Revolutionary Idea for DCUO Skill Points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by silversuitcase, May 27, 2019.

  1. silversuitcase Active Player

    Here we go again...
    I'm fed up of seeing the same superheroes/supervillains monopolizing the rare auras (even the OG ones such as: OG Pink Plasmic, OG Enchanted Aura, OG Starro tech aura and all the other OG auras that we all love) and materials.


    They need to reset everyone's feats to zero every year to make the game more economical and reusable. It gives new players like me and you a chance to get up there with skill points. It will make old content more popular, will gain new players, make the game fairer and old players will return and fall in love with DCUO again.
    Every year the top 100 highest skill pointers will win a special prize.
    For example, the top 100 will win an Omnipotence piece of gear which will always be 100crs higher than the latest episodes vendor gear and it will even come with a white mod of your choice! And, maybe even a signed photo of Meeps in a frame or a daybreak tank top etc.
    This will encourage people to gain skill points and will make older content more relevant, we can do raids we used to love like Kandor Central Tower, The Bombshell Paradox and Necropolis, just to name a few.

    It's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to heaven.
    You need to comprehend before you act in ignorance with frenzy of ignorance, ignoramus.

    What do you guys think?
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  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I really dislike this idea. Some of the feats that I've obtained took me months/years to complete (looking at your Toy Man missions and bottled duos).

    I think this idea would just drive away players who have been playing for years. I certainly wouldn't go back to complete old content just to regain feats that I've already done. I would just quit the game.
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  3. AerovengerReturns Level 30

    What you smoking bruv?
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  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There's a two word response I'd like to use, but forum guidelines prevent it.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    SP have nothing to do with OG auras, some of which you can earn in game if you put in the effort.

    This is one of the worst ideas I've seen.

    If you want the auras then earn them, as for the limited edition OG ones unfortunately the very nature of them means they're exceptionally rare, your attempt to punish high SP players by resetting their SP isn't remotely going to help you get one.
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  6. Red Raptor Active Player

    I'll take the high road on this idea...

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  7. QuantumFlange Active Player

    I love this idea! Would be great to see the bought accounts taken back down to 0 and would give new players a chance to catch up!
  8. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    you? want to reset the whole skill tree points? (SCOFFS) and therefore i lose all extra levels as skills already gained. no! no,
    I don't like that idea one bit:
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  9. Draconiano Committed Player

    I'm not even sure if you are serius or just plain trolling.
    But this thread smells like bait.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You must be drunk.
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  11. silversuitcase Active Player

    Yes Bobby, didn't know you were still around my friend.
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  12. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    yea this would not bring back people, this would actually drive people away, myself included, its dumb easy to get geared up, an if you put in the time you can catch up in SP pretty easily, if your playing solo then yea it'll be harder so find a league to help you que an easily get the feats.

    It might take a bit to get up your SP if you are newer but everyone with alot of SP did the same thing, we just did it before you played, an thats not something we should be punished for.
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  13. silversuitcase Active Player

    People always think that genius ideas are crazy or trolls...
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  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I think it stinks.

    This is not a new or a good idea. It was just as bad when I first read about something like this a while back.

    Don't get me wrong about SP.
    I like SP but I do think there should be a hard cap on buffs from SP.

    I also understand the reasoning behind having SP attached to new shiny things & new content.
    So,.............. I really never have issues with new SP & feats.
    A better & more simple solution would be...........
    A hard cap on buffs from SP. That would solve a lot of potential issues with the ever growing SP/feat list.
  15. QuantumFlange Active Player

    Have had a small break recently, though would be back like a shot if this idea were implemented.
  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Good satire of ridiculous requests.

    Wait, it's not satire?

    No, it's gotta be.
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  17. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I genuinely don’t understand this idea. It will only cause frustration. A new player might like it at first, but next year, they’ll be just as frustrated as everyone else. And there are always new feats, so it would be even worse each time.

    There are things that players and Daybreak can do to help players gain SP. Leagues can help, but even without a league, you can LFG and form feat groups. The extra Marks weekends can help. Daybreak could also highlight certain content for a weekend, like the past catalyst weekend, giving more players reasons to run older content.

    There are things that would be beneficial. IMO, this idea would be wholly detrimental.
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Unfortunately I can't see it as anything but short-sighted and selfish.

    I'm no SP snob/hunter by any stretch of the imagination, but what you are suggesting is essentially pulling the rug out from underneath people (some of whom have put in a LOT of time and effort) all so you can play catch-up. Worse, you suggest turning SP acquisition into a competition which I really don't see ending well at all.

    Some players get upset with the idea of stat-clamping instances because they feel their efforts in progressing/strengthening their characters are in vain. Wiping a player's SP is worse than that because you're erasing all their efforts.
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  19. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly, but if I am, why would I spend any time or money in a game if I knew everything I had accomplished was just going to be wiped away on some arbitrary date? What is the point, then?
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    it wouldnt fly
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