Removing Episodes for Sale

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    As of today, we no longer sell episodes for DC Universe Online. Individual episodes, the episode bundles, and the Ultimate Edition have been removed from our web store, our console partners' stores, and the in-game Marketplace.

    We previously confirmed that we plan to stop selling episodes, make episodes free to all players, and update membership benefits before our next major release this summer. This is the first part of that plan.

    Originally, we did intend to make these changes all at once. However, after review and feedback, we decided to change course to make sure no one feels unfairly treated if they were to purchase an episode that is soon after made free.

    What does this mean for you specifically? For now and the next months:
    • If you subscribe to membership, there are no changes.
    • If you have purchased episodes previously, there are no changes. You still have full access to those episodes.
    • If you have not purchased episodes, you will not be able to.
    If you are in that third group, remember that:
    • Open Episodes continues. This means everyone can play any episode and progress.
    • Episode 40: World of Flashpoint is free by default, with high-level, end-game versions and with level-agnostic event versions for everyone.
    And just as a final note, the core of this transition plan remains intact. Episodes will become entirely free and membership will see an update before our next major release.

    Power Bundle

    With today's changes, the Power Bundle now includes Water (power), Shield (weapon), and Skimming (movement mode). New purchases will immediately include access to these features. If you previously purchased the Power Bundle, you will receive access to these features over the next week.

    Questions or comments? Join the discussion below!
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  2. Mrsnow28 New Player

    Thank you Mepps.
    I am a PC Premium Player and bought all episodes and Ultimate Edition during the years of play.
    No changes for me except in the next week I finally I have water power included.
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  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player


    I hope we find out soon what the membership update is :)

    Also, we must be getting close to an announcement about next episode?
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  4. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Cool, but I really hope you guys knock it out of the park with the membership overhaul!

    And hopefully we hear about that soon.. :D
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  5. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    Wait, is this mean that when open episodes are over i will no longer be able to play episodes that i don't buy before this closure?
  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    No, open episodes are forever.
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  7. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    So what does this mean for us with Lifetime memberships?
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  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The day has finally come.
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  9. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    But i can't open specific episode chests without buying this episode, my lower cr chars dont receive episode's invitation message and quest when reach CR needed for "open" episode what i didn't buy...
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  10. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Episodes are going to be free going forward and old ones aswell, you'll get the quests. Free episodes is not going anywhere. Member chests are member chests though, these will always be member only.
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No. Episodes will be made entirely free for everyone in the future and open episodes won't turn off before then.
    Not really - everyone will just own all of the episodes in the near future.
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  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There are no changes to lifetime memberships.
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yeah okay that's what I thought
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  14. Hraesvelg Always Right

    As in "Lifetime memberships will still have all available subscriber benefits" or "Lifetime membership rewards will stay static as is, with none of the upcoming benefit changes affecting it"? I think either scenario could technically be "no changes". I would have to imagine it's the former.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There are no changes to membership or lifetime membership today, which I presumed was what the question was about.

    The not-announced upcoming changes to membership will also apply to lifetime membership. The only thing lifetime membership has that's different from regular membership is that regular memberships end and must be renewed after a month/etc., where lifetime memberships end when you die or we die and cannot be renewed.
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  16. WaynesManow New Player

    hello for open dlc for all its realy cool but whats about base and utility belt if no more sale dlcs how ppl with premium can play with out base and utility belt?
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  17. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Finally. Thank you.

    I knew you weren’t shady mepps ;) lol sorry about that post
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    This is kinda depressing lol
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Episodes are being removed from the stores, but nothing else. You can still purchase features like the lair system, utility belt, powers, etc. from the store.
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  20. inferno Loyal Player

    Are you telling me that when I die I will not be able to able to pass on my Dcuo Lifetime membership to my favored child, along with my 30-year collection of Bazooka Joe Bubble gum wraps?
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