Devs...why do people only want precision based dps for your elite raids?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jay Smeezy, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    I don’t have spreadsheets and charts to base anything on like other folk. So why is it preferred over might based damage? Groups are asking for dps and in “()” say, be precision based. So that alone shows that there is a difference in the two ways of damage dealing! I would not hope to think that you can’t beat these elite raids without being precision based. (Because i have) I know that you guys wouldn’t create precision based content for a game that is supposed to be fair and equal across the board as far as powers go. All I and others are asking is either make might more mobile or on par damage wise with precision! I’m not a hater on precision but the mindset of players is clearly biased!
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Because it's the cheese right now/meta build.

    I've posted this meme before. It was relevant for when folks precision cheesed SM and it's still Relevant Now.

    No other weapon or loadout keeps up with this one precision WM combo.
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  3. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    So much for the professed "variety of play styles" that supposedly came with the stats revamp...
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  4. Brit Loyal Player

    Precision based DPS provides stronger single-target performance at the expense of being incredibly weak AOE.
    There are some other viable single target builds for certain powersets that perform in a similar fashion. Precision DPS was designed to be a viable option that would provide single-target alternatives across all powersets.

    Might based DPS generally provides a stronger AOE performance, at the expense of being weaker at single-target.

    The current Elite raids have trended towards boss battles that have a single boss with a very highly bloated Health pool. Single target DPS takes those fights that would normally be insanely long and reduces them down to just ridiculously long.
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  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Also single target heavy hitters for Fire (especially Solar Heat Vision) and Ice both have bug reports which are waiting to be addressed.
  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Because it's the best spec for single target-burn on bosses. Anything that can make a run just 1 minute faster, people will try to push for it. I've been in plenty of groups with both prec/might specs, it is definately doable. All the burn in the world won't matter if the group isn't following mechanics, anyhow.

    If people need to cling to Prec only to get by, it's a group i'll gladly pass on anyway.
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  7. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    i totally understand the just trying to get devs to look at the bias geared towards precision. Thats why i said i hope they are not making instance bosses unbeatable with might only loadouts. I know we will never have total balance but it’s crap in my opinion.:)
  8. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Some might powers can but you'll need 160+ artifacts and maxed sp in might, where prec players could have subpar gear and still do just as well o_O
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  9. not_again Dedicated Player

    The ability to stay alive is much easier for a precision DPS. Some might can do just as good if not better damage, but we have all heard I was in animation and could not move. Precision on the other hand is constantly moving, running shielding powers for clips, can be jump cancelled immediately, and so on. Remember you do 0 dps if you are on a knee!
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  10. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    This. I main Ice. And I can honestly say that I have mastered this power like the back of my hand. I refused to go Precision because I enjoyed PftT too much. And Ice does hit really hard with Might. But with the bugs constantly happening with the powerset, and with the way that the raids are currently set up, I had no choice but to go Prec. (Self decision I know) But Prec just surpasses it in every way. With the animations, you were almost constantly in an animation (one if which you can clip or jump cancel out of but the other you are stuck, and you use it quite often.) With Prec, I do hella instant damage and constantly on the move. I like beating content and not getting frustrated because my power has bugs, or for whatever reason it may be. I cant help I switched to the new meta. The devs provide, I accommodate. Its up to them to fix the balance issues. I just work with whats provided to me in a gameplay way. Regardless of what people say. Its a game. And personally I dont care who uses what. As long as you get through the content and you're knowledgeable enough to understand the mechanics, be my guest.
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  11. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Def easier on the controller n is def easier to survive.

    Light can keep up but the survivability for prec is better using hand clap u get planted in 1spot.

    Ive had my bad runs like a month ago n it's because my controller analog was bugged and was constantly moving. I bet prec doesn't run thru PS4 controllers as fast either. I just can't run prec it's too boring imo but it is ridiculous rite now.

    Light for me to keep up I need like 6 maxed out arts which is nuts.

    Run the scrap gem n book for 8 supers the first 5 mins for all tht gem dmg then I switch out the gem n scrap with solar n stone for the might stats then when it's single target I use the book trans and amp which single for light is the only way the trans works.

    My bad that's running 6 arts not 7 then you got the survivability.

    Now let's add one more difference as a troll u run Rao scrap debuff n for super shields. Now it comes to the 3rd art which is power harness increases prec n doesn't affect instant power. Say you use the claw to increase might power sux.

    The prec ish is really lopsided .

    I DNT count the tetra but you can see how much slower the burn for prec when power harness isn't used with prec players.
  12. Brit Loyal Player

    Oh, they're not unbeatable by any means.

    But they do have such a bloated bag of health, they take quite a long while to begin with. Using an AOE friendly rotation on a single target boss for lower overall DPS doesn't stop the raid from being doable; there are no time limits or enrages or anything. They just take a while and people get bored.
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  13. Solarbound Committed Player

    No love for us might guys anymore:(
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  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    There is kind of a time limit tho. Hawkman fight. If you haven't beaten him by the 4th one shot, it's insta death. A group of us were able to survive fine but the troll kept dying. So between no debuffs or power, we ran out of time.
  15. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Best solution? Play support role
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Bow to explosive shot which does more AOE is far from "incredibly weak" it's not up there in terms of some of the Might AOE, maybe nature or earth, but I wouldn't call it incredibly weak.

    Also 2H doom spin isn't exactly weak either.
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  17. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    I was excited when I first heard that when leveling solar amp to 200 we was going to be able to move while in animation, but then my excitement was immediately dismantled when i saw we couldn't jump cancel out of it. Then there was a bug where we was able to clip heat vision and they eliminated that so now we're back to being stuck in animation and having to jump cancel nerfing our damage. Hopefully a update on it will happen? Time will tell...
  18. Krytin Active Player

    Sorry but I haven't read everyone's comments yet but please for all that is holy dont in sam hill tarnation ask to make the power more alike. Pick a power you like. Each power should be different and have pros/cons to them. So please dont start this all over again wanting all powers to be the same. Puck a power your having fun with and let's not nerf another power set again. Let's move forward . And maybe we can have powers again that are better at certain things for dps is only with some powers burst with other mobile with some but hit a little weaker. Those that hit hardest well you get the target on you.

    The game originally had compound powers and so on and you had to think on when to use powers or block or role and more and more of you dps type dont move you just stand there and do your rotation. Boring. Pick and choice on what you are doing and maybe we can make better players more like before
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  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    just to throw it out there "Single target damage" and "multiple target damage" makes my eyes gloss over. the idea of letting one power be better in one area and weaker in the other destroys any claims of attempted balance without even bringing might and precision into play. all powers should have options for both without having to start off with this weird penalty.

    As a might based mental dps i can solo the entire new duo by myself up to the last boss, have a low tiered precision based dps show up for the fight and at the end of it I will be out dp'ed by a very large margin.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    At the end they probably say "you're welcome for the carry" Am I right :D
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