Time Capsule Resurgence 2018: Sinceriously?!?!?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jack T. Chance, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Well hey....didn't they just help us clear up inventory space by allowing us to stack soders AND Core & Focusing Elements??? Plus...oh that's right...we have more space we can buy too. Hmmmmm....;)
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  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    The aura's in the other time capsules does.
  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Maybe next go around.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    But the main thing is that these desireable power auras don't have feats...which will make a lot of people happy. Plus it'll help keep the prices on the broker somewhat closer to Earth (compared to collection based Auras with pieces that have astronomical drop rates). I didn't think all this had to be spelled out...but there it is. :)
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  5. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    And that's the point there are feats in the mega Time capsule's
  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Tell me about it, it was so refreshing to be able to pick up the stuff from this last BB without having to practically kill myself, lol.
  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Why do you keep saying this? There are feats in the invidual time capsules, yes, since they're obviously not going to change items that are already in game. But the AURAS, the WHOLE POINT OF THIS MEGA TIME CAPSULE (only capitalizing for emphasis and clarity, not for irritation or shouting, lol) DO NOT have feats.
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  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    LOL I did they go into any kind of detail about how LONG it will take to get enough fragments to build 7? They always tend to not mention THAT part .

    I did check out the announcement Mepps put out and Hey at least they made it a double option.. Buy Stabilizers or just go right to the market and BUY the Mega capsule. And your right I could care less about an aura BUT if I get 7 stablizers get one of the mega and sell the aura on the market.

    I do run the duo every day... Let's me open open a few capsules for free each month and these days it also adds more nth metal to the pile I use to enhance my artifacts.. WIN-WIN Won't cost me a dime AND I can sell stuff to some one else for a pile of cash i can use to buy stuff do want Liking this new capsule more and more :D
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  9. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    can't wait to see the broker when this drops it becomes as hectic as black friday :p
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  10. Dene Devoted Player

    The offer is a limited time - but if you buy them from the MP directly there is no 14 day limit to open them

    The free ones are a different story
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  11. Dene Devoted Player

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  12. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The difference between buying the keys and getting the mega capsules off the MP outright is a nickel per dollar.
  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Which is why I asked.....

    "What's the difference??"

    People are so dead set VS the TC....
    that they lose all sense of reason when discussing them.

    $7 to buy the MEGA C on the MP.....
    or $7 to buy 7 Stabilizers to open the MEGA C in game.......
    What's the difference???

    And somehow some think the MP option is better when both options end up costing $7 either way?? :confused:
  14. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    One looks prettier.
  15. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Well first of all i believe is 630 mc for members with the 10% discount. But with it all, either from buying the keys via the 20 pack or buying the mega capsules from the MP...the keys way is cheaper only by 5 cents on the dollar/ or 1 dollar saved per 20 capsules.
  16. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Well mine is Old so its not so much another ;)
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  17. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I because people think mega Time capsule don't have feats, but it does have feats. I just want people to realize that.
    That why imo they should have just put all items from all time capsules in 1 box.
    Then make 1 bundle pack with all the different aura's just like what they did with the 3 new materials.
    Hell they could that to all the other aura's on the MP in different type thin, thick, plasma bundle.
    Just to minimize the list.
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  18. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    The only feats are the ones that were already in the game from the individual TCs, so those aren’t being counted as mega TC feats. No new feats have been introduced wth the mega TC.

    And I agree on the MP auras, they should repackage them so that all the ones that are the same price are 8n a single box and you’ll u pick which one you get to clean up the list.But the downside to that idea is that you wouldn’t be able to see a preview of what they look like.
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  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I would gladly pay between 5-8 dollars for the one I want if each aura were available for straight up purchase. Don't try to lump me in with the people expecting Ultramega items on the marketplace for a dollar, I've made it pretty clear through various posts before where my stance is on that aswell. ;)
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    you are pretty much getting that anyway - if not more - for the price you just said you'd pay

    Lets say you want 5/17 of them, worst case scenario is buy 5 (at $7.00 each) , use any of the 5 you wanted , sell everything that you don't want and buy the ones you do want, from the broker, PLUS you get quarks towards other things you may want

    and who knows what you'll get from the capsules - might even make a profit
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