How much do you care about stat points in this era of dcuo?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. gemii Dedicated Player

    i mean 320SP or so and maxed out artifacts and your good to go. god status

    im not sure what the max is right now like 500 something? all that work for what? to have some extra might/power if you play support or to have some extra health if you you dps? the stats you get from your gear/artifacts are more than enough and players with like 300 sp can still outshine you as long as they have 200 ranked artifacts

    i almost feel bad for those with 500+ sp you deserve better than some minor stat increases that you probably barely even notice.

    something needs to change with stat points not the format but like there should be more going on here. unlocking some kind of special ability for the role of your choosing every 100 skill point you reach, stuff like that i dont know but there should be a greater reward than just plugging in a few extra sp's into another category

    artifacts completely overshadow stat points in todays DCUO. it really shouldnt be that way
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  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Ugh, then I might feel compelled to try to do LPvE...ain't nobody got time for that, LOL.
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  3. AV Loyal Player


    lolno. That isn't remotely true. "Passable" =/= "god status."
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  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Depends on your role. Tanks benefit from Dom, Health and Resto. To max out one and get all the % boosts (up to 100sp) in the others takes about 480sp. Even after that, having some in might/power helps if the troll goes out and for tanking open world stuff like bounties. Healing crits can also make a little difference for the Mystic 7 heals and a pretty big difference for fire tanks. Then there's Battletank builds which benefit from pretty much every stat except for Vit and Precision.

    Healers and trolls use a lot of power so after maxing Resto or Vit it's huge to have 100 in might/power. Top precision DPS usually clips a might power or two in to the rotation plus you want to be in the top three power pools to get the troll weapon buff so having 100 in might/power is again pretty advantageous. With having to fill out two weapon trees plus your crits, that's a little over 400sp. For might DPS though, I agree that anything more than 320 is practically useless unless you're running the tetrahedron, in which case 100 in health definitely helps.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I don't know how long you've been playing this game...but this is a very old topic. People have been asking for skill/stat points to matter more since around T4, but most definitely since T5. People where posting threads almost every month asking the Devs to make skill points matter more. The Dev's answer to that request: Weapon Mastery (it was also their response to a different request).

    There is a problem with your request in 2020 that is even worse than when this was originally requested: How do you make stat points matter more without creating a huge gap between players??? The people asking for this don't give a flying fig about players who are nowhere near max stat points, but the Devs do care about this, which is why they haven't given in to this request. They don't want to alienate their core playerbase that isn't at the bleeding edge of stat points. Someone might bring up Artifacts...but people can already buy their way to a max ranked artifact, while others can catch up by waiting for Double XP weekends. Making stat points matter more than they do now is just not a good idea at all.
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  6. AV Loyal Player

    Not only that but we're also ridiculously tanky. I can't tell you the number of times I've gone down to 30% health while the prec DPS near me get instagibbed. Similarly, with our high health and the enhanced tankiness from Empowered Channeling we can straight facetank Elite bosses for noteworthy durations, especially if bouncing them.

    SP is important and it does matter, for everyone.
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  7. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Skill points are almost irrelevant and you can thank Artifacts for that. All you need is 200-250 SP and 200 rank Artifacts and you are fine. Anyone that says otherwise is most likely secretly damage control. Skill points are only made to increase your in-game hours by framing for them. Until they are made prominent, they are as useful as our henchmen. (If you catch my drift)
  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That's assuming someone is willing and able to shell out 10X what an entire complete video game costs for those maxed artifacts. And that's just one role.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I guess the main difference is you can’t pay for skill points :p

    It starts becoming less about the stat increases and more about clearing it from the feat menu.
  10. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Its happening so its more people than you think.
  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    You are on the money Kanmaru. In most cases, if a group is made up of players that have sensible 200 Ranked Artifacts, know the mechanics of an encounter, and know how to properly play their power set you only need around 50 Skill Points. Artifacts matter soooooooooo much more than Skill Points in this day and age of DCUO. While the Skill Points look nice and do help to get things done quicker they definitely are not necessary.
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  12. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Hard to care about them now because a decent amount can be obtained by spending money and you can buy your way to fully maxed artifacts.
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It must be because you guys are talking about it like it's the norm. Maybe it's just the old school gamer in me but knowing how many times I've spent only $50-$70 on a game and gotten 1-3 years of enjoyment out of it already leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I think it's $180 a year to sub plus $40-$50 a year for occasional things like seals and replays. I can't fathom dropping $1,000 towards one aspect of a single video game. But I guess that's a different topic altogether.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Honestly skill points need to be retooled in my opinion, to grant non progression based rewards. If the first few years of the game, the system made sense because it was reasonable. But 9 years later? DC universe wasn't really future-proofed well
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  16. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Yup, that right there.

    Feats are very hard to grind for new players or those who have returned after a long absence (such as myself) because many of them are tied to older multiplayer instances that people just don't run anymore. On top of that, it's especially hard on a newer platform such as the Nintendo Switch, where the population is dangerously low.

    But hey, I'm not complaining. If someone has both the SP and the artifacts, then they should have an edge over me in the game. They put in the time and the grind, they deserve it.

    But I am glad that artifacts exist to give new and returning players a fighting chance also.
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  17. Brit Loyal Player

    Skill Points are largely overrated. Yes, of course, any amount of stats is good. Extra stats is never bad. "Moar = better"

    But the stats that are generated through Skill Points are a very small drop in the bucket when looked at in the big picture of our characters, and the Skill Points have a seriously diminishing return the more you get.

    Your gear contributes more to your stats than your Skill Points do. Often upgrading just a single piece of gear with even a small upgrade will still contribute more than another skill point. Artifacts do a lot, but even normal gear slots carry some big numbers.

    In contrast, after the first 100 points in your role stat, you get your flat +10% bonus to the stats. That amounts for the majority of the bonus you see from Skill Points. The next 155 are static bonuses that proportionately mean far less than those first 100. After you reach the 255, you are putting points into an alternative stat which, while it does have some degree of value, it's at a further diminished return, contributing far less than your initial choice of stats. Is it useful for a Might DPS player to have a little bit of extra Precision? Sure. Is it as useful as having more Might? Not remotely.

    Skill Points aren't bad. They're great. Chase them as much as you like. But once you've got 100 in your main role stat, you are not going to actually notice very significant differences in the way they affect your actual combat performance.
  18. Walvine Well-Known Player

    End all the seasonal and timecapsule collection feats would be nice start no one likes doing them .New sp options maybe they could add more new weapon masterys combos maybe movement mode finishers or a 3rd type sp essentric affinity augment which only effect specific % not the prime stats like crit heal/power/crowd control/resistance effect bonus chance's ,single augment powered by sp allocation instead of exobyte.
  19. spack2k Steadfast Player

    It depends at what part of content one is looking at, for 99% of content i agree but when u look at Elite or SM the 10k extra HP one can achieve is huge, in PCe i have seen ppl die while not blocking the skull attacks of the boss while others with the extra HP survived with around 10% hp, now imagine one is allowed to keep the burn going while other have to block meanwhile since dying is limited :O
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  20. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Like many here were saying.. SP doesn't have the impact it should (imho; on damage output).

    And I do feel artifacts give us more usefulness than SP..but that's the thing for me, I really enjoy having a perk system in DCUO and artifacts provide that.

    I got around 5000h on all Fallouts.. and around 8000h on DCUO*.. a friend pointed out how much artifacts are 'pay-to-win' a few months ago to me.. and I couldn't argue with his logic. It bothered me.. but like I told him 'better to have *some* perk system than nothing.

    And as Mepps said in the thread recently.. artifacts are *meant* to be about customization of character.. and yeah he's right! I can totally get into having unique armories and giving each armory a RP. The money I spend on artis is ridiculous..but y'know I'm a player that believes in supporting and paying for my hobby. No one pays = servers eventually shutdown. (or get adverts)

    Even saying all that.. the Constantine cats are waay too expensive imho. I would have priced them 3-4-5. not 7-10-15. The marketplace ones are well priced.. but if I'm broke that day, and I really need to use in game cats, I get pretty mad about the prices*.

    * my two most played games. Steam used to wipe the total on OS reinstall, plus you can play straight from the PC client and steam obvs doesn't count that time.. my first two years didn't get counted.
    *I have 15+ chars to feed.
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