what would y'all suggest

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fernandosucre28, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. fernandosucre28 New Player

    I haven't been on in forever. Any suggestion for making a new character to get the hang of the game again?
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Make a new character.
    • Like x 5
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Make the perfect hero/villian for yourself and have fun
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  4. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    A lot has changed over the last few years. I still find leveling up to be a lot of fun! What faction do you play? Have you decided on a power set? Leveling up is a great time to try something new.

    General advice (some of this may be obvious)
    - Change chat box so you don’t see shout while you’re leveling (you won’t miss anything useful, and life is much more peaceful without it)
    - Don’t skip side missions
    - Pick up briefings, investigations, feats, explorations, and races as you go. It will make it easier to build up your skill points
    - Buy all the styles in the regular safehouse vendors to get the style feats
    - Salvage gear instead of selling it. While you can’t salvage the very low level gear, you can salvage more gear now than a few years ago
    - If you’re premium, buy lots of soder stacks when you hit your $2,000 cash cap so you can sell it back later when you need cash for repairs and such. Soders stack to 99 now
    - Save your Source Marks to power up your base
    - Pick up exo-material and collections as you go. Sell the rare collections on the broker and save the nth metal for later when you need to level up your augments
    - Use your XP booster (the free one) when your level is in the mid-twenties
    - Queue up for the alerts, but recognize that your teammates might be brand new to the game, so be patient and communicate. In the end, helping a new group beat an instance that’s tough for them is a lot of fun
    - Once you’re high enough level, run Death of Superman and Justice League Dark (event) content for extra fun and rewards
    - Use LFG and turn shout back on when trying to join up for bounties or on duty content
    - Consider saving your nth metal up because there are occasional double XP weekends for artifacts (not very frequent, so depends on your preference)
    - Have fun!
    • Like x 2
  5. fernandosucre28 New Player

    sweet thanks all for the feedback! any recommendation on powers?
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Power and weapon suggestions can be highly subjective, unfortunately. There are powers that I would swear by as fun and engaging that others would strongly disagree with, and there are powers that have never held any interest for me that others love wholeheartedly. Same goes for weapons.

    The best advice I would give would be to go with something that you like and that works for how you want to play.
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  7. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Since you'll be starting from scratch, choose the power that you might like the most. Power performance are most notable at the end game but if you take your time to build your skill points you might not suffer much in an under performer power (and things change so an overpower now can be the underdog tomorrow).
  8. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    But you may unlock the power itself.
  9. fernandosucre28 New Player

    I was celestial at one point using a bow =)
  10. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    That's some comprehensive advice!
    personally, I hate lvling to 30 :p
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  11. fernandosucre28 New Player

    ok how do I shut off shout? All the bots are annoying...
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you don't have a chat channel that has shout disabled, then you'll probably have to make one. Fortunately it's pretty easy to do, and you can customize to allow only the chat/communication you want to see.
  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Make one with a super-power.
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Adjust and create chat settings in... the chat settings. Which are under Options.

    (Where else would they be?)
  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You don't need to make a new channel to turn off shout in default. Just unclick "shout" in the chat settings for your default channel.

    All you have to do to set chat settings is click or unclick them in the channel tab listing. Adding new channels or tabs is optional, though about as easy as is possible.

    Click "options" and go to chat settings.
  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I went the "make a separate channel" route to give myself something of an escape from any communication I didn't want. For me it was more convenient than having to go into the channel settings and turning on/off something like shout every time I didn't want to put up with some of the nonsense that takes place there.

    To each their own. :)
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  17. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I also recommend making an LFG tab that has LFG, shout, say, tell, league, and group in it. This is helpful in making groups in zones like Chaos Gotham or Doomed Metropolis. You don't have to include shout, but it's helpful for joining groups for bounties.
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  18. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Well, fernandosucre28 or can i call you my apprentice, what is your question about Powers for build types you want?
    Because this is a Powerset, one that holds all their secrets, combat strategy and role in groups, that the character can specialize in.

    So? What is Your Best Role. :)

    Do you like to take control? Are you the kind of person who can roll with the punches? "So how do you get to it, the tank role?" You see It is a test. And Only someone with the courage, is worthy to claim it. Courage is important because "we all have to do things we don't like sometimes,"

    Or Healer.
    You’ll have the responsibility of keeping the whole team alive – or the lives of your friends. And at all costs, the tank. Masterful healers yes. A threat to the Raid.

    Or Damage Dealer.
    The Dps = Damage fights without mercy, without remorse. If so, you might enjoy playing a damage dealer. On the upside, you’ll have minimal responsibility. You’re also likely to have an easier time leveling.

    My Top powers - Mental, Gadgets, Sorcery, Earth. Ice, Munitions

    Middle - Fire, Atomic, Celestial, Light, Quantum, Rage

    Not that great - Nature, Electricity

    “That is the way of the Power.
  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I create multiple tabs to have the different mixes of channels available as I wish. I wouldn't dream of having to go into the settings each time I want to hear a different channel. That would be nuts.

    I was simply saying that if all you want to do is not hear "shout" on your default, all you have to do is remove it. If and where you might want to have it elsewhere available is another topic.
  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Just remember that with great power, comes great responsib-- oh, oops, never mind. Wrong universe. Go right ahead and be irresponsible.
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