Test Discussion Episode 31: 'Stemming the Tide' Solo Story Mission

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Charon, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Should be fixed (tho the timing is a tad off based on the above post) in the next build to Test.

  2. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Fixed, tho I think Flash's green dot is gone now too due to the fix. I'll see about getting that back in at a later date.

  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Unfortunate issue with objects. Unfortunately a monster version of Starro doesn't play well in that setting so an object version had to be used and like other objects (gargoyles from Owlman fight, etc.) they can be hit by some powers but not by most but all weapons can destroy them. Hopefully one day engineering can get a fix for this.

  4. stärnbock Devoted Player

    CONFIRMED: all feats of the solo mission are possible to do, got em all done.
  5. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I'm not liking the Controlled Flash boss fight. The primary issue is that you spend a lot of time waiting for the fight to go through all of its scripted sequences and some of the steps can be problematic. Here are some examples:
    • When a Rogue emerges from his cell, he will try to pick up his weapon from the table. Unfortunately Flash will usually stop fighting you to attack the Rogue. He has a bad habit of pulling the Rogue away from the table.
    • If the Rogue does pick up his weapon, you have to wait for him to do his "special" attack on Flash and leave before you can inflict further damage to the Flash. Sometimes it takes a little bit before the Rogue will do his special attack. If anything is standing around the mirror exit portal, that can prevent the Rogue from exiting.
    • While all of this is going on, Flash will just heal back up any damage.
    • You have to go through this sequence four times on every fight.
    So you spend a lot of time waiting around for the fight to progress. That makes the mechanics of the fight feel clunky.
  6. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Reports
    This is for the Event version of the instance:

    • In the Ocean Master fight, you can use the mon pool rocks to push Ocean Master out of his "protection shield."
    • Is an entrance portal supposed to remain open to the Controlled Flash/Ocean Master fights in the Event version? I don't recall seeing them.
  7. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I will try to make some things quicker and more reliable for the rogues but the overall fight is supposed to be a scripted story moment, which is a bit unusual for us so we'll see how it goes. Clearly, not everyone is a fan but we'll be keeping an eye on overall feedback to see how we modify such a scenario in the future, if we do one of these again.

    To address another point you made about the fight before - Flash does heal himself up to a certain threshold while certain moments play out, otherwise players can push through the scripted scenes too fast and end up screwing themselves over. I'll look into making that a bit more clearly messaged.

  8. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I'll fix the first point.

    The portals from Central City into CCPD stay open. The portals to the Temple stay open. The portals at the Temple stay open.

    Exception is there is no portal into CCPD in Central City for anything other than the first time you play the solo story pointer version.

    If you see otherwise for sure and screenshot it, let me know..

  9. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Should Captain Cold's Freeze attack always encase Controlled Flash? Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn't. Here is an example of where it doesn't:

    Should I be able to inflict crowd control effects on Controlled Flash?

    This is one of example of what makes the encounter feel clunky. The special attacks from the Rogues don't have any effect on Controlled Flash sometimes. When that happens, it feels like you are going through a script and the whole thing seems to be "for show."
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    The feat "Pug the pool" didnt work for me, tried it twice today, either its not working or the window is clearly lower than 15 sec, i pluged them in less than 10 sec each.
  11. Charon Lead Content Designer

    In what mode? It only works in Normal mode per the Feat description. If it's in the first time story play through or the Event tab mode then Feats cannot be accomplished.

  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    was the normal mode , couldnt do the event cause didnt find a group for the raid stage
  13. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Someone in this thread just reported it working. I want to make sure we're on the same page here as it doesn't sound like we're talking about the same thing.

    There is no longer a requirement to do the Event nor the Normal Mode. The Story Mode is not in the queue system. It's the mission you get from Mera/Ocean Master in the open world.

    Event is on the Event Tab on the On Duty Menu. Feats cannot be completed in that content nor the Story version (the long version).

    1 Player tab on the On Duty menu is the Normal mode and that is the only mode that Feats can be completed in.

  14. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I got the "Plug the Pool" feat over the weekend on the Normal version of the instance without even really trying for it.
  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yes i was doing it today so it was the normal one listed as tier8 under solos
  16. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Unfortunately this is the only report I've heard. QA, testers and myself cannot duplicate this. I just completed it internally - doing EACH plug (4 of them in total) under 15 seconds each - then I got the feat.

    I'll keep an eye on other reports but for now it can't be reproduced. If anyone else experiences this, please chime in so I can determine a common denominator.

  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    I will give it another try, i did not try to plug them as fast as possible i was trying to be as near as possible below the 15 sec mark , so i plugged them around 12sec-14sec each... maybe its the delay i have from europe which interfered with the feat.
  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    OK , i got the feat by trying to finish the solo as fast as possible , i run the solo in 10:46 and got the feat but i still dont think one has 15 sec at disposal to plug each pool.
  19. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Glad it worked for you. The data is indeed set to 15 seconds. There's no gray area for what it's set to. There may be gray area for server lag, client lag, movement speed decrease due to combat, etc. but the data does say 15 seconds.

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  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    So far today I have run the solo challenge three times.... Got the Temple Throw Down feat for 30 reinforcements in the temple with no problem at all.. actually just left Ocean Mater tucked behind his shield and blasted away at the very first moon pool until I had 30 ..then sealed then all up.

    Then on run two I grabbed Manual Over Ride by shutting off power to all jail cells in CCPD and on this last one I picked up Plug the Pool shutting down all Moon pools in under 15 seconds each. Honestly didn't think I even had that one since it too a couple seconds to located the right stone on the first one but basically I just went and grabbed a big stone head each time and sealed the pool before i attacked anything.

    Happy to report no issues like I found the other day where Orm just has a hissy fit and decided not to play anymore . Evereything went off as intended

    Did have one small thing I am waiting back to get clarification on from Re Five over on the rewards thread but I'll bring it up here too .. Love the new treasure chest at the end of the temple portion.. Now is that thing supposed to hand me a reward each time I click it? Because I got deluge small treasure box from it on missions 1 and 3 but got nothing no missions 2 and I KNOW I clicked it. The "E" had even disappeared from above.
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