State of the Game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jeff Bond, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Just curious about how the general community feels about DCUO gameplay these days.

    I'm an original launch player and have seen the game evolve. I got out after stats revamp around the time the first monitor event was happening and the the game had just become about running a rotation over and over and powering through content on beastmode as quickly as possible.

    PVP arenas were basically broken and open world PVP was essentially dead.

    Is it still just more of the same with a new skin or has any of the dynamic gameplay of the original game crept back in?
  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It's still more of the same.
    Or some could argue it's even worse now because we have Artifacts in the game with the awful breakthrough system.

    I don't think you'll ever see any of the old school game mechanics or even animations come back as there's been zero indication of them being implemented from the development team..

    I mean, we're still waiting on that proposed weapons update/weapons buff that was announced since what.. early 2018? late 2017?
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  3. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Sate of the game?...hmmmmm...I vote Wyoming....just because the name Wyoming is kinda cool :)
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  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    On a serious note I think the game is quite healthy...and that the stat revamp has done a lot to bring more balance to the powers. Not perfect but much better and players can really play the powers they want and still be competitive IMO. Also I am a huge fan of the CR differential being removed
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  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I lived in Wyoming. "Desolate wasteland" is being kind. Are you saying that's what the game is like? LOL
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  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    FYI, we ran content the same way back in the day as we do now. Whirling dervish, duel wield and one handed charged throw, phase dodges, arrow storm, rifle glitching, I could go on. This game will never change in that way. You didn't run rotations back in the days? Hmm.

    Currently, it's more about the artifacts and synergy using them. Most utilize the EoG artifact and play around super charges. Something new and OP could be released with the next DLC in two weeks. I'd almost wait to level anything until we see what we're getting next. They are a huge commitment, and you pretty much can only play one way. Either go all might or precision, tank heal or troll. Once you choose, just focus on that one role. Unless your a die hard player, and put in a few months work. I'm very casual, so I play alts for roles.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Welcome back, missed seeing that sig
  8. Mazahs Loyal Player

    LOL...ever driven thru my home state of TX. Some dirves are longer than driving across all of Wyoming before seeing a decent town!
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I have, and OMG. Straight thru drive from Indiana to New Mexico. Luckily, I only had to drive thru the northern part of Texas.
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  10. Mazahs Loyal Player

    EL Paso, where I'm originally from to Harlingen (Padre Island )is almost 12 hrs.
    Did that 1x....never again!
  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Used to live in Texas, too. Parts of it are similar, but as a percentage of area, I think Wyoming has it beat, LOL. You actually have metro areas like Dallas, Houston, and Austin in there. Hell, Amarillo looks like NYC compared to a lot of western Wyoming. Cheyenne and Laramie are the closest things to civilization up there, or Salt Lake City and Denver, but I don't count those, as they're out of state.

    Bar none, the worst state to just drive through is Kansas, though. You don't even get anything to look at. It's just...flat fields. And the occasional pro-Jesus billboard. It's rough. LOL
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  12. Mazahs Loyal Player

    True. In terms of absolute nothingness it's like Nebraska and Western Kansas. I Live in Kansas CIty, Mo now and sometime have to drive across both of these states for GSA biz. My god there is NOTHING. At least Wyomic is somewhat scenic (in parts)
  13. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    We used to run rotations, when you could, but you'd only ever get maybe 3 in row and that was considered risky. That was back in the 2-2-2-2 days. Keeping yourself alive was a higher priority and support roles used to hit harder. DPS wasn't a dominant role like it became.
  14. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I lived in El Paso for about 12 years and traveled to Georgia (Augusta) several times. It would break my heart to see that it took about 10-11 hours to reach the east side of Dallas and take the same amount of time to go through Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia. Also, the drive from Dallas to El Paso is the longest most horrendous drive in the world!!
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  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I hear ya! Travel to Dallas , El Paso and NM quite a bit.
    Luckily my wife works for SWA (Dallas employee) so those trips only take 1.5 -3 hrs. Provided you are at 39k feet doing about 580mph
    since we fly for free :)
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  16. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I took what the op said as
    The game got to easy and u breeze threw with little to no effort, then repeat. Gameplay and player experience has been neglected and the dcuo team switched focus to milking the customer

    There is ZERO chance u can say dcuo has not devolved, declined, and if u r a fan of years 1 and 2 is now a shell of its former self
  17. Yaiba Committed Player

    Game is too easy to the point that you only press one button (triangle triangle triangle....) to beat the contents :).

    And the population is not good at all (around 500 on steam, so low).
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No matter which way you want to slice it, Steam is a piss poor indicator of DCUO's game population. That's an irrefutable fact.

    As for the OP, download and play the game for free...form your own opinion instead of this useless "silly questions thread". All you'll ever really get out of these threads is the spread of misinformation, biased opinions, and condensed explanations that still won't give you enough information to form any opinion on. About the only thing right in all of these types of threads is the state of PvP (it's been left for dead for years now with no fixes on the horizon...that's just facts).

    Anywho...try it out for free...and then come here and ask the right questions. Also realize, that no matter what happens and how people feel...this game will NEVER go back to its former state. The game moves forward (whether people consider it progress or not) and never goes backwards. Everyone needs to let go of what was and just offer suggestions to improve what is (without unrealistic expectations).

    Welcome back, and let us know what you think of the current state of the game. :)
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  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    The only way that you are going to get the answer that you want is to play the game.
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  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Tell that to the guys that I was running The Machine Raid with earlier. I was going on 20 PU's before they all decided to quit. I would have had 30-40 if we would have kept going. xD
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