Idea to incentivize lower content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SekretVillain, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Ok so here is my suggestion, as I have witness a few threads pop up every week over the years rather its trouble getting into older content or just a reason to go back and run the older stuff once new DLC drops.

    So here is my suggestion:

    Add a 2nd currency that is only for the content that is source mark currently, incentivizing people to go and run it for said currency to buy - power themed supply drops, power themed henchman, seasonal henchman/supply drops, power themed bases, henchman and supply drop.

    Some examples of power themed henchman could be:

    Fire- living flames(green, yellow, blue, purple)
    Nature- poison ivy plants you see in goth
    Water- different shaped water drops
    Ice- different DC ice sculptures

    The initial pulse attack henchman do could set up PI if devs wanted to get extra creative.

    For supply drops:

    Creepy Jack-o-lantern
    Happy Jack-o-lantern
    Boo family (mentioned by lorax)
    Could do a entire power base set
    Four leaf clovers
    Beer mugs
    Fireworks shooting off in each little spot

    You get the idea, thoughts? If there was something like this tied to lower content only would you run lower content?
    • Like x 7
  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    BTW this is just some idea's they could add to the vendor to spark interest in lower content again.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not a fan of yet another currency (especially a dozen other currencies if they put them in per relevancy jump), but as long as you are not 'scaling' (it didn't work before and it doesn't appear to work well on the bounties) and you don't start attaching feats on these to force people in, go for it. I'm not worried about getting any of these cosmetics, so these would likely not incentivize me personally, but I'm sure some would want to 'collect them all'.
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  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Nope no feats at least in my idea, there would be unique styles like we saw with SM on there but not the SM styles. And it would 1 currency for all T1 to T9 or wherever the cutoff is at
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

  6. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    Yeah this would definitely be interesting but seeing Daybreak's marketing strategy. All of this would go straight into a resurgence capsule
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Bracket then, you cant make money on an adjustment of stats temporarily
  8. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Only thing with this is I know many people on villain side alone who have 1000s of source mark just laying around. All because they have 6 200 artifacts already on their main and they dont bother going past 120ish on alts.

    So source mark have no benefits to end game players outside of getting artifact catalysts or upkeep to mainframes.

    That's why I suggest this route because NOBODY has the currency yet therefore everyone will need it that wants the supply drops, henchman, unique styles, movement mode styles, accessories, materials and auras.

    Plus this would keep lower content always populated if they always came out with stuff, think of how they do the extra items each DLC, it could be exactly the same but for lower content vendor they add.
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  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Meaning what?
  10. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Yea but they would have more sticking around because the queues are popping and people arent forced to just have to run the event versions of new content to get to end game, that's no way to experience this great game filled with a sea of content.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You cant make money on a stat clamp system...Its a sheer quality of life improvement that preserves the vision of the old raids, while giving the rewards to players out of relevancy to keep players having reason to go back to older content
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but you are undercutting your own argument there. Yes, they do this every DLC, meaning more replays and more revenue cause we'll spam the current content to get them. You are now suggesting they put in just as much work designing spiffy items to put into old content that generates no revenue. Then update that list periodically to keep people coming back. This will cost DI money as someone one the dev team has to do the designs, vs working on designs for the next DLC or TC.

    Also on the payouts and prices. Let's just say you make one of these shiny items 100 'creds' (not sure what name they would be given) and you made it 1 cred per alert and 2 per raid...pretty low I know. A group of 8 could get those together by running T1-8 in one or 2 sittings if they blew through the whole on-duty tree. So in a few weeks or month, it would be back to a ghosttown or just slightly less than today. The only way to defeat that is either A) higher prices or B) less pay...both of which = more grind, which again...we have plenty of.

    I think you are over estimating people's desire for cosmetics. Again, I'm not shooting down the idea, I'm sure some would run and want everything in the set, but to think it would now be like the olden days where you'd be in legit runs whenever you wanted, is off. You are basically just making the queues pop a bit faster, which could be accomplished by walk-ins, a 'instances' teleporter mod or my favorite...#AdjustableQueueSize. Any of those would make the queues pop instantly for high levels that want in for whatever reason and it would keep them out of normal queue runs that low levels are queuing for (it would keep me out at least) which MIGHT give them a better experience too as when their queues popped, they wouldn't be overwhelmed by high level goons blowing through to get their 1 or 2 creds or that collection that only drops at last boss.

    Good luck could happen. If so, I'll see you in there for 1 or 2 passes at least.
  13. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    But theres nobody resetting old raids lol

    And I'm not suggesting stat clamping people. Otherwise you'll have the same situation as you do now, nobody will do it because of the rewards arent mandatory and nobody likes being weakened.

    I'm suggesting a simple incentive that will / should appeal to most people that are at end game levels. Hell you may see some of these people resetting to get the 2nd currency for items they're chasing on the vendor. Just like people did with stuff on the vendor for SM.
  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I get what you're saying, it would have to be in the middle imo it would have to be something we worked for but not too excessive, you know?

    Like for example solo/duos would give 1 each, alerts/raids 2 each, and a material/aura would cost around the 150 mark and chroma's would be 250, supply drops/henchman would be 75, the styles could go for 10-25 for each piece.

    Ofc this is just spit balling
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Heres the thing, nobody is running it now, it isnt MEANT to be required its simply a little extra reward to maybe help them get those few extra marks they need to make the grind slightly shorter, and yes whos replaying old raids? They arnt meant to be grinded/replayed out for marks, its simply a cherry on top through the outdated content. Look at how much content you can do clamped, and the source marks rewards you can get for doing the alert/raids tab if you even got 3 source marks for each clamped instance completed.

    Also I DONT CARE how players dont want to be weakened, just like THEY DONT CARE to fix a problem that clearly has a easy solution to preserve the experience for new players wanting to EXPERINCE the raid and NOT BE CARRIED THROUGH IT. I dont care that they dont want to be weakened because this ISNT A ENDGAME PROBLEM this is a PROBLEM WITH LOWER LEVEL INSTANCES STRUGGLING TO FIND PLAYERS AND THE PLAYERS NOT GETTING TO EXPERIENCE THE CONTENT AS IT WAS INTENTED.

    Your solution is to continue allowing the very structural problems to exist and simply only benefiting endgame players without addressing the root problems.

    My solution is to help people get the queues WHILE NOT SPENDING A DIME. Endgame players get alil reward for helping their fellow players out, the low level have people to run with and these complaints about low level queues stop.

    What happens when they collect all the trinkets you listed? We will be right back here asking for a new solution because the rewards need to be relevant at ALL times. Not for X amount of runs.
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  16. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Hows my suggestion only benefit end gamer players? Old content to me is T1-T9 and some T10, so it all would grant that 2nd currency (if the main DLC mark converted to source)

    So anyone running T1-T9 would get the extra currency not just end game people. So stop with that. I get it you have tried for how long now to get stat clamping implemented and its be turned down. That has 0 to do with my subject if you want to bring up stat clamping again create your own thread, ty.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Obviously no, anyone within the natural bracket will get standard rewards, the source mark "reduced reward" will only kick in after you've left the relevancy range.

    Ive been advertising stat clamping since...the solowing, Dec 13, 2014, Why? Because i truely believe it would work, otherwise this problem wouldnt have existed for another 6 whole years. Im not afraid of going against the grain, if i believe in it you best believe im making it known.

  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thread name: "Idea to incentivize lower content"

    I gave you my solution, just because you dont like it doesnt make it invalid.
  19. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Never said it was invalid, I simply said it had nothing to do with my original post
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player