All Base Shield Multipliers Ranked

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by ObsidianChill, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Previous testing up to this point was done in Doomed Metropolis which while that is the strongest active DOT we can test with it lead to inaccuracies. Taking off all gear that provides defense, down to the base 299 defense which leaves you with jewelry on and going to A51 from the Age of Justice DLC and finding specifically the Paradox Warrior and either baiting his stomp or swipes will yield the most accurate results and show the true values of what damage can actually be absorbed by some of the outlier abilities.

    Link to Google Sheets Doc


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  2. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Why are there two values/listings for the Improved Stealth Hand Mod? Is it different with gadgets v. mental, or something else?
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  3. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Yes, the full excel doc and the video showed which was which but should have put a M/G on the ranking pic. The 8.70 is Mental's Invisibility with the mod and the 7.63 is Gadget's Stealth with hand mod.
  4. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    That hand mod is nice! I’ve always been a tank so I didn’t know about it before. But that 7.63 bsm sure is nice. No wonder that (skilled) gadgets troll can solo alerts and bounties like she does.
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  5. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Yes, having watched the video it all makes sense, I just didn't have time earlier. Thanks, great video as always.
  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    In the video, you mentioned the difference between the Redirected Rages in Tank and the DPS roles, did you calculate different coefficients for them, or is it just the Fervor(+50 % defence) influence (when using the RR in tank role, yuo gain Fervor)?
  7. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    In dps stance it's only a 0.73 BSM
  8. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Have you considered testing those BSM in pvp phase? After training against a certain bounty in both pve and pvp phase I can say I definitely feel less powerful in pvp phase, why is that?
  9. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Shields are not 100% absorption in pvp because that was deemed too broken at revamp (which it was) so shield values are much weaker in PvP just to prevent constant shield spam like ice and munitions with the rocket retreat/jump. Id have to scroll back and find the threads to find out what the value is but they are alot less for sure.
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    What I don't understand is how I still sometimes get knocked out of stealth with the improved stealth hand mod. With 293 troll gear, 60sp in dom and 20sp in resto with a 7.63 BSM, pretty much everything in the game outside of actual one-shot mechanics should bounce off of me like a squirt gun on 2' thick titanium. Yet sometimes even though my group shield is mapped to the same button on the stealth tray as stealth is on the main tray, stealth gets canceled before I can double tap the same button. Happens in PCe first boss somewhat regularly. :mad:
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  11. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Some of the AoE attacks in that fight ignore shields, hence why you get kicked out of it.
  12. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    So if a healer had say 300 dom, but had 49k-50k resto would you then go off how strong the shield is based on your resto? I'm assuming you would?

    If that is the case would you just do 49-50k x 1.94?
  13. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    dom and resto are both apart of the shield formula, it doesn't change. BSM=(112.5%Restoration)+(150%Dominance) then do the math

    (50000*112.5%)+(300*150%)=56700 BSM
    1.94 shield modifier and that shield will absorb 109,998 damage before it breaks baring any shield penetration mechanics etc that is just a baseline
  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    So question, which this has always been something that's alluded me, is how to determine my shield strength as a healer.

    So my main atm has 121, and 47398 resto. How would I calculate that to find my shield strength as nature? Never mind saw the equation above didnt see it before ;)
  15. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    53504.25 * 1.94 = 103,798.245 that's for natures swarm shield.

    So I'm at 488 almost 489sp, I usually spec 275 resto all heal crits and rest into power, this is spec'd as super powered.

    Should I be putting something into dom especially with not having any op items?
  16. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Dom in your SP really isn't going to amount to much, you are better holding off for a OP item that will add thousands of DOM. If you feel like you have enough power I would put SP into health so that you increase your survivability as a healer yourself with a higher personal health pool
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  17. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Ok, I have about 142 into power would the 42 from that in health be a nice boost to health?
  18. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I'll change it out in the morning, good looking out chill
  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I don't understand why atomic tanks has one of the worst non sc shields in the game. Even hardlight beats it which is nearly double of what density is at the cost of a longer cooldown. Why is swarm shield stronger than density. Dominance is stronger for shields and swarm shield is nature, a healer powerset.... >_>

    Edit again.....

    Okay that is just ridiculous, Flux, Boon of Souls, that water shield are all stronger than Density say what???
  20. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Yea but mass density is 6.10 which is really high up there, they prob did it for the sake of balance.