The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. DarkAya Dedicated Player

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  2. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    had to tweak some of my alts:D , forgive me :oops:

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  3. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Does anybody have a good hex code for cancelling out the neony part? Like, to blend it a little and help it be a little less obvious about which parts are neon?
    My program loves this polished chrome. My program also enjoys the option of being glowy as well as shiny. However, my program also sometimes wants a metal body that's just metal.
    So, does anyone have a code to make it a little less obvious? Or should I just accept that I'm being overly-critical?
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, last night, I made a quick Cobra Red Ninja (really just a recolor of one of my Storm Shadow outfits with a different Head Style):


    And the Man himself, COBRA COMMANDER! My version is a mash-up of elements from different CC uniforms over the years, but with the major basis being the original figure design from 1982:



    The belt choice was inspired by some more modern figures that have him carrying either a dagger or a saber on his belt.

    And unlike all the other versions I've seen in DCUO, I've left off the cape the cartoon added, in favor of a backpack choice inspired by the first 2 action figures, where he had a backpack on which he could stow his signature laser pistol:


    There's only 2 back styles in the game that work for that, and I only have 1 of them right now, sooo....


    MY Cobra Commander REALLY likes himself some pistols! :D

    I'm really not crazy about the sleeves on that jacket, so I'm probably going to change the hand style to do something about that.

    COOO-BRAAAA!!!! ;)
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  5. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my metallo inspired style

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  6. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Here are my annual Summer Styles for my heroes.:cool:

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  7. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    My annual Summer Styles for my villains. :cool:

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  8. Stardazer Committed Player

    Calling all style fashionistas:

    What styles would best put together this Wonder Girl from Young Justice look. I'm thinking tank top and battle-hawk pants. I would like a top that goes over the pants, but can't seem to find one that works well.

  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    You may not need to go Battle Hawk for the pants. Take a look at some of the Slimline pants that are in character creation/HQ vendors and there might be a kind there that works. Seems like there should be one among them, anyhow. LOL

    The casual shoes could work for the feet. I think the toughest part would be the bracers, depending on how much of a stickler for detail you are.
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  10. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

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  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my arctic electum werewolf style



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  12. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Heres what I came up with:
    Themysciran Battlesuit (Chest) / No Material
    Nth Tride Tyrant (Hands/Bracers) / No Material
    Enhanced Battle Hawk (Pants) / Red Royal Chroma
    Sneakers of Wrath (Feet) / Blue Royal Chroma




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  13. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

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  14. Stardazer Committed Player

    Oh wow, that's actually so impressive! I really hate those bulky Ninth Tide Tyrant bracers, but it does work well. Thank you so much for this. I will definitely play around with this. :)
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    LEG STYLE: Try Blackhawk
    HAND STYLE: Try Mera

    Hope that helps. :)
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  16. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, as some of you might now be aware, this week, Hasbro opened up (a disastrous round of) pre-orders for their new G.I.*Joe Classified 6" Cobra Commander Figure. The costume/uniform he wears is best described as a mash-up of pretty much EVERY major variation of his uniform we've ever seen. I think they simply tried to do too much with it. Trying to recreate it in DCUO is a Herculean task, so I'll call my "Modern Cobra Commander" an "Inspired By" look:


    No way to do that modern CC helmet, just no way to match it. The cape on this one, and the shoulder pad it's attached to are also going to be tricky, although there's probably a better cape that I don't have:


    Here's what the back of the figure looks like in the alternate "Light Blue and Gold" color scheme seen on the box art:


    So, on the blue and gold variant figure, the inside of the cape is red, while the outside is blue. But on the blue and black version we know for sure we're getting, the inside is still red, but the outside is black. That character doesn't have the Void Material, and I can't spare the Quarks to buy it for him, so he'll just have to live without a more accurate cape for the time being.
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  17. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    * Unfortunately the Blackhawk pants have an unsightly bulge on the sides of the hips which is a no go
    * The Mera Bracers won't cover up the built in bracers of the chest piece which take on multiple colors when you shade the style. The Ninth Tride Tyrant bracers while longer than desired, successfully cover them up, even better than the Magics Champion bracers.
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Something else to consider might be the Energy Armor hands. Apply a metallic material to them and you can get a passable bracer look.

    They can be a bit bulky, but it's worth a check.
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  19. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Only problem is that those bracers don't have the same length all around the wrist, so they don't hide the built in shirt bracers which isn't an upgrade from the Ninth Tride Tyrant bracers. If they wanna use smaller bracers, the only thing to do is to use another chest style.
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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Edit: I recommended the Future Cop helm but I realize it does show too much of the lower face.
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