will have to go through the broker. Economy fixes aren't always straightforward-- even moreso when there's a possibility to exploit things.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The cash glitch involved the player trade window, not the mail. They turned off sending money through the mail because players used it as a loophole to avoid a cash wipe.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Inflation devalues the worth of the currency and hurts all. The more you have, the more it negatively affects you.

    Curbing inflation helps all. The more you have, the more it positively affects you.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    What are you talking about. Prizes are ready crazy. You only don’t say that cause you’re one of the people who have the money. Money is an issue right now regardless of what your opinion is.
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  11. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    He's deflecting. No one is saying there are many players doing this. It wouldn't be a problem of the "wealth" was distributed more equally.

    It's entirely likely that the economy mirrors the real world where you have a small % of players with the bulk of the ingame money manipulating the market. It is in fact a problem (just like in the real world), when a small amount of players control all the money bc gives them ultimate buying power.

    They have disposable income to buy up all the drinkboxes, or whatever rare collection, and then relist them for even higher. It's literally speculating and artificially inflating the value of the item. If there are 5 drinkboxes they're probably all owned by Demon or some other similarly "rich" player. It's text book market manipulation. It's literally what we're all upset about and why the Broker needs to be reset.

    He's basically waving his hands saying there's nothing to see; I'm only breaking the economy, there's nothing wrong with it. You could do it too if you worked hard enough.
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re either clueless or purposely trying to look ignorant on this subject. No item should be worth 1billion begin with. That’s not a matter of someone being lazy. And calling someone lazy for not wanting to spend the day chasing in game currency is just proving what you showed in the other thread that was closed. You only care about looking important lol
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  13. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Just don't engage with him. He's trying to get someone to back-n-forth him to derail the thread and get it shut down. He has an obvious personal interest in the issue.
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  14. L T Devoted Player

    Prices are, in fact, pretty crazy. I wonder when I sell stuff routinely for hundreds of millions per item "who's buying all this stuff?"
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  15. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I'm not in favor of messing with cash at this point because it feels like a penalty to those who choose to keep more liquid assets.

    To clairfy, in the context of my own situation, I have less than 2 billion cash. However, I have a bank full of items like Black/White Neon, Cosmic, Smoke, Element mist aura, and high priced collectibles and drops. I would likely lose no money, or at least not any significant quantity, while my personal stock would go up. Meanwhile, the people that choose to maintain more cash on hand stand to lose a ton of it, and its associated worth. I don't see how that is a good solution.

    I do some merit to lowering the overall monetary quantities to lend more value to in-game vendor-sell items, like extra plans, giving newer players a slight step up. And if it were difficult or even time-consuming to break into the market at present, I would support measures to change things. However, you can go a vendor with 100 Source marks and walk away with an item to sell for tens of millions. Episode currencies are the same, and even seasonal currency can be used to start building your millions or billions.

    So, since it is pretty easy to get into the broker to begin your journey, and this feels like it would penalize people who prefer cash to items, I can't support any economic interference at this point.

    I personally have nothing to lose and stand to gain a large amount of personal wealth, too. Still, it doesn't feel right.
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Doesnt have to only be because of selfishness or greed.
    For example i worked an ground out items to sell to make in game $. Why should i be punished an have my funds removed? Now to be fair, i dont even have a billion but have had multiple times an the i buy things i want/need. But its absurd to suggest anyone aginst loosing large sums of $ is due to greed/selfishness. Im aginst it IF you worked for it. You say its for the health of the game and i suggest its not healthy (or a good look at all) for honest players to have their $ stripped no matter how much they have
  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Or depending on how many ppl report they just split all funds on the acct
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  18. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Whats wrong with reselling?
    If someone drops a rare material an forgets a “0” an i grab it for cheap i should be able to resell for actual sellable value.
    Theres nothing wrong with this. Its smart to do so
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    unfortunately youd be collateral for the greater good, the downside is theirs no way to differentiate legit money from glitched cash since its all laundered together. So we either take some of your money to fix the problem, or we leave the problem broken....
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  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    But the result will be taking from people who worked for it. Thats the part thats wrong. Im on board with a solution. It iust needs to be a solution that doesnt punish the honest players. The manority of the $ can be as clean or dirty as it gets but if i aquired it legit, then its clean $ for me and i shouldnt be penalized or punished. Offer a solution that doesnt undermine the geind some of us put in and im on board
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