Test Discussion Winter Seasonal: Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Nov 17, 2017.

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  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Where's the falling snow? Snow - Small Area and Snow - Large Area?

    I might give this seasonal a complete miss. :(
  2. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Wow! These rewards are absolutely awesome!
    They are so inexpensive, and something fun that takes away from the continuous greedy grind of the game for a few minutes.
    Thanks Devs! I was considering if I should take advantage of that Membership sale going on; and now you've shown me what I need to do!
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  3. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Wow! I'm even more excited!
    I see that the Seasonal pays 1 Prestige for running the Alert!
    You are sooo generous!
    Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You might want to be careful with sarcasm. Considering all the changes to Best-gear-in-Vendor VS. Pricing or Omnipotence Items they might indeed think that they are on the right course ... :(
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  5. Nemesis Galvatroy Level 30

    Just another way to get people out of money lol y’all greedy but hey who am I to say anything
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  6. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    i was wondering why no falling snow myself. We got rain with RwC, so why not?
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  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think everyone's missing the point. Do you guys really believe the whole "the price is this because it's scaleable" thing? Taking away the scalable component wouldn't make it any cheaper, lol. It's priced like this because they sell seasonal currency now. That's the only reason.

    The bad: in-game obtaining of rewards now means tons upon tons of grinding. Players getting fed up. The general feeling that we keep getting less and less for members.

    The good: some seasonal styles have been cooler and more detailed, intricate, etc. than in the past. Think of it almost as like another style set in a TC, but an alternate means of acquiring it. It's also content that can entice free players to spend something on the game for.

    Conclusion: I'm on the fence on this one, still waiting to see how the collections for the 4-star feat turn out. Also curious to see if all the collections are going to drop in game, or if there will be a rare collection on vendor (adding even more to the total) like in past seasons, for some exhorbitant amount like 200-300 marks and they just haven't put it up yet.

    The styles for most seasonals are cooler than in the past, but the grind is understandably taxing at this point. Not a big fan of captain cold personally, either.
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  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  9. Korlick Loyal Player

    So...this truly is a season of greed.

    Full set of gear in a seasonal...this is madness.
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  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Know it's falling on deaf ears but these "reward" costs are ridiculous. Seasonals have turned into endless grind or pay up.
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  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thats the part i continue to not understand. Why do we as players need this alternative way to level? There is already skip to 100cr token, TC gear, vault gear, and episode vendor/drop gear for this. Leveling through a seasonal isnt needed at all.
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  12. recoil Committed Player

    plus the stuff in the vendor isn't all that great this time. what exactly are the rewards for the winter collection?
  13. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    What is the max CR of this new gear?

    Honestly if you want to put gear for sale I am fine with it. So long as you allow other players to just buy the style. Every time this gear comes around it is obsolete already. I just collect the style and salvage. What is worse is the junk gear is so expensive i can't get it on all the alts I want.

    So in short give us the option to just buy the style, 5 marks per style. For those of us that play content and do not need the gear.
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  14. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I was really hoping for falling snow too!!!!

    I hope there is still time
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  15. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Testing feedback: the Captain Cold gear feat and the base item feat checklists both correctly update (ex. collect the head and the checklist shows you've collected the head). The pengbot totem description said it could only freeze certain base items (Christmas trees, wreaths, presents, and totems). I only had Teekl and ISIS (both of which are listed as totems) in my base on test, and just waited for a few minutes, and neither of them were frozen by the new pengbot. It may just be that I didn't wait around long enough though, but I'm looking forward to seeing a frozen Ambush Bug on live, so please make sure the "totems" part of this is actually working.

    Other feedback: I'm glad that there aren't collection pieces for the two new collections in the vendor (I just hope drop rates aren't ridiculously low), and that the new pengbot is also not part of a feat. However, I am still very annoyed that you have continued the trend of scaling gear in seasonals after so much negative feedback over the past year (and so many other ways to currently get scaling gear, not to mention that scaling gear is only beneficial in about 4-5 places while leveling, otherwise it just servers as a way to prolong the gearing process). I would vent more about this, but its been said earlier in this thread and every seasonal for the past year.

    I'm not sure why you felt the need to add an enhanced style to a seasonal, but I'm thankful that there are no feat points attached to it.

    Also, I'm disappointed that there isn't a patch of falling snow in this seasonal.
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  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Is there anyway we can get across that?

    Does every seasonal cosmetic now have to be attached behind a Gear Box? What about players whom don't need it but just want the style? There should be a choice between getting a gear box or getting the style individually, and right now that's not what your offering players.

    Right now you're forcing players to either get the gear box, or just avoid getting the style completely; where's the options here? That's like being told you have to buy a PS4+Video Game Bundle, yet the only thing your wanting is the PS4 it's self, not the games included in the bundle.

    It's cool that the style's there to help people level up, but as plenty of testers on here have said: There's plenty of other ways to get geared up in this game via the event content and via the vault. So what about them? What about players who believe that they already have enough ways to get geared up, are they supposed to just get the gear box regardless if they don't want it?

    Seasonals shouldn't be catered to just leveling up and gear boxes, there should be other ways to obtain cosmetics. If I don't want a gear box, I shouldn't be forced to get it.
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  17. Ully Committed Player

    This is exactly how I feel. Personally, I just don't see the logic in grinding like crazy for inferior gear, when a better alternative can be implemented for players that are at top cr. It's such a limited system and I think it would be best if the devs provided another avenue for players to obtain just the style without the gear.
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  18. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    What's the point in complaining? So you can catch the bone they'll throw at you?
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    There were times the devs changed stuff without adding a monkey-paw-effect. One can hope and dream :)
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Again why are the styles given gear attached? I have yet to see someone actually buy them and go "thanks devs I definitely loved spending x amount of days grinding this and get a scaling gear that barely got me one CR higher so now I can be better and ready to help the team."

    Honestly it's a blatant greed addition that is continually stealing the fun out of any seasonal.

    You guys just keep seeing how far you can go before we freak out and then pull back a little to say that you listen to feedback all the while it is still added and sets precedent so you can do it again. Frogs eventually die if you slowly bring the water temperature up.

    And another four star feat?! So since the Halloween freebie was appreciated you snuck another or is this a way of being lazy and not adding more feats that will equal 100 points?!
    • Like x 7
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