Atlantean Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    Yay i love the new gear Inspired by AquaMan's Mother!!! :D I already got the chest from the new time capsule
  2. myandria Item Storage

    Yes, it was never a "permanent" thing. The only time I remember getting gifted one unlocked TC was around the time they were first introduced (I still have it in my claim window).
  3. useless Well-Known Player

    We did get Infinite time capsule :)
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Uh...if we are making stuff up....I heard it was 10 of them. And some replay badges to unlock any feats you get.

    And candy.....don't forget the candy.
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  5. Aren Sul Committed Player

    New splash screens too!
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  6. SN0W5T0RM New Player

    Already the emblems not popping feats have 3 so far that haven't worked, will place ticket when I get home
  7. Kensama New Player

    Besides the lack of feats associated with emblems, the first equipment I opened Rough Primeval Chest didn’t display a socket for a Chest mod in either role..
    Is this a known bug or are the kinks being “worked out”..
    Ttyl & take care DCUO M8s!
  8. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    The regular versions of the emblems only have a collect all regular emblems for a feat

    The enhanced emblems have individual feats and a collect all enhanced emblems feat
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  9. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    anyone have the collection list? for bio lum mat
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  10. AlanR80 Active Player

    Which collections award the Bioluminescent Material, and Bubbles Movement Style?
  11. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Judging by collections' icons, those are following:

    Bubbles Movement - "Under the Sea" collection:

    1. Giant Starfish
    2. Shark Tooth
    3. Shimmering Scales
    4. Fractured Conch Shell
    5. Black Sand
    6. Disgusting Barnacle
    7. Rainbow Kelp
    8. Ensorcelled Spine
    9. Etched Obsidian
    10. Bottled Current
    11. Enchanted Coral
    12. Dark Water

    Bioluminescent Material - "Deceptive Devices" collection:

    1. Taniwha Fin
    2. Red Tide Sample
    3. Brain Coral Chunk
    4. Rainbow Chitin
    5. Crocottan Fang
    6. Jellyfish Stinger
    7. Gorgon's Eye
    8. Siren's Feather
    9. Anglerfish Lure
    10. Mermaid Scale
    11. Lock of Rusalka Hair
    12. Naiad's Circlet

    Murk's Hand Style - "Fine Fishermen" collection:

    1. Dulled Spear
    2. Tarnished Sinker
    3. Knotted Rope
    4. Shiny Lure
    5. Snapped Fishing Pole
    6. Ragged Fishing Net
    7. Broken Reel
    8. Tangled Fishing Line
    9. Collapsed Fishing Cage
    10. Cracked Fillet Knife
    11. Overlarge Fishhook
    12. Forged Harpoon Blade
    • Like x 3
  12. co ni New Player

  13. Hexwater New Player

    I have unlocked Enchanced Primeval chest style on one character (by accident, to be honest). It dropped from the capsule.

    Sadly, I don't see the style avaible to wear/unlock on my other character.

    What can I do to unlock the style on said character? I cannot trade the item anymore, even via shared bank account.
  14. Eve YouTuber

    It hasn't been added yet to style unlocking.
    • Like x 1
  15. myandria Item Storage

    At this point you will have to open more TC's and get that drop again (be careful not to claim it) or try to find it on the broker.

    I have some of the enhanced styles on my main and sent a couple of duplicates to my alts to claim until style unlocking happens for this TC, which I think will not be for a good while.
  16. Hexwater New Player

    That brings hope I wont have to spend cash on the broker >_>''