No Reason To Sub Anymore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    So you'd like them to use a model that does not have a much higher player base, but has the same... roughly.

    Not sure what or how owning a RV has anything to do with making someone feel better, but I guess we all jump to conclusions from time to time.

    I must have touched a nerve with my comment because you definitely came out lying and throwing a tantrum as if I were someone else.

    I appreciate the audacity to dream of a poster sitting back on his mom couch in a lazy boy, no a kitchen chair, typing on a laptop or computer, trolling a poster or lashing out at a poster while eating a bowl of cereal (because they are unemployed). But because of the lack of immense vision and the lack of the ability to stop from taking everything so personally, it can cause any person to miss things or to form some type of slow (like special needs slow) dressing down.

    I appreciate the attempt to judge me though and the attempt at validating your point, your first sentence should have been enough to make you think and stop right there, but nope.

    Besides, as someone I once worked with once said, "you really don't want this sauce" when it comes to insulting someone. It just wouldn't be fair to you.
  2. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I have 17 characters, use all of them regularly, and still get a lot of benefits out of my sub. Been playing since 2014. Guess I’m the exception to the rule.
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  3. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    1 character can have up to 16 armories & 4 bases. So they should let us have 16 armory in all 4 bases
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  4. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Not quite. Your math is still a bit out. Six fragments a day means that, on average, it takes 2.5 days to earn enough fragments for a stabilizer, so average 17.5 days to open a resurgence capsule. Add to which that some of the capsules drop fragments as well, giving you stabilizers that bit quicker. I opened a resurgence capsule on Friday, for example, and got a whole extra stabilizer just from the fragments inside it.

    I wouldn't mind seeing some revamped member benefits though. :)
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The current limit for armories is can place all of them in one base. If you're petitioning for more than 16 armories total, you have my full support.
  6. fm0987 Committed Player

    Yup, as with most modern games, dc might as well be a mobile game where you pay for time savers. Replay badges. P2W feat points (time capsules). Check. Inconvenient grind (artifacts). Check. Not to mention the so called rng is clearly weighted. I opened 3 of the resurgence tc, got 3x glowing chroma in a row. That'd be like rolling a 12 sided die (how many powers again?, forgot lol) and landing on the same number 3x in a row in your first 3 throws. What are the odds of that?
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  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Yes dc universe online is pay to win, Because it's a free to play.
    The RnG is base off how much money you spent on the game.
    How long you play til you had a break within a 24 hrs.

    So buy everything & not in bundle's
    Then log off til there's a special going on grind that day, weekend or week.
  8. Control Creed Well-Known Player

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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Why are you spreading misinformation??? Where is your proof that it works that way???
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  10. Berza Committed Player

    I have a leaguemate who dropped 4 Luthor Gauntlet pieces. He has never spent a single cent on on the game other than the subscription. I have another leaguemate who spends 100's euros weekly in stabilizers and replays. He didn't drop a rare op collection in the 3 last DLC.
  11. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    4 of my 7 alts are end tier and have artifacts above 120. Why? Well grinding and enjoying the game. The 3 that don’t? Are only level 10 because I made them literally for the bank space. No reason other than that. I played content as them long enough to get access to the Watchtower and then use them to store items like decorations, styles, and collection pieces that my league mates might need. Why? Because having a League is important, especially if they’re online-friends and not just people who are there.
  12. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Not sure what all the fuss is about. It is like any other purchase of goods and services. If the CUSTOMER thinks it is a good value he/she continues to buy it. If not, they don't. I've been subbing since launch so obviously, I think it is worth it. On the day that I no longer feel that way I will simply not renew.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A redistribution of the legendary benefits dont sound so crazy to some anymore:rolleyes:
  14. djcrossfade Committed Player

    It would be nice if they give us full styles that we dont have for ft to keep us sub. 100k a month and bonus Mark's
  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Well, my subscription is cancelled. My money will be spent elsewhere. And I make a lot of money too.
  16. FrauFever New Player

    i don't want them to up the ante at all...i want them to drop the prices in the cash cow store by at least 50%....they're selling imaginary items in a game...they have no overhead, no inventory, no storage facility, they don't have to pay delivery drivers....
    at least 50%
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Keepin a eye on the forum too?
  18. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    Benefits haven't changed in a long time, expecting the service fee to not rise in 7 years is unrealistic.

    Prices for non-tangible game items is set as high as the market will bare. The gambling component ... well If I told you the truth Mepps would poop himself and I'd get another ban; no truth allowed if it casts shade.

    The bottom line is if you want to spend the amount of money needed to hit on a what if item to entertain yourself then good for you, enjoy it; but do so responsibly.

    For me, I'm not into the gamble and couldn't care less about time capsules or lock boxes. In game currency sold for real world currency has trashed the games economy. There are many ways to combat this, some less effective as others. But it is what it is.

    I've stopped my membership to legendary, I get the same enjoyment out of the free content as I did paying to play the DLC's. For me the feel of each new DLC is exactly the same, sure new voice actors, some music changes, and pretty paint but the underlaying core game play and reward system is exactly the same.

    There was a time when I would've paid for Skill Points (SP) for the content I feats that I just don't enjoy Player versus Player (PvP) or Legendary content. The button mashing 20 minute grind through bosses with ridiculous amounts of Hit Points (HP) or defense, no power limits, and massive Area of Effect (AoE) interruptions on just about any movement is a downer.

    But whatever, maybe they'll sell the game to a company that has a fresh new take and will develop the game in new and inspiring ways. Or it'll continue the way it is for as long as enough players are willing to spend to keep it viable. Either is fine.

    Another leeching player
  19. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    It was said earlier that it's almost impossible to queue up for lower tier things like raids and alerts because nobody utilizes them, or very few people do. Perhaps a benefit for premium members could be to allow them to enter and solo a raid, alert, etc. Up to a certain tier, based on where I'm at. For example, if I'm premium, maybe a benefit could be the ability to solo Tier 1-4 Raids for Feats, styles, etc. I do know that there are some feats that you need multiple people for, but a lot of them you don't.
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  20. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I meant membership, not premium membership. or maybe that too. Who knows. You get my drift.