The next 10 years

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    No plans to fix pvp
    No plans for new powers
    No plans to update old powers
    No plans for new weapons
    No plans to rework weapons
    No plans to update member benefits
    No plans to update hq
    No plans to give new league halls
    No plans to fix old styles that have been reported for years ( tunic of greed emblem)

    So what are the plans? Some of us have been active on the forums for close to the full decade, beating the same dead horses for 10 years
    So whats up for the next 10 years i saw a dev saying dcuo will see?

    To keep making us run through recycled gotham and metro for another decade? I mean cmon give us a new map, make a new map so atleast we can run that area over and over for another 10 years..

    U know the issue this game has? They give us what we want but they do it to late.. water was requested for years it took wayyy to long for it to come out, legion has been being asked about for atleast 5 years! Were just now seeing them...

    “better late then never” isnt a expression to live by
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's always plans to update current powersets.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    The plan is to release 15 versions of the glowing zeus eyes once we're there we will figure out what's next ;)

    I kid, maybe.
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  4. Malivic01 Active Player

    The plan is an op artifact like venom wrist dispenser for precision.
    Then we nerf the vwd so everyone will switch to grim.

    Then we nerf prec all together so eveyone will switch to might.
    We also make solar amp super op for a year and sell it customers knowingly full well we are selling a product we intend nerf.
    After we meet our quota in solar amp sales and after our successful precision nerf we will then nerf solar amp.

    We will however consistently buff whirling dervish because we enjoy players spinning like ballerinas

    Then we repeat the process.

    * sarcasm...just having fun
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    In 5 years we will replace artifacts with earrings and boot spurs and make everyone start again, you'll be able to feed existing artifacts to earrings and spurs with an 99.9% chance you'll receive an experience penalty of 99.9%, however for only $10 you can gurantee you'll only get a 99.9% penalty
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  6. myandria Item Storage


    Oh yeah, tell that to Everquest! (21yrs old).
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  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    They gave a roadmap, things changed and the roadmap didnt pan out so they dont do it anymore. Just because they haven't told us plans doesnt mean there arent plans. When they have plans of the plans to give us the plans they'll tell us when said plans are ready. Next plan? Is to release Episode 39. The new Artifacts may or may not entail some long timed balancing to powers too as theyve done with the previous (ty for being useful Finishers).

    You want a roadmap for the next 10 years and while that would be good to hear, that isnt gonna happen. They wont give us the plan for the next 6 months due "things can always change in development". Which isnt a knock on the Devs at all. Its just the truth of Game Development especially in these times of Covid. All we can do is offer suggestions, let the Devs think on it and let them come up with plans that could work and they'll let us know when the plans are ready for the public.

    Also speaking on Water, yep it was late but as it was explained during Stats Revamp, it was held back to the changes the Revamp was undertaking so they didnt want to release it before the Revamp only to work on it again.

    Also Legion finally coming yes, it was highly requested. Devs probably had other ideas and stories they wanted to do and even WB/DC wanted to do before tackling on this one. Im certainly waiting for the next chapter of the Earth 3 Content myself and if it takes 5 years, it takes 5 years.
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  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I'm hoping to see plans for PvP and better matchingmaking/LFG.
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  9. Solarbound Committed Player

    The plan is to continue milking our pockets with more loot boxes of course. What a great game -_-
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Do they really no longer give any type of roadmap during the anniversary streams any more? I know that even I was burned by expecting something and it was removed, but those do give hope to a the players. It was something the game really had at least to give the players as a means of communication and transparency.


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  11. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

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  12. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Eh. They've been hyping up the 10 year anniversary quite a bit. We'll see i guess.
  13. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I've already told league mates and friends if it's not something big I'm walking away again.
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  15. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I mean. That's cool i guess. I dont care either way. I enjoy playing. Will always regardless of what happens. I play. I have fun. It is what it is. Im not going to stop playing.
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  16. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Hmm I'm gonna take a stab and say no graphic updates, no animation updates, no level cap increase...

  17. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    No i dont want a road map, they dont give us a year map, it would be dumb to ask for a map of the next decade.
    I want vague answers to questions we see all the time

    Like yes or no in the next 10 years will they CONSIDER a new map. Or within the next 10 is a new weapon something thats on the draft board. Nothing set in stone, but we really havent gotten anything new in some years now, water was the last thing that we got that wasnt a passive. Water was the last new animation that we got.

    Im hoping that this news letter in January has some good hindsight to the future. Hes built some hype around January. I hope its not just another outfit.

    Hmm idk if i know what you mean by level cap increase
  18. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    You wont, sorry (i wish so too but devs have said no plans to fix/work on PVP)
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  19. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    From my point of view, I think that there is no longer any will to offer a better future to this game, and considering all the means used to get money on the backs of the players, I see it as an objective to collect as much money as possible before announcing the death of the game and I am far from being the only one to think that ...

    The devs are taking too long to come out with new features to give a fresh start to this game, especially in new power, I think there would still be so much to do, unfortunately, they don't seem to have the will for this game, which is really a pity.

    Don't make me believe that it's because of a money story in such a lucrative market for that!
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  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Yeah but see this theory has been said since the game went f2p 8 years ago so anyone whos been around here long enough isnt buying it.

    I dont know what anyone is really expecting. What game changing things do you want to see. All year they have opened up all the episodes. Given us countless bonus weeks. Numerous free gifts. Long awaited wanted styles. Announced new DLCs with brand new open worlds. What HUGE game changing thing are y'all expecting. And why? If you dont like the game now i dont know what they could do that would change that. Other than QoL additions and fixes to certain aspects i dont know what y'all want. A new map the size of Gotham?

    Do i wish theyd make changes to certain monetization aspects of the game like TCs and Artifacts. Yes. However.

    Manage expectations. The dev team now cant realistically be nearly as big as the one who created the game from scratch. It just isnt. In the past few years we've gotten artifacts. New expansive long awaited open worlds. Improvements to the leveling process. Augments. Numerous QoL additions. Thats just a few off the top of my head.

    One thing i see is a new power asked for. There are 15 powers in this game. Go play another mmo. Any mmo. And tell me how many have 15 different powers or classes you can play. Answer. Not many if any. Other games take years to add new classes.

    The graphics. I like them. They're stylized. They were never meant to be hyper realistic. Those graphics dont age well. Look at WoW. Those graphics have charm to them people enjoy. The game has comic booky graphics for a comic game.

    Im aware the game isnt perfect. But it seems sometimes people just bang on a drum not really even knowing what for. And why.
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