New Booster Bundle is bugged or a ripoff!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gmoney, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. Gmoney Active Player

    I have invested a lot of money playing this game since Day 1 an I never felt cheated until now!! This new Booster Bundle is a big ripoff or it’s bugged. I have spent over $200 dollars buying the bundle an still haven’t gotten the chrome box!! Never be4 this type of robbery have happened to me!! I’m hoping this is just a bug because I’m the near future I will not Spend this type of money again!!
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  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Working as intended. Whenever you're dealing with RNG and you don't know the odds NEVER spend any money. It's literally designed to trick you into thinking you have a chance.
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    RNG Spirits at their finest!
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The BB isn't bugged, the Chroma Reward Box is super rare. You should hold on to whatever Auras you got, they may be worth some money in a couple years.
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  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Before you die, the last thing you'll see is the RNG.

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  6. De Hei Active Player

    Never spend money for a game pls and the illusion to get anything for your money pls.. I have played other games, where guys spend 2000 USD... Its just a game, so just have fun and spend money only for your real life hobbys or family ;)
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Gaming is a hobby that I even do with my family, so...I'll spend money where I please, thankyouverymuch. LOL

    For the record, I bought two BBs, because the supplies are a decent price. The cosmetics weren't really my cuppa.
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  8. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    " you pays ya money, you takes your chances! "
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  9. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i'm surprised people are STILL so thoughtlessly gambling with the idea that they're somehow "owed" something from a random number generator in the back of their heads when THIS is actively said by an in game character, insane joker or not XD.
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  10. Gmoney Active Player

    The only reason Why I’m complaining is that they must have changed something to milk more money from the gamers. Like I said this has never happened to me be4. I would spend 2 or $300 on something an get 3 or 4 rare items.. it’s cool I won’t be spending anymore money on this game!! I’m done with trying to support the Devs!!!!
  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Thanks for being the reason this stuff is even IN lottery lootboxes, I guess.
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's random. You spent your money and had bad luck, it happens. Hopefully it was money you could afford to spend.
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  13. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Unfortunately, I cant say the same. I only spend on average about $215 a month on this game (subscription included) to help support the game (whether it be replays, styles, stabilizers, BB's, it doesn't matter what I spend it on, its all going to the same place, so I spend it how I please and because I can afford to.) I bought 10 BB's and on my fourth box got a Chroma Box, and on my ninth box, got another one. It really is RNG and I happened to luck out. I would say I can understand spending an excessive amount of money on something in hopes of getting the item you want, but like other people say, you know how the Booster Bundles work, and you take those chances. So really, you only have yourself to blame. (You also have other ways of acquiring the new items). I do feel sympathy for you guys only because I know how it works and I would feel the same, but you take those chances, as I said before. I would suggest setting money aside for the next BB or TC and purchase/trade instead of spending money on it. Its a deal breaker, but you have that choice.
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  14. BƖack Dedicated Player

    RNG is the worst nightmare as well in games as in real life. Since ages that thing uses human naivety and make good profits in casinos or stuff like the lottery tickets. You unfortunately, became one of the victims.
  15. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Not really, the numbers can always be changed anytime. ^^ I know it's illegal and a crime but everything that man made most of the time can be under his control. I personally was witness where in one of the casions there was a row. One of the guests from that casino was convinced in 100% that the machine he plays on there was something wrong with her. Guess what? he was right, it turned that the machine was tweaked to take more and give less. It was a scandal on a huge scale. He throwed in that machine a lot of cash, not exactly sure how many but for sure it was a fat thousands of dollars.
  16. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    play all games for free is what killed the quality in most least sub...honestly spending hundreds or thousands on those one shots arent able to assist in planning and development of a game more than a steady stream from subs does...gaming is a hobby...i spend money on it
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It baffles me still, that people knowingly dump copious amounts of cash into a lootbox with a POSSIBILITY to get what they want out of it, and when they dont get it its somehow the devs fault... This game has really shown who may have a gambling addiction, and chooses them as their target audience to make easy cash for little work...
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  18. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    this is one thing i prefer about WoW, they straight up make the brunt of their money off subscription models and selling the complete game/expansions. their RNG is purely RNG, it's annoying; but at least no amount of money will be spent trying to increase one's odds, as the only players who won't have an equal opportunity of a rare in-game drop is those players who can't do the content the rare reward drops in to begin with. as a side note these rare content tied rewards typically promote continued gameplay and longer interest in content, even if it is artificially created.
  19. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    once again, this is why i refuse to buy into any of this gambling stuff they are trying to sell, theres a marketplace, but it seems like they have forgotten they have it, i am hoping an praying all lootboxes in gaming are banned, i dont like government getting involved with gaming but its time this stops
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  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Fun facts:
    Booster Bundles are in the Marketplace.
    Booster Bundles are $10.
    Booster Bundles contain $10 worth of Marketplace items, plus a free style. The free style is chosen at random.

    The Marketplace isn't forgotten here.
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