The community and the Broker.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    those are things you unfortunately cannot fix as they're outside of daybreak's control entirely. If a player decides to purchase a material off of a player for $20 in cash app there is nothing daybreak can do to stop that transaction or even prove that transaction ever happened
  2. The Anxient Loyal Player

    If op is saying the rare collection from the early material collections were regularly going for 1 - 2 million then yes it has been disproven.
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  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Nobody's money is clean no matter how you got it.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I mean at this point yeah I agree but how do we tackle the problem where everyone's affected legitimate or not when real money is now involved?
  5. The Anxient Loyal Player

    It's gotta be wiped where everyone goes down to x amount of money. Gotta get the dirty money out of the system
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so what are you going to tell the people who spent hundreds of $500 on time capsules to convert their contents into money? are we supposed to tell them well sucks for you but we're going to have to wipe it?

    This is why I especially paid content like this should never be tradable, because real cash value now has a place in game kind of like rdr2 cash in gold bar system. To be honest I'm extremely curious on how daybreak is going to handle this one. Because a cash wipe will piss everyone off, but there's too much cash in the system
  7. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    @ everyone

    Hows about this: roll everything back to the night before the DLC, letting everyone keep the items they got from TCs/content, ban the players that cheated, and lets get on with our hobby.

    I'd go so far as saying MPII needs seriously debugged and then a re-launch.

    I haven't played since iirc friday 6th. If there is contamination to non-cheaters, it costs too much to go through each in game transaction by hand & eye, so cut that as a loss and let people keep whatever they got so DB don't waste a fortune that could be spent better on new content.

    If we go 'back in time' to before the broker glitch (for money) who really is profiting and losing? If some person made serious bank or have ultra rare OG mats/aura/cols x50 (picked up dupes on broker) they are going to get caught.
  8. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    Everyone keeps talking about a money glitch. And I'm sure one exists or existed. Though I never saw it. What I have seen though, 10 times every 5 minutes are Gold sellers spamming every zones chat. 100.000.000 for $5 and crap like that. This is where the problem begins and ends. And let's face it. While the vast majority of people don't use these scammers, and they are scammers for the most part. A large enough minority of players do. The same ones who use Aimbots in Overwatch or Modern Warfare. The same ones who have no problem Glitching a game for a uber item or Ninja-Looting a boss in other MMO's.

    No matter what game you go into if game cash is hard to obtain Gold Sellers thrive. I hate to keep pointing back to Star Trek Online but its the only real example I can think of. Where cash is easy to earn and Gold Sellers barely exist. In the last 24 months I've seen and reported only 2 myself. So I'm going to pick on DBG's on this point. The mission rewards, cash wise are stupidly low. Early missions, under level 10 yeah those should be low, but in the hundreds not 2 digits or less. Missions at level cap and higher should be rewarding in the thousands if not tens of thousands. I'm sorry but a lot of this problem is tied directly to the way the game itself doles out cash to players.

    When your being told nearly from day one, by other players and the way the game itself is structured, to "Play The Broker" in order to make any meaningful amounts of money it becomes, for a lot of us, a massive headache inducing slog. Especially when you're new and don't know the whens, wheres, hows, and whys of getting drops that sell at anything approaching a decent price. Not to mention DBG's stupidly low F2P cash cap of $2.000. DCUO is the only MMO I know with a game cash limit that ridiculously low.

    So in the end most of the problem can be laid at DBG's feet. Their stinginess with rewards and their allowing the Gold Sellers to flourish almost unchallenged for so long. And they have let them exist in game to a point of saturation so great that the games chat is almost completely useless outside of instanced missions where they can't just spawn in and stay. I love this game, I like the costuming the stories and the community when I can actually see what's being said outside of Gold sellers spam. But everything that has happened to date concerning the games economy I lay entirely at Daybreak's feet.

    I'm a older player, so I've been around a lot of games. I started with Everquest back in the day, a year before the Luclin expansion. I played both WoW and Dark Age Of Camelot. I've played Ultima Online and Eve Online. I'm currently Playing Star Trek Online and DCUO and of all of those games. I've never seen a games economy be so thoroughly trashed by Gold Sellers as I have with this one. And I say again it's tied directly to the games reward system. To little cash is coming from missions and events. With the F2P player base being to highly limited in the cash they have access too without spending real money in order to access it. Again I say even EA isn't as restrictive. Star Wars The Old Republic has a F2P cash cap of 1 million (recently increased). And that's EA of all publishers. For F2P that's decent. Admittedly a drop in the bucket given some of that games broker prices but still it's decent starting out for a Free account.

    So I think a lot of the blaming glitches and exploits and people being greedy needs to stop. Look at what has actually happened and why. Because I'm telling you, this isn't the core player base. This is the minority buying money from the Gold Sellers who are themselves glitching cash into existence and then flooding the game with it. Kill off the Gold Sellers and delete their accounts and things should go back to normal relatively quickly, given DBG's can fix the rewards system enough to make the Gold Sellers useless.
  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There are better ways of reducing the amount of currency in circulation as mentioned countless times, such as a progressive "tax" that preserves everyone's relative buying power. Unless that, of course, isn't your aim, comrade.

    There are, of course, psychological factors in play. We're humans. We're all bundles of neurons and chemicals bouncing off each other. This is endlessly pointed out. People have to...get over that FOMO. Once you see the system, you can understand how you react and overcome it. You can't get everything in life, and the sooner people learn to pick and choose their battles, they'll do a lot better. You can consider DCUO to be teaching a valuable life lesson.

    Some of my early forays into the DCUO economy were TC-based, but I ultimately found my niche in other areas. If anything, the whales are increasing the supply of available items in the marketplace, assuming they're listing the items. If they're keeping onto them in order to increase their value, well...good on 'em. Delayed gratification is another thing a lot of people are lacking in these days.

    If you want to argue that there should be other methods to obtain items and increase the supply which will drive down demand, well...that's another argument, entirely. I find with the quark vendor it's enough for me to grab things I've missed when they come around. Which I can buy with source marks or opening with free stabs and TCs. Delayed gratification.

    You can save your appeals to a deity, they mean nothing to me.
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  10. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    But things can be done, example: If anyone is found to be WTS/WTT/WTB for any of those methods then warning 1st, ban 2nd. Easy peasy.

    Sure is funny after the initial bans recently everyone was in trade chat telling those people you can't trade/buy/sell psn/cashapp/paypal/venmo/steam/steam cards anymore. Also funny I' opened countless tickets about TOS violations for those within 48hrs before they shut down broker and limited trade - so it seems they can and are doing something about it - just thought you'd like to know they're actually taking action against outside influence and I can't thank them enough for that despite my rants on the forum as of late :).
  11. SPARTACUS 3000 New Player

    Sorry... But no.

    Who gets to keep what from the TCs?
    What about things that were received from the TCs... and then sold on the broker?

    I paid cash to open those TCs. I paid for my chance to get an item that I could sell for in-game cash.

    Unless passing out refunds is part of your plan... Then, NO.
  12. useless Well-Known Player

    No more cash in trade person to person
    No more cash send trough mail
    Put option send cash in shared bank so you can send money to your alts
    Increase deposit in broker:
    0 - 9.99 mil 0%
    10 - 49.99 5%
    50 - 99.99 10%
    100 - 199.99 20%
    200 - 299.99 30%
    300 - 399.99 40%
    400 - 499.99 50%
    500 + 75%
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How can they "get over it" when they're intentionally targeting compulsive spenders/potential gambling addictions with no oversight? People are complaining about the drop rates on time capsules so what do they do? Make it so that purchasing time capsules converts into a game cash, it doesn't address the problem it simply takes advantage of player greed. Because even you admitted that the drop rates suck, and the drop rates still do suck. But because you now get to buy the Time capsule contents through the market board, it placated you.

    The problem was never actually addressed, you were simply placated with a work around which encourages players to throw more money at the very problem.
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  14. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    how about we cap a character at 5b, cap the broker, trade and mail to 1b, set up cash sinks and do as someone suggested and up the cash rewards a bit as well.

    as for a wipe of any this point DB has a good idea of how much was glitched into the system, how much is/was in the glitchers pockets and so on, or at least a reasonable estimate. now with that estimate divide and dole out a "fine" amongst those who were active and had membership because as I understand things a ftp and premium would have no advantage from this whatsoever.

    Doing these things should help correct the issues that have plagued the economy both long term and the recent poopstorm. at least that's my opinion, feel free to point out flaws in it.
  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    you'd have to go back more than a week yo.
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  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    People have to get over it by learning how to curb their own self-destructive tendencies and take some personal responsibility for their actions. Next you'll want to shut restaurants down because they serve dessert.

    If they removed the time caps tomorrow and implemented some other feature to introduce these styles, I wouldn't be bothered. I'm not advocating for that system. I've just learned how to get by in the system that exists. Keep setting your hair on fire, though.

    What I have been advocating is to not put onerous restrictions on the free market system the broker represents, because it is simply one of the most efficient ways to redistribute scare luxury goods in existence. They've eliminated a lot of those goods with the new OP system. If they eliminated the time caps styles or limited time booster styles...doesn't really matter to me. There won't be much of a market left...but that's OK, too.

    I don't work the mini-game of the market because it's super-fun, I work it because it's the best way to get the items I want without resorting to dropping a lot of real life cash down or getting super lucky in drops and getting the exact items I need. You get an item you don't want, you trade it for cash which you can then use to get what you want. This is pretty basic stuff. People advocating for putting all sorts of restrictions in place for the most part have no idea what consequences it'll have to the market.
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  17. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    But broker and trade for cash has been disabled since.. what the 4th? How much cash are you really losing?
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I think this video would be best suited for this response

    "Its very easy to suggest that these are the people who should be smarter with the money, that only a fool lets it get this bad. I refuse to believe anyone that churlish about the situation, has ever dealt with addictive behavior in their own lives... I simply refuse to believe it. Because addiction simply doesnt work that way, you cant just switch it off. Its not that easy to stop. You can even know, all day long that what your doing is wrong. You can consider yourself stupid, and you know that its harmful, but that wont stop you. It just doesnt stop on a dime and the game industry knows this.." ~Jim Sterling
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  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'm not getting dragged into a tangential argument about the practice of lootboxes, because that has nothing to do whatsoever to anything I've said about the economy. I don't care how the "chase" items get into the game, only the available methods of getting them once they're there.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    On this particular subject youre Chaotic Neutral