Warning people

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nogreen, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. Nogreen Active Player

    Hello, here is a little warning to you guys and girls.
    Dont speak/write in public chats, you will get a mail ingame from RMT spammers telling you to buy their crap on their website.
    I took a screenshot of my first mail and no i wont be posting it here since that will prolly be against the rules.
    Sad that people cant enjoy this game without someone trying to ruin your gameplay.
  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Just delete the mail and carry on. That is what I did when I got one. Clever bastards are even attaching stuff to the mail now. lol.
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    Too bad we don't have options to filter the mail, such as "Friends Only, Friends and League Members Only, League Members Only, All, None" for auto receiving mail.

    Suggestion to the Devs:
    Please consider putting in the mail system the option of "Ask before accepting mail" to help curtail those spammers; it could show up as an envelope icon with a yellow question mark on top of it to let that player know they have pending mail that needs to be accepted/rejected. Pending mail like that could be set on a 24 hour timer and if there is no answer, that mail would return to sender. We should also have a "Report" button at the bottom of the message field that works like typing in /report for reporting players.

    For example, if a player receives a pending e-mail and then goes to check it, the sender's name would show up but the message/attachments would not appear until the e-mail is accepted. If the sender's name is suspicious, then the player can report the e-mail with the 'Report' button and then use the 'Reject' button. If the sender's name is simply not known then the player can simply reject the e-mail. Rejected e-mails would not be counted as 'Sent', so spammers would lose numbers on their daily spam quotas. Rejected e-mails could have an internal flag attached to help the devs keep an eye on the e-mail system.
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  4. Nogreen Active Player

    Yes! Please make this.
  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    They still may send you mail even if you don't write anything in the chat, lol.
    I never got any until I had to visit police station for a seasonal quest. :D
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  6. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Got my first one this morning on log in...trying to sell me gold. Five years in game and thats the first time. Someone is hacking in somehow
  7. Dene Devoted Player

    All it is, if you are nearest them in proximity or do a recent chat they will note your name and sendd you mail

    Its very basically "they def play, lets target them"

    It isn't like they could hack your account etc.. just delete anf move on (directed at all not just you lol)
  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Why can't the devs do anything about this? BRB, getting a call from my area code. Must be legit, unlike that mail I got from Brother Nathaniel in Ethiopia. I have a sneaking suspicion that he didn't use that money I sent him to buy bibles.
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  9. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Here's another suggestion. If 30+ people blocked/ignored a certain person on one day get a daily report and check the messages of that one person and ban them if they break the TOS. Can do that whilst you're drinking your morning coffee.
  10. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Are we gonna see you on Dr. Phil getting an intervention because you have a romantic email relationship with someone you never met just to get dcuo gold?
  11. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

  12. Proxystar #Perception

    They never send me mail, how am I supposed to buy gold without instructions? :D
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I can forward my mail to you.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    you don't get to buy gold. you have to beg like a Dickensian orphan.

    "More sir?"
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