10th Anniversary Event - Extended!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Due to popular demand, we have extended the 10th Anniversary Event (raid and all!) until Survival Mode Season 2 launches in early March. (The original end date was February 17, 2021).

    Enjoy the event and especially that raid content while you look forward to a more-accessible-early-but-still-extremely-punishing-late Survival Mode.

    We will share a specific end date when it is available.
    • Like x 31
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Excellent News!, Thanks! saves the need to do a bonus crown week now, cause we're getting more weeks, which is even better! :) :)
    • Like x 6
  3. Whazues Well-Known Player

    ok but i pretty much did what i wanted in it with my main character all that i will be having to do is grind up that anti-monitor defeat what was it 15 or 25 times yea sure i can go for that feat. But im starting to get bored of the anniversary event it was fun up until the valentines event came out, then my focus has just been on valentines event unless something else interesting gets added to the anniversary event to get me to want to grind it out again like, oh i dont know a reverse speed force material or some kind of trinket other than the 3 henchmen ones, which i got them within the first 3 days and the anti-monitor orbital strike i just got 2 days ago. so for me it's just going for the defeat the anti-monitor a certain amount of times feat, but i dont mind getting quardian marks but my main focus with all my toons will be the valentines event bad timing to have 2 events overlap with one another. I'm looking to see what this survival mode season 2 will be like i've only been playing DCUO with both PC and PS4 combine around 3 years on PS4 and almost a full year on PC so i must of missed the season 1 of survival mode.
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Sweet! I was afraid that my break was too long I wouldn't be able to earn some marks on alts for next year. Thank you :D
  5. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    DANG!!! This is Amazing News for ALL.
    I may actually Max out on Crowns this year :rolleyes:
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm confused are you happy or upset? The more time its up the more time you have to do things, if you've got everything done and you're bored then just go do something else in game that doesn't involve the anniversary event and others that do want it still can keep playing it.
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  7. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    Perfect. lets me grind up more Quardian Crowns for next year !^_^!
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Across 30 toons I think I've got almost 3000 crowns and I haven't even been running the daily content. While I'm super happy to have a bit more time to try SFFE, I'm not even sure what to buy anymore as I stocked up and spent all my 'slush' money when the rumor went around it was ending on the 3rd. I've just been piling them up, but I can probably take 2 years off at this point and still get caught up if I needed.
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  9. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    otherwise seeing the screen on the subject "CSD voting" is finished or not and if not, how to vote for it? :D
  10. Dragon Power Well-Known Player


    Thank You
  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I wouldn't mind this if the styles were account bound. There is an alt who is playing the anniversary event for the first time. Got all the styles except for the current two styles. I was hoping I could use my other characters help get the styles they need, but we can't do that. Even with the extended event, I wouldn't be able to finish both styles.
  12. Whazues Well-Known Player

    to answer your question I'm both actually I'm happy because it allows me to get the defeat anti-monitor a certain amount of times feat but I'm not very happy with the fact that it came in at the time of there only being 5 days left on the anniversary event I'm used to the event running for their scheduled time and i know that they will be back the next year giving me the opportunity to get the grinding feats that can only be done once a week like the anti-monitor raid is a once a week raid. so I'm happy but also not happy i try to focus on 1 event at a time with 1 main and 5 alts so far i have barely enough time to do 1 event while helping out my league mates and friends do some feats i pretty much get only about 6 and a half hours of gameplay before the game lags me into a crash on my computer and no its not the internet's fault there are just so many players idling or dueling in 1 area that it kills the FPS on my computer to where it causes the game to crash and then i can never get the server back up constantly get an error message about the server timing out for PC's a good FPS keeps the games running smoothly i never had that issue with PS4 so my enjoyment of DCUO is halved by my PC's FPS getting shot down all the way to 5 FPS it used to run for an hour straight 160 FPS but not after 4 hours its down to 25 and then at 6 hours in the FPS is at 5 and the game freezes and then crashes 30 minutes into waiting for the freeze to end.
  13. Whazues Well-Known Player

    if your talking about the speedforce and enhanced speed force then yes they are account bound but if your talking about the ones that are boxes to be opened then those play the same as the legion boxes bound to the character that got them and as for the joker one no clue never looked too closely at its details except that it said cannot sell and the fact that i dont have it yet.
  14. Whazues Well-Known Player

    and of course right straight as soon as I get logged in and select one of my toons *BAM* hit with the "Disconnected" wallpaper screen that says that the world is down for maintenance that's a very annoying thing to see but I get it that's the maintenance for extending the anniversary event hopefully it wont be down too long and we get told that its up because Im not on EST i live in Arizona and we go by Mountain standard time (MST for short) so you can say 5:30 am to 11:00 am but for me thats gonna be the afternoon so much for relaxing with the valentines event on all 6 of my toons today i might only be able to do half have to make a run to the grocery store by 12:00 pm
  15. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    What this 'until Survival Mode Season 2 launches in early March.' means to me is that the next Episode most likely won't start till the end of March or beginning of April.
  16. PolarisSylar Committed Player

  17. diangelo Level 30

    The event is extended for all platforms correct?

    (I’m on the US/Switch and according to the warp menus it is available for 2 more days.)
  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It is yes
  19. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Statue of Triumph Ultraman says, 'Where's my Ultra-Cape?' Seems like his emblem should be on there.
  20. MidnightPheonix New Player

    Nice! I was hoping to get more items from the event