Test Discussion Episode 31: Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Red Five, Mar 15, 2018.

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  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Has the Drysuit belt been rendered as a pizza/disk so it can be incorporated into slimmer styles as well as the bulky one it’s primarily for? I noticed you’ve been doing that with the last few waist styles you’ve released :)
  2. Brav Well-Known Player

    I also Noticed that the Journal Mission Reward for "Conquer the Conquerors" (329 Open World CC Defeats) Is Missing. (This could be because I picked upped the Mission Before 218 though I'm sure there still should have been some Type of Reward. And I am now above 218 and the Reward for that Mission is Still Missing/Wasn't Updated).
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Starro Weekly Bounty: Missing Purple Gear?
    I've spent a lot of time this weekend grinding base items from the weekly Starro Bounty. Despite all the boxes I've opened, I haven't received a single piece of 203 Purple Spindrift gear, not even as a choice in the loot picker.

    I have seen purple 190 gear as an option on the loot picker, so I'm wondering if perhaps they haven't been added to the loot table or if perhaps they are being excluded because of the glitch which is showing me both the end-game scaling gear and event scaling gear as choices in the same loot picking screen.
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  4. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    At one point in my testing I received a the regular Spindrift head as a style item. I thought the regular version was a purple gear drop/vendor item, and the enhanced was the style only item.
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I am seeing the exact same thing Tori and I reported it. I've had three pieces of purple gear in Reward boxes that dropped while battling the Giant Starro.. all 3 were Cr 190.... Five combat ratings lower the the gear i had on Both my DPS and troll sides.

    Actually I have not been keeping REALLY close tabs as to exactly what has been available in every box but I have now battled Starro 47 times over the past few days (working on the feat and evaluating just how BAD Starro's damage is now). Every single reward box I have opened has at least 1 if not 2 pieces of gear (green, blue or purple) that is at or below CR 190 ( the 3 purples being the CR 190) while the others range between CR 187 and 188.

    Now as I mentioned yesterday when i submitted my report that means that half the as much as half the gear they are offering us a a reward is lower in CR than gear we can obtain doing the daily mission on earth 3 that cyborg hands out. It's not working as intended but they are still working on a fix.. Tomorrow is Monday when everyone is back to work maybe we will see a change for the better by Tuesday?
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Seems like it's just a problem with distribution. We typically only get offered 2 pieces of gear. But we're being shown 4 and every time it's 2x Event gear and 2x End game gear. I'd expect when it's fixed for it to return to just 2 gear options per box, though and hopefully the end-game Purple gear will be part of it :)
  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Has anyone gotten their hands on the new mera gear? Im curious to know if its got an emblem spot on the chest style. It would look great for the "Man of Steel/Justice League" movie look if it does.
  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Did you really look at the Mera style ? There's no way you can add a chest emblem it's cut way to low to add anything to it.
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah most seem to be 2 GOOD choices and two that can be summarized as "I am already wearing stuff better that THAT" I have seen some we three good choices and the MORE choices the better but I'll gladly settle for 2 that both have the ability to enhance my CR.... and I am sure that once they get it fixed the "purple " gear will be CR 202? 203? Hey I am getting blue stuff that's 201. :D
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    The new gear has yet to drop .. nothing on the vendor to buy but furniture. They did it on purpose fro what i am told.. Want us to test the content at Cr 224 first to get a feel for how hard or WAY TO EASY it will be when the thing goes live and a pile of us show up at that rating.

    SUPPOSEDLY the new gear will be available NEXT WEEK? No idea exactly what that means .. Is this MONDAY next week? Or since they have a habit of starting up new stuff on Tuesdays is that next week?

    Pretty sure it wont be too long.. heck there are a bunch of us farming the Giant Starro bounty and in 2 days I have my TEST Drone at Cr 227 already just from reward boxes. I've already been on an alert and a raid with players at CR 230+ So the days of "let them test it as CR 224s are rapidly going away anyway. My GUESS would be we will see the new armor before the week is out.

    DISCLAIMER: The statement above is only a GUESS and the forumite is in no way liable if new armor does not show up until NEXT MONDAY not this one. He does not work for Daybreak and has no insider information so DO NOT run around screaming.. "We will all have the new gear TOMORROW!"

    God I just know that won't help but hey I tried LOL
  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Yeah actually is plenty of room on it.
  12. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Hopefully with the 80th celebration / AC1000 event (supposedly) starting in April it won't be needed.
    (Crosses fingers so hard they can never be uncrossed again) Come on devs and legal team, dont let us down, push for that Superman Suit!
  13. Chicken Well-Known Player

    Recruit soders also drop in event versions of E3 content when you are below level 30. It is just plain old extreme soder with a different name.
  14. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Are Base Generator mod plans supposed to be loot drops in this episode? I noticed the plans were not on the vendor in this episode. Instead, I was getting them as loot drops in content.
  15. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    Starro Spores currency from last year's event - currency conversion needed

    I have by far over 200 Starro Spores on my main alone.

    As it seems that the currency has changed into Atlantean Crowns now, can we please have a currency exchange consumable like there used to be in the early days?

    Since it is from the same content, it would only be fair to convert those 1 <=> 1.

  16. Red Five Developer

    This is a known issue that will be fixed. Looks like a lot of you saw this - thanks for all the feedback and details!
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  17. Red Five Developer

    Are you seeing both Starro Spores and Atlantean Crowns in your currency tab? Your spores should have changed into crowns automagically.
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  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Already announced in the live stream that the event currency will be converted to the episode currency 1:1. Forum the sounds of it, this will happen automatically with the launch of the episode.

    Edit: unless I'm mistaken, we won't see the conversion on test. Last year we had to different test server builds, one to test the revamp and one to test content/game update for live. The current test server builds is based off the revamp test environment last year, so none of the characters on test would have the event currency.
  19. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    I was referring to a character on the live server, which of course was not subject to the automatted conversion yet.

    Was not aware of that this will happen, sorry for the false alarm then. :)
  20. The Game Well-Known Player

    The OP collection are dropping without that feat. I've gotten several of them already.
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