Why Survival Mode should never see the light of day again.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Mar 27, 2021.

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  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I don't think you quite seem to understand what I've been trying to say and it's easy to put lables on people, I mean, should I call you selfish for wanting Survival Mode to stay?

    You most likely stopped reading my post right after my first point and I can see it in a lot of these people's comments, too.

    If you're that bored and the "TL;DR" guy, then don't try to sneak a comment, just because.
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  3. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I read the whole thing, and I feel bad for your situation, you game across as a dedicated player and League leader that wants to help everyone in their League, but reality is that at times you cant help everyone. Im sneaking in the thread because I think would be unfair that the game mode gets removed because some people cant handle it in a healthy way, thats all.
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  4. August Moon Well-Known Player

    To be honest, im a bit in the middle as much as a i love a "test your might" addition to the game i think dc is a little too unstable to properly have one. here me out

    i think ive gotten at least 2 toons over to round 17 and after the nightmare of king shark, never even attempted round 17. the scaling of these bosses is crazy to the point of any tank literally getting one shot through two sets of shields, forcing you to have to preform a roll exploit to dodge a move that really shouldn't be murdering a 331 200 art 571 sp tank in one go , it makes my stats meaningless and moot and discourages any tanks from really going forth. you literally need 2 tanks to keep it going or a water healer to spam shields. basically its a constant loop of shield roll block aggro kite and repeat with the occasional lunge / block break. Kind of takes away from the original idea of inner tank mechanics like fire soul or aftershock or whatever rage has with hit counters.

    speaking of tanks im very sure if we took a survey for what power every end game tank was pre survival mode vs during survival mode you'd find that almost every fire, earth and atomic had switched to rage or ice meaning there's a huge shift in tanks....which would be fine if it didn't cost $10 to switch and another $10 to switch back after it.

    in short i dont want to play flavor of the month with my support roles whenever a new event comes around, im not saying everything should be equal, but it should be passible with the power you have now
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  5. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    All of this has been, and will be, an issue before, during, and after survival mode. The whole OP is gaming in general in a nutshell. This is definitely not a survival mode issue. These are personal issues that people need to deal with and accept their own responsibility for rather than always look for an external source to lay the blame on.
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  6. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Yup. Nobody takes responsibility for their own actions anymore. Reminds me of something that happened here where I live last summer. Down at the beach there a nice big tree that provides a great and popular shady spot to lay down your towels etc. It is the only tree out there, so people make a point to get down there early to claim a spot under there. Even though there are signs all over warning not to climb or play on the tree, my grandpa, dad, and myself, used to climb it and sit under it as a kids. As do my nephews, his friends, and thousands of other families over the decades. One day last year, one of my nephews friends fell from tree and broke 2 fingers. Instead of taking responsibility and possibly using it as a learning experience for the future, the kids parents went on a giant rampage to get the tree cut down and removed forever.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    We've had this debate already and you lost. Twice. When you get some work in the industry we can have a meaningful exchange. Until then, you're outside your depth. If I need opinions on daytrading or DPS I promise to consult you though.

    Thanks for the get-off-my-lawn perspective. We'll put a pin in all that and hold onto it for another day.
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  8. Lara Committed Player

    Its sad to read:( but sadly true what you said:(
  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    For you
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    This right here answers many questions in your OP
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  11. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Lol, another basic player who only read the title and automatically assumed things.

    Whatever tickles your pickle, I guess. I already talked on a lot of people's behalf (with their permission) and I got nothing more to say to you. ;)
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  12. C3alix Committed Player

    Y'all remember when someone asked for an easy mode for SM, where players that just got out of Brainac's ship could jump in and get the same loot as someone who has a higher CR?
  13. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Yep, good riddance. :)
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  14. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Lost twice lol, yup I can't wait for your new promised powerset to come. Cause everything that is said to a media journalist comes true. You say I am the one outside of my depth and you are commenting on a thread about Survival Mode. Kettle black situation here

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  15. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    I can't even get past stage 14 because one party member keeps messing it up. I just gave up and never touched it again since I can't seem to find a party that got the mechs down. I can kiss that eagle trinket goodbye~
  16. nawanda Loyal Player

    The league i lead is smaller this SM, than last time round, so far fewer people wanting to play SM and potentially feeling left out.

    However the number one rule for my league has always been this: NO DRAMA.

    I keep out or kick out the vast majority of people who would otherwise join who would act in the way Caroline has described. I don’t want these people in my gaming environment, headspace or league.

    Sorry to read about some of the issues this has caused, Caroline, but at the same time, scrapping SM because of the issues you have described would be depriving the rest of us, the grown ups, of something.

    My honest advice to you is to not be leader of a league like that (size/type of individual) by the next SM. And why you would buy someone who has recently joined the stuff to get from 300 to 600 SP baffles me. That strikes me as gullible.
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  17. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    U on usps? Im looking for a league to help me get my sp up. Havent had any luck in the league recruitment page. Im currently a troll but once i get my sp up ill go whatever role the group needs besides troll
  18. zNot Loyal Player

    Agreed and mepps said on the Livestream yesterday „its not fun if its not hard“ so the devs know that endgame elite content HAS to be difficult.

    i think people should know that if someone plays play dcuo all day its that persons issue what he does and it is actually funny to read such a thread even though she said the likes difficult content i HOPE the devs will make The next elite raids difficult like it used to be and ignore every single „nerf this attack nerf that boss“ nonsense people write in the next Episode because they cant play the game properly i dont know how many people or proof they need to understand that people want to get a challenge each episode.

    What made the game good was the difficulty in the older times i think nobody would say that paradox and nexus were the best episodes or wouldve won the bracket list as the best dlc if it wasnt for the difficulty it had.
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  19. zNot Loyal Player

    The last part was very well said as a example i know a few friends even a entire league that dont wanna come back to dc because it has become so easy on the Elite raid content there is litteraly no motivation to play a mmo that has such low difficulty on content (Elite raids) that is supposed to be the „most difficult content in the game“.

    Basically everyone that i ask to come back told me similar things which is that they are underwhelmed by the difficulty of the Elite raid content to say it in short. Also the rewards for Elite raids are basically not existent whats the point actually? For 2 skillpoints? Really? This needs some rework.. especially now with the Elite duo/alert renown we get.

    And the 4 man Sm is just a Dancing kiting show for the Tanks.
  20. Nu31 Well-Known Player

    How did that lunge spam go for you in season 2? Oh, it was fixed? ;)
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