Survival Mode and Speed Hackers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Feb 16, 2021.

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  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    A friend came to me saying all the disgusting things people are planning on doing once SM drops. Apparently he's on that specific group of people's discord where they are literally learning how to speed hack and basically preparing to abuse Survival Mode and its glory. -.-

    I want to ask if it's going to be monitored? I'm sick and tired of people who suck at this game and rather speed hack their way through everything without getting punished.
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  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I'll never understand why people care. They might ruin your fub raid once in a blue moon and give you cheesy rewards. Obviously they are going to get bored and leave or get banned eventually. It must be a pretty sad existence to cheat your way through a video game and be ecstatic about their accomplishments. Try to think of them like that and you'll stop being bothered by them.
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  3. Elren Level 30

    I don't understand the complete lack of ignorance when it comes to this problem. There are leagues all centered around speed hacking now. The speed feat in CoUE was obtained in the first day by speed hackers. Nothing was done. How can Dimensional Ink continue to ignore this?
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  4. Elren Level 30

    Because it's becoming like a widespread disease within the community. I was in a league's custom voice chat the other day and they were talking about using hacks now. It's not ok.
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  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Probably just kids trying to sound gangster and edgy.
  6. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Worry Not JUST like last time the WILL be Monitoring SM
    The Squashed the Hackers doing SM and removed rewards last year
  7. Elren Level 30

    I had friends talking about being with speed hackers getting the no death feats and speed feats. People I am cutting ties with. It's literally making a dividing line in between all the leagues I associate with. I cannot as a player continue to be in groups with people that run with speed hackers. It's bad enough as it is someone will brag about how they have elite gear and then you take into the raid and they are the people dying over and over to simple game mechanics.

    The speed feat wasn't ever meant to obtained by speed hackers and it was suppose to be something to have bragging rights for having the speed feat obtained by honest means.
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  8. N-IX Well-Known Player

    I really have the impression that the developers are quite limited, in view of the requests made on this forum and always answers of the kind, we do not have the tools for, its will ask for an overhaul, or our technology does not allow it, lots of excuses I find ......... :) :) :)
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  9. Elren Level 30

    If that's the case, why aren't they doing anything about all the people getting the feats in COUE?
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  10. Elren Level 30

    Obsidian made a video about this about two times now. It's being ignored. They can't keep ignoring this. It's not hard to run a log analyzer on all the instances to see who actually is getting these feats legitimately.
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  11. Elren Level 30

    They have the tools for it. Don't kid yourself.
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  12. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Well Sadly im not sure Why they don't do Something More to Banish the Hackers.
    Seems they think more players more money
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  13. Elren Level 30

    SOMETHING needs to be done.
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  14. Pinky Well-Known Player

    This is the reason why i don’t pay any serious attention to the so-called prestigious sm titles or elite raid feats which people obtained in dcuo. You’ll never know if it was gotten legitimately. Because there is no active policing and banning of people who abuse speed-hacks or group up with speed-hackers. Dcuo is basically a doll house where you can have fun decorating your base, and play dress-up, that’s it. There are many better aternatives for skill-based gaming. And dcuo isn’t one of them.
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  15. Fwames Well-Known Player

    OR used to be one of them until the majority (vocal minority) of the player base decided that they will rather roleplay than actually do stuff and when they 'DO" stuff.... may god help the group.

    On the other hand, jaded "old-school" "back-in-my-day" DCUO players think they are hotshots who calls out the game and discriminates other players from actually enjoying the game. The worst part of these kind, they didn't even run a single elite content after JLD.

    And I agree about your sentiment. In reality, at the end of the day, who actually gives a f**k about SM titles?
  16. Lara Committed Player

    DCUO must finally add an anti cheat system to this game no mercy just ban the people and never again unban them, it's sad enough in an "MMO" to hack any children who use godmode in GTA I can understand more than in games like DCUO it just doesn't make sense and is sad, even more sad is it listening to people "Plan" to speedhack or "learn" to speedhack smh sad. :(
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  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    This comment is silly. I talked about speed hackers in the past and reported them as I saw them and tend to leave instances they were involved in or made sure they were kicked. There is nothing the team or me can do about it beside reporting to costumer support.
    So the "Favoritism" card does not work here. It's really up to the Devs to finally do something and not the community at this point.
    (The community think It's fine to do this at this point so they go ahead and plan these...which is horrible to itself).

    We do what we can to help the community, but even we are limited with what we can do as a team, we are all players.
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  18. N-IX Well-Known Player

    hypocrisy we can easily see by browsing this Forum that there are a handful of people to whom the team responds more quickly
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  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Maybe if you were less rude, more active and helpful, they would pay attention to what you particularly say.
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  20. N-IX Well-Known Player

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