Server Downtime - December 29, 2018

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 29, 2018.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The US PS/PC server will be restarted shortly (around 11:15AM PT) to resolve a technical issue. Downtime may last up to 1.5 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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  2. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    Are we also getting the update with it?
  3. SalviMex Active Player

    Will we get anything for this inconveniece?
  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    My friend saw the going down message on EU aswell for some reason?
  5. SOL4LYFE New Player

    Mepps is there any way you guys can make the old styles in the vendor cost 1 mark of victory(after the player reaches a certain cr above the gear cr) , just like the renown gear?
  6. Jester New Player

    does this have anything to do with the zoning issues I experienced today?
  7. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Well, I got to run a duo with a friend during the countdown...but we'll see. I'm taking a break anyway.
    I smell thread merge incoming.
  8. somto New Player

    do we get anything for it, or does it so=come with something extra
  9. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You received a timely warning. What else do you expect?
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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You know that they did already cut the vendor prices by about 75% once you pass the vendors by a certain CR about six months ago. All of the lower gear used to be full price with zero adjustments once you passed that CR.
  11. Silverfang Hellbane New Player

    DCUO has been wonky all morning. Heard lots of peeps in chat complaining about buggy issues. Guess this problem was too big to wait till the next reset.
  12. Navane New Player

    I agree the whole team works hard on the game for us be happy about it right? I mean sucks that it always happens on my days off but hey its a huge online game crap happens
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  13. Jester New Player

    and if so then i'm glad they are looking out for that hope it is something that it is a quick fix hope they keep us updated if not.
  14. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    That's weird between running content and hanging the watchtower since 8am I saw no complaints in chat about "buggy issues"

    :confused: and then this happened :eek: .
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  15. The Crysalid Active Player

    It's an inconvenience, not an assault. #entitlement

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  16. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    You get a game that is working properly again.
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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Yeah stuff happens. Unfortunately it's part of RL. Maybe we can find something constructive to do like some chores or washing the car while we are waiting for the game to come back on line. :)

    Also, Considering that daybreak laid off about 70 or so employees recently and it minimally affected DCUO. Yeah we should be happy. Especially for the ones that still have jobs. So that they can continue to attempt to satisfy people who quit the game months ago.
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  18. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    That Willy Wonka scene is awesome and was a dose of reality when I saw that at the movies when I was a kid.

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  19. Kensama New Player

    How about the Devs and Mepps include an easily fixable inconvenience with this patch and make LFG on as default setting helping the new/newer people that haven't been here for years, lending a helping hand for them finding/creating groups.
    Now I realize those of us who have been here since the beginning created lfg as a better way to communicate throughout all worlds, then the devs added it to a list in the default section, but requiring those in the know to select it while leaving the new and clueless still the same..
    Anyway, rant over, please make it active upon initial launch so we can accommodate the grasshoppers..
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  20. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    OH NO!! I might have to... do something else...
    Other game, tv, or (gasp) read a book or talk to real life people.

    I also have real world stuff to occupy my time... try that.
    • Like x 1
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