Metal part 2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jords21, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. Jords21 Well-Known Player

    Will we be fighting barabartos the bat god
  2. Eve YouTuber

    To be honest we have little to no information about what's coming, but it makes sense that we will
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  3. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    He's mentioned at the end of MOM:

    "...and Barbatos the Bat-God will rise up to destroy all of creation!"

    So, I think it would be a pretty safe assumption
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey, in Metal part 2, assuming all reality is unmaking itself and we are going to some hellish alternate universe, any chance there won't be a bunch of dumb-*** civilians running around town out in the open? They didn't seem to leave during a braniac invasion...or through an amazonian occupation, green/yellow/red/blue/pink light wars or even after being transformed into metal creatures lately....

    You'd think people would leave town at some point....

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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    never underestimate the power of cheap rent.
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I mean that's pretty much the norm for anyone living in a major superhero city in the DCU.
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  7. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Whatever happens in Metal 2, I'm predicting Cyborg will be a primary character in at least a raid or alert. He's mentioned several times in conversations in Metal 1, there's a daily mission regarding Titans T Spheres, you see the other Titans show up in the weekly EXCEPT Cyborg...and he may be either very susceptible to being metalized or possibly immune to metalization due to his already being bound to metal. Just saying.
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  8. Raven Roth Committed Player

    It would be a big letdown if not. He would basically just be the Giant Metal Manbat
  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    After the obvious let down that was Metal part 1, I hope this second part is more epic.
    I hope we get to fight the drowned in a similar map to Atlantis, under dark waters raids or instance at least.
  10. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    now that even the merest Superplots of today seems to have a "the END of the MULTIVERSE" level of destruction to them you have to ask...where will they go...those Glorious Fools...depending on us to save them...
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  11. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Don't these T-Spheres belong to Mister Terrific?

    I'm almost sure we'll get to see the rest of the Dark Knights. Drowned, Murder Machine and Devastator are the only ones who's been left out and not mentioned directly so far. Perhapst we'll get to see Cyborg AND Murder Machine together.

    I wonder what Riddler has to do with all of this, though. His bombs are kinda out of place.
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    One of the briefings mentioned Cyborg is MIA. I’m assuming he was abducted in cyberspace by the Murder Machine like in the comic, and one of the instances wiill have us rescuing him.
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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Riddler was in the Metal comics and was represented in two ways in Metal Part 1.

    1.) The Minotaur Helmet style we got from the Metal Time Capsule is the same Minotaur Helmet that the Riddler wore in the comics when he created a labyrinth for some heroes and villains to escape out of. At the center was the Riddler in the Minotaur suit.

    2.) The Riddler boxes are a small nod to the Riddler being part of Metal seeing as how he did not get the full treatment like Ivy and Freeze got in the Monsters of Metal raid.
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  14. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Ah okay, that explains it. Thanks. :)

    Probably. I should re-listen to briefings sometime later :D
    I've never read the comics so I've no idea, thank you.
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It goes further than that. If you talk to Deathstroke while doing the metal minotaur mission, he’ll mention he’s heard rumours that the minotaurs are under Riddler’s control. I don’t know what Riddler did with his card in the comic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns up in part 2 with a labyrinth of his very own, filled with metalised monsters and puzzles.
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  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Nice! Yeah I very rarely play with voice sound on for NPC's. I use to back in the day up until Harley got a new voice. When that happened and we got the Heist Duo, it was bad enough that I just couldn't take hearing her voice anymore day in and day out while running that content. So, I turned the voices off and left it that way for the longest time and just got use to playing the game that way.
  17. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    In the Metal Gotham open world daily quests while saving Metal citizens, there is a line that went something like this:
    "Wow, I was metal! I was previously a demon and a werewolf!"

    The way the VA delivered the line made it sound like they were really excited to see what would come next. That made me wonder about the psychological health of these NPCs. Have all of these catastrophes changed them into adrenaline junkies looking for more near-death experiences? If so, then it would make sense why they always seemed to be actively walking around these hotspots.

    That would be an interesting story line to explore, but I don't think we'll ever see it happen in DCUO.
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  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    oh god rehashed Labyrinth of Lost Souls incoming...
  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    This time it’ll be totally different because the NPCs will be covered in metal :p
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  20. LLSmoothJ Active Player

    I always thought when they say "Can't wait to see what I turn into next" they were being sarcastic. Still the question is which of the three costumes will be purple gear, gold gear, and loot box: Dawnbreaker, Devastator, and Murder Machine.